7 Steps to Unf*ck Your Testosterone

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7 Steps to Unf*ck Your Testosterone

1. Get 7-8 hours of sleep
2. Lower your body fat
3. Get vitamin D
4. Lift weights
5. Reduce your stress
6. Lower your alcohol consumption
7. Don’t lose too much fat

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I've been in healthcare for some 28 years now and actually started out as a personal trainer and eventually went on to exercise physiology and about a decade ago I started extensive training in integrative functional medicine. All the tips you pointed out are spot on! However, I'd like to get a bit more technical and add a couple more. First of all, it is very difficult to get good sleep if your hormones are low or not optimized. You are basically on a hamster wheel gaining no ground - and because sleep is so important, your hormones continue to suffer AND you continue to NOT get good deep sleep!

The second thing is liver health! We are exposed to countless xenoestrogens and those estrogens take up space on the receptors and block protective estrogens which in turn causes a host of health issues later in life like cancer! Using a low EMF infrared sauna 20 minutes per day for at least 5 days per week along with using a supplement called push/catch by Quick Silver can help detox your liver and improve both liver and gallbladder function. A lot more to this as well....

Another thing is eating more often and taking in adequate protein in order to lower SHBG which in turn boosts your free testosterone levels. This works great as long as you are lean and not overly obese. Too much fat and you have excess aromatization which in turn causes a host of problems. So, as he pointed out - lose body fat and from my experience it's not that difficult IF you start by cutting out ALL WHITE carbohydrate foods or anything that contains white carbohydrate foods. Incorporate resistance training and simply go for fast comfortable paced walks that won't have you breathing like you ran a marathon. These things will melt body fat considering you have optimal liver health AND your hormones are somewhat okay as they will improve as the fat comes off.

Check your thyroid function. Make sure you are properly converting T4 to T3 and NOT converting T4 to reverse T3. If you are converting to too much reverse T3 it means your body is under some type of stress. Find the cause and fix it. It could be diet related, exercise related, sleep related, emotional, sickness, and the list goes on and on. BUT, if your thyroid is not up to par you can forget about losing body fat!

In addition to infrared sauna I also recommend red light therapy as this helps boost mitochondria function and so much more....

One more thing. IF you have gut issues then that can effect your sleep as well. Leaky gut can cause food sensitivities which in turn causes excess histamine in your body. You can forget about getting a good night's sleep if you have excess histamine caused by allergies, food sensitivities, etc.. If you suspect this - get a plasma histamine and Galectin 3 test to see where your levels are. If your histamine is high, then find the cause and fix it. Okay, I will stop here as I can go on forever. Great video!


Sleeping at THE RIGHT TIME is critical too - not too late, after 11pm is a no no!


2 things to help sleep
1. Don't eat or drink anything but water 4 hours before you go to sleep
2. 5 hours before you go to sleep, Take anti inflammatory supplements. You will get the best sleep when your body is in an Anti-inflammatory state. I usually take Tumeric, apple cider vinegar, black seed oil capsules and down them with tart cherry or organic lemon juice.

I suffer from a sleep disorder and this routine helps my sleep tremendously


Upping your magnesium helps with the vast majority of this stuff. Mag helps with sleep, balancing electrolytes, leading to better hydration, lowers cortisol, the stress hormone and has more then 300 functions in the body. Look up how to make 'magnesium bicarbonate', HIGHLY bioavailable over any pill you can ever take. Also, I've been reading up on fats, and you want tons of it, specifically saturated fat and cholesterol. Cholesterol is the precursor for all sex hormones in man and women, hell, if you look at them side by side and they're almost identical. Fats aren't the boogeyman the "health" industry made them out to be. The absolute best way to unfuck your test is to eliminate sugar. It's highly estrogenic.


thanks for those tips bro, nice info!


All this stuff was so easy in my 20's 30's and 40's. Just wait till you get into your 50's. LOL! that's another world. I believe his suggestions are excellent. Just get difficult when you get older. I believe an hour lifting weight is minimum. Lifting weight, not sitting on a machine looking at your phone! So irritating.


It's nighttime and I'm watching this video on my phone with nightmode on and my bluelight blocking glasses on, and with my yellow night light on, and the rest of the lights off. I am on intermittent fasting, and drinking green tea. I am also on keto diet when I can. I also do some short exercises and do.cold showers during the day. I will try weight exercises when I can.


How you get screen like that with your face on it well you record the document 📃?


Exquisite video bro but I didn't understand something about point 6, why would you want a high cortisol release if it is the stress hormone ?


Last September i tested at 783ng/dl at 35 years old(no vado for my Age), i am under 10% bf, i Will implement the sunlight in the morning, reduce Blue light before sleep and implement 10k steps i Hope i Will be able to get to 900 Ng/dl


I love the fact, that guy literally created presentation in Power Point to make a video)
Good information though


So what's the thumbnail for then?
Not mentioned at all.
Does mention Wim Hof breathing....


Tim Ferris : take out smartphone from pocket.


you said give you 3 mins WTF? I'm already at 10.


Not really helpful for a night shifter that morning sunlight bit


why the heck a hot shower?
a cold shower has the effect, when you relax afterwards, your blood pressure drops and you get sleepy


hey i weigh 106.4 LBS i hear its really bad but i cant even gain weight do i have to work out to gain weight?


Real low testosterone needs to be addressed by a doctor. Most dudes are just feeling the regular effects of aging and wanting something to blame and have never actually felt real low testosterone.


Lifting weights at 70% is the most effective for increasing testosterone.


To lower your body fat do intermittent fasting and calorie restriction.
You need to get your body into ketosis if possible and then do cardio.
