What if I Just Want to Live a Simple Life?

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We live in a world where aspirational living is presented to us everyday. Do you ever wonder if it's okay to just want a simple life, free from the desires to chase the luxurious lifestyles presented to us by algorithms and media? Is it okay to not be ambitious? Let's talk about that today.

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This is exactly how I live now. No debt, no fancy labels. Gave up Facebook and limiting the internet overall. Days feel slower, calmer, happier. Suddenly have all this extra time for reading etc. I’ve never really been materialistic. If something is functional that’s what matters, not how much it cost or what it looks like.


"I have no interest in competing with other people..." Thank you


It happened to me at 40. No social media. Work 4 days not 5. I started feeling repelled by consumer burnout and wanted less material. Cleared out my home. I appreciate a hot bath, warm tea and time with family. Now at 42 soon, I'm happiest with less


The whole point of wealth for me is freedom. My magic number in my mind is 5 million needed at 65 to not worry about anything. Am i better off investing a good portion of my income into stocks or saving my earnings to achieve this goal?


I love watching the birds eat the feed I provided, reading a book, and seeing others happy.


I say this exact thing all the time. I just want a simple life. I want peaceful days and restful nights.


You are so right! I am now 60 years old and I always wanted to live a simple, debt free life. I was able to reach that goal in my mid-fifties. My wife and I are fortunate to live just a few mile from city center but in a condo adjacent to a beautiful river and parks. I have a morning routine of having a coffee, interesting discussions with my wife, reading the newspaper. The rest of the day is pretty much free for doing what I like. I limit my interactions with people who are talking only about themselves and their possessions. That includes limiting interactions with family members when I’m able to avoid a family reunion. I own an iPhone 7, it works perfectly fine! I take long walk in the woods and long bike rides in the country side. This lifestyle allows me to take my 86 year old mother for lunch every second week and spend quality time with her, i fully realize that her time left on this planet is now limited. I refuse to compare myself or to compete with others about money, possessions, etc.


I love the simple, minimalist lifestyle


Yes I’ve always said I want a small, simple life. Just full of love, joy, gratitude and giving.


Beautifully said. Society seems to be going to hell in a hand basket. I don't even own a hand basket anymore; I donated it to my local thrift shop.


Love this. Gave up social media 18 months ago and it's been bliss! Only watch the news from time to time because I feel it gives nothing to society and only makes me miserable.

We rent our house because we simply cannot afford to buy (Australia is obscenely expensive), and so it is what it is. I have accepted that I will be renting for the rest of my life.

I limit how much I work (at my low-paying but very low-stress job) because I have caring responsibilities, and I refuse to sacrifice my mental and physical wellbeing on the altar of consumerism. It gives me time to read, cook, garden, write, create, spend time with friends and family, and to enjoy my life.

This is worth more than money. ❤


"Let's not lose sight of the beauty of contentment. " 🎉


Went on a 2.5 hr drive yesterday to visit family and drove the speed limit. Every single semi, truck and car passed by me, and some passed me by a 15 -20mph margin. I simply wasn’t up to barreling and racing to keep up with the world rather choosing to stay in my lane and enjoy the little trip. Must we fly everywhere, all the time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in a fit of rage and “productivity?” I just want quiet and settled peace and I aim to live my life this way.


You have your life on the right track. I took early retirement at 54 and my life has been just amazing after leaving the rat race. I drive a 20 year old car that I bought new. I considered buying a new car, but realized I'm very happy with my 20 year old car and I will drive it for many more years. My cell phone I have had for about 15 years, and everyone asks how I get by with a "stupid phone". I live life in the slow lane and enjoy it very much. Yes, less is more.


I’m with you Joshua - hustle culture is toxic


Well said, we (my husband and I) have a small simple homestead and it brings us much joy, we dont grow enough of anything to "live independently" and are fine with the realization that we need others, God designed us to be part of a community. Its a joy to find something you are good at and enjoy doing and doing it in a simple way. We dont have to go over the top with things or seek to be "self sufficient" just enjoy the gifts God has given you, use them to bring him glory, share with others and its truly a joyful way to live.

The promises given by attaining more are empty and will never satisfy. Jesus brings joy and He says with food and ramient be content. He knows just what we need. Overabundance, unless we give it away, becomes a burden.


Thankyou Joshua. I am working on owning less. I already live a fairly quiet life as a widow of 80 but my things are a burden i am slowly letting go. 🙏🏽💙


It was eye opening to have 1500 facebook "friends" including family and after a few weeks when I went off FB, only 2 people contacted me to see how I was. I don't have friends but I have my immediate family and the Lord.


❤You're right! I stay off social media. Not only can it make me insecure and jealous, it wastes time and causes unhappiness when I doubt myself.


We had numerous family deaths and health issues the last few years. I also have no desire in competing with people. I am also selective with who I spend time with. Peace is very important to me.
