Linux Mint vs... Linux Mint (Debian Edition)

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Welcome to another Mint-tastic episode of Veronica Explains!

Today, I'm talking about Linux Mint, and Linux Mint Debian Edition, or LMDE. I used both Linux Mint versions for the last few weeks on my everyday laptop. Both are great, for sure. So why is LMDE positioned as an "alternative" to the Ubuntu-based "flagship" edition in the first place?

Let's talk about how these two distros work, and I'll share my thoughts.

Links you might like (not affiliate links or anything like that, I just think they're neat):

And lastly, my self promotion, which pays the bills for Veronica Explains:

0:00 I say "greetings" and introduce today's Minty Madness
1:20 What's LMDE about, anyway?
3:51 Why make a Linux Mint Debian Edition in the first place?
4:56 Mint vs LMDE- head to head
8:25 Veronica "games"
9:19 I just think LMDE is neat

#linux #linuxmint #debian
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Hi all! Going to promote someone else's merch for a change. :)

Those of you asking where to get it- that's where! Go get one! 6! 5! Oh! 2!


Easily swappable NVMe drives would be nice but I think the connectors have a relatively low insertion counts unlike most external ports like USB.


After a failed career in truck driving for too many weight violations, my friend Overload decided to take up programming. Although he was excited about the idea of operator overloading, it did not actually involve putting more stuff in a container than it was rated for.

He was confused. He did not know what to do. He was ready to give up. His CDL would not be reinstated for another 120 days, so he could not go back to commercial driving, which was more in line with his comfort zone.

At this point, programming was his only hope, but how was he going to grasp the concept of operator overloading?

Well he came for me to help, which I was glad to provide. I led Overload to a set of C++ references that covered the concept in detail and provided examples for him to follow. He was able to keep his programming job and would not return to a life of DOT violations.


Alright Veronica, you have won me over. Your tutorials have helped me through some pretty gnarly stuff, and when you said that you prefer the LMDE, I had to subscribe. Thanks for what you do. I have used Linux, starting with Caldera 2.3, way back in 1998, since reading the EULA of the 800 pound gorilla. Thinking I would dual boot my W '95 desktop with Linux on the same hard drive, I didn't thoroughly read the book and wiped the W '95 system. I had to learn this stuff fast. That was when Linux really couldn't do everything like it can now. Of course since I didn't know computers other than the hardware, I didn't know what I didn't know. Thank goodness, even before things like blogging and video content there were always folks smarter than me willing to help out. Now I get to watch your presentation style and have a great time learning what you share. Thanks Veronica, I love when you 'splain things to me.


the way you explain concepts is so wonderful! I went from one of your videos to the next, shocked at how easy you make things to understand. thank you!! :--) <3


Yes, please explain back ports, etc. Super helpful


LED Overload!

I'd be interested to see the comparison of vanilla Debian vs. LMDE. Also, cart dumper? That's an exciting tease!


Started with Ubuntu fifteen years ago. It was Arch Linux that really made me understand what freedom is. LMDE was in the path also. Great piece of art Veronica! Thank you for your dedication.


Another great video Veronica. I started dabbling with Linux back in the late 90's and have tried out 45 different distros over the course of my Linux adventure. Linux Mint was the one distro that scratched every itch, so I installed and ran Mint on a refurbished laptop starting in 2015, and switched to LMDE 6 when it became available. My secondary Desktop is also running LMDE 6, while my my primary desktop is dual-booting Mint-LMDE 6. I like both versions, and both 'just work'.


Always love to see your new uploads, Veronica! My family loves Mint.


Amazing video as usual! c: This is really informative! I've been using Linux Mint for a long time now and this makes me wanna try LMDE! I also agree so much with 04:07. Having a backup plan like that sounds great.
Also: 11:43 Yes please!! A video on backports would be really nice! :D


Happy to see you making more videos. I'm looking forward to your ROM dumping video!


LMDE 6 is so good that it became my daily driver since it was released. To avoid dividing their efforts, the Mint team should consider putting an end to the Ubuntu line and make LMDE even more awesome!!!


LED Overload! I've always had a soft spot for Mint, it's one of those distro's that seems to focus on getting the job done. I've started to poke around at the LMDE version just for funsies. You mentioned running Debian Sid in the video, and I'd be curious to see a comparison of Stable v Testing v Unstable branches of Debian...


Thanks Veronica, I used LMDE as a daily driver back when they first released it - when it was a pseudo rolling distro. Have always had a special place in my heart for LMDE as a result. That being said, I currently run Pop_OS! as I tend to game a bit, and appreciate the updated kernel and mesa drivers. Am considering a change soon though.... Kinda like the ethos of Tumbleweed, although have always run into "issues" with the firewall when I have used it in the past (printers, I'm looking at you!).

Thanks again for the content, and hoping you have a great festive season.

Btw, LED overload - as a gamer I feel that keenly, as apparently everything needs to glow like unicorn vomit....


this was a lovely video. Zero filler, all info, quick and concise, nicely presented, just great info, thanks!


Wonderful content as usual. Your enthusiasm for all things Linux makes your topics more interesting and helps me on my open source journey. Also I love that you are comfortable with word, "swell".


Please please please make a video (or point me to a pre made?) with your personal thoughts/experiences comparing snaps/flatpak/packages (maybe even tarballs?).

NO litigations or arguments needed, just super curious, and would like some trusted wisdom.

Maybe it'd be LED overload ;D, or opinion overload, but I heavily and sincerely appreciate your framing and perspective on such often absurdly contentious issues.


Mint is the distribution I recommend to every user who wants to start with Linux. When I worked at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, it was the distro I installed in the labs to run VMs and keep the PCs running (used LMDE for that). For a long time my primary distro was Mint KDE. Really miss it hehe.
I would love a series of videos on LMDE and Debian from the desktop user perspective, comparing it to the Ubuntu based versions and to Ubuntu itself. I feel that with flatpak and a little customization, LMDE can be a GREAT distro for everyday use. Love your videos!


Since I use Linux Mint, any additional information is great for me. Thank you! I love your presentations!
