How To Live A Simple Life In Complex Times

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Striving for simplicity in a world of complexity.

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We live in a complex world that is getting more complex every single day. And in this complex world, it is important to make intentional decisions to strive for more simplicity in life. In this video, I share five different strategies I use to seek a more simple life in these complex times.

1. Strengthen Your Weak Ties

There are two main classifications when it comes to relationships: strong ties and weak ties. Strong ties are close people in your life that you trust and rely on like, family, friends, and coworkers. Weak ties are people in your life who aren't strangers, but aren't close like, the barista, the barber, and the cashier. And in this complex world, we often focus on strengthening our strong tie relationships, but disregard our weak tie relationships. In this complex world, it is important to see the value in these weak tie relationships and focus on strengthening them.

2. Help Others

In the book, "The Book of Joy," the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu speak about joy and how, "Joy is achieved by helping others." In our complex world, we often focus on ourselves and try to become happy by seeking things in the material world; however, the more self centered your life is, the more depressed you will become. As humans, we get the most amount of joy when we are helping other people. And in these complex times, it is important to do small acts of kindness that help other people.

3. Limit Your Options

As the world becomes more complex, we are given an abundance of options when we buy something. Having this abundance of options can often stress you out and make you second guess your decisions. There is a beauty in having less options in life because it removes some of the stress in the decision making process. In these complex times, we need to make intentional decisions to limit our options and make the decision making process more simplistic.

4. Guard What Comes In Your Mind

With the rise of the internet and big data, we are constantly being pulled in from all directions to consume information. If you are not cautious with what you are consuming, it can affect your emotions in a negative way. And as the world becomes more complex, it is important to consume information intentionally and protecting what type of content you consume.

5. Ya Mismo

"Ya mismo" is an Ecuadorian expression that is used with time and it basically means, "I don't know, but don't worry because it'll eventually work out." As the world becomes more complex, the more we feel the need to be productive and use our time wisely; however, this can often lead to a bunch of stress and anxiety. In these complex times, we need to embrace this concept of "ya mismo" and not worry too much because things always work out.

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How do you live a simpler life in a complex world?


My 12 year old and I had a chat last night about being lonely. He said that when he's lonely, he watches videos on his phone or plays video games or Legos. He said that's fine. It's okay to be lonely. We have each other and work/school friends. Best just rest when it's quiet. He's my favorite new philosopher! 🥰


I deleted my Social media accounts 14 months ago. Best decision I have made


Guard whats in your mind. So much yes! "Your Mind is your garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds".


Been doung this all along. Actually my weak relationships are best as I am an introvert and STOPPED trying to be outgoing, life of the party etc. I also don't like family politics so stopped trying to engage much there. My culture does not match my spirit so I am no contact with all except one sibling.

I used to help others but don't anymore because the helping has become commercialized in many cases. But occassionally I donate anonymously if I know for sure there is REAL need.

For sure distraction is a BIG problem with all the ads, flashing lights, bells, whistles, go go calls, announcements etc. These things are also commercialized now and designed to separate you from your money. The pandemic was a godsend for getting away from all that for awhile.

Good video.


I absolutely agree with what you say at 8:54. These days there is so much unrelenting coverage of worldwide disasters that even though we sympathise with the victims, sometimes the onslaught of information is overwhelming. Thank you Agustin for the reminder to be selective about what we consume mentally because we need to guard our own mental health too.


I totally agree with you about the content we let into our lives. Social media can be pretty terrible at times. People can be very mean to each other. I don’t want to participate in that.


The doorman at BJ'S is Chris. He's been with the company for 10 years. He does the schedule. He also does the hiring. Simone works at the resort that watches my pets. They call it a resort because the pets get play time. I just met her. Terri has been at the vet for over 20 years. She works at the desk. Philadelphia has a Chinatown. I have a favorite bakery there. Minimalism simplifies so much. While we were in Western PA, I went through our camping supplies and weeded more out. My husband laughed and said you never stop decluttering.


Yesterday I decided to take a leaf from Mr Austin's book, and just spend time in my flat, cleaning and decluttering it. I had the best time! I found things I had lost, and started reading books I had forgotten. I spent no money. You are my hero! I think so often we think we need to go out and party all the time ( seriously expensive in the UK). But deciding to follow your own path is much more fulfilling. Thank you!


Coming from one of the South Asian countries and living in USA for 20 years, I can tell that people are more available in South Asian countries than in USA.

In USA people are always self focused and time focused, always in hurry. That creates lots of issues in life like people being distant, being perfect, finding too many flaws in others and eventually USA is relatively a very lonely nation. When people are lonely and so many mental health crisis, divorced, addictions. You can go on and on.

When there is very little closeness in the culture, society, or in country, there are all kinds of other issues arises.


I normally try to lead a simple life as much as I can so that I don't have to worry about certain things in life all of the time. I try to keep my plans to a minimum so that if I find out about an event last minute on a weekend, I can go to it without displacing any other commitments. On the flip side of this, I wind up planning out most of my activities when I go on vacation and it tends to make my vacation more stressful than I want it to be. Another way to live a simpler and more enjoyable life is to keep routines. Doing the same process in the morning will keep things quite simplified and easy to manage.


I have been binge watching your videos. I really appreciate your wisdom


‘Guard what comes in to your mind’. 😊


Young man, you have incredible knowledge for your age. Keep up the Good work. GOD Bless.


Original topic of : Weak Ties. I will value others so much more, because of this video. 💜. Gracias!


I love number 1. Since I started my stay-at-home phase, I started to enjoy small community living and relationships.


Thank you, Augustino! Just came home from a little walk through the forest nearby, found the wild garlic is growing now, took a few leaves home. I met a few people and since Corona time i found out, people are much more friendly to each other, i gave everyone a smile and got a smile back from everybody!


Oh wow, I never opened up a Facebook acct and don't think I have missed anything. Thanks for confirming this.


thanks austin.. although im in debt im still supporting you..


I love it! ❤ You are correct, NYC is very stressful and I can attest to it, I am a resident of this city.
