Graham Priest - 'Everything and Nothing' (Robert Curtius Lecture of Excellence)

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Prof. Graham Priest (CUNY) delivers the Robert Curtius Lecture of Excellence 2017 at the International Centre of Philosophy NRW at Bonn University with a talk about "Everything and Nothing"
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I loved it when he was going over the overview of the lecture. It played out like a standup comedy routine when he said, “I’m going to talk about everything, but first I want to say more about nothing!”


Priest is actually tasting the conversation.


But being serious, is a really good talk. Love it.


Is the Markus mentioned at the beginning of this video the same Markus Gabriel of "The World Does not Exist?"


“Nothingness” is not object, it is subject. Subjective experience (consciousness) is the ground of reality.


Who is here from TOE with Curt Jaimungal ?


This entire talk leads to Graham Priest's favourite subject - dialetheism. Yet he only uses that word once - right at the end. Yes, contradictions are real.


Also: the proof that the nothing isn't an object didn't convince me. In the first line, where Prof. Priest spells out the definition of overlap btw x and the nothing, I think it is illegaly assumed that the overlap must be by a proper part of n, whereas it can be by an improper part, namely n itself. So, every object contains n (the nothing adheres or sticks to objects as it were) and there is no problem.


The contradictory structure of reality sure reminds me of the Scala type hierarchy


This could have absolutely been a Monty Python skit, I came here after his conversation on The Theory of Everything podcast, it would be a nightmare to have an argument with Graham, his definitive use of language to be descriptive could easily make the available person dizzy, peace


I don't know what I was just converted to, but apparently I believe in nothing now. And also I don't believe in it. But I do. But don't.


fun times. he's indulging my inner highschooler.


It seems to me, you can't have Everything without Nothing, and vice versa. If that's right, Nothing is part of Everything and, therefore, something.


Nothing is everything because is about perceiving one's own body and the behavior of what it does, one's own mind and the thoughts and emotions which appear in it and the world/environment and the seemingly external events which happen in it SIMILAR to each other. So there is no differentiation between what happens outside or inside; what is culturally defined as the physical boundaries of a person. We normally say 'I think, I breathe and it rains'. if you look closer, some people say 'I think, it breathes and it rains'. but you do not control any of your thoughts; they appear like the rain; so better 'it thinks, it breathes, it rains'. But if you have a felt experience of this (classically called a mystical experience or in atheist terms an ecological experience); you understand that 'It is I'; because 'you are It'. So 'I think, I breathe AND I rain' is suitable real. If 'it rains' outside, YOU are raining, because thinking, breathing and raining are just a temporary CONTENT of who you are; the KNOWING REALITY in which all content happens. Content and context are the same; they are your reflected constructs. This does not mean that you have the personal volition to change them; but by the personal unconditionally accepting of what is; the continuous acceptance of change; you impersonally construct the whole of reality which will (as a consequence) benefit you personal. The felt moment this makes sense for you; aka the very moment just before you reflect on all of this with your thought, you experience what is called grace. And that HERENOW-experience of Self (outside spacetime) is the felt container in which the bodymindworld (or all phenomenal content) happens.


Graham pulled a Seinfeld and did a show about nothing. 😀


24:46 please take it out of context :)


If nothingness is contradictory, how do we know whether NOT a nothingness, that is being an object is not contradictory also? If *n* is what it is and at the same time it is NOT what it is, then how can i dentify distinct "objects?" by saying they are NOT *n* ??? That is precisely what *n* itself IS and isn't at the same time. It seems that objects that are not nothingness, also are nothingness at the same time. WTF?


I like Priest, so i'm an anarcho-capitalist and i'm not an anarcho-capitalist.


So God exists and doesn’t exist at the same time.


Even if he spoke for another 1, 000 minutes instead
of 54:20 minutes.

It wouldn't make him any more credible.

It is and remains an empty sleight of hand to try
to bring Nothing into a relationship in some way.

Or to want to conjure it up with other rabbits from
the same hat with far-reaching conceptual efforts.

I'd rather study Nichts und Zeit by Hartwig Schmidt,
Metaphysica dialectica - Urtümliche Figuren.

There we get closer to the matter.
