40 Minute Water Element Yoga Nidra

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In this 40 Minute Yoga Nidra, Ally Boothroyd will guide you through a relaxation and visualization for the element of water (jala), the yin energy of chandra (the moon). This is helpful for pitta dosa, and soothe pitta elevation (fire/water element elevation). A gentle ocean wave visualization will calm, ground and balance pitta, sooth fire, anger, irritation nourish the prana maya kosha (energetic body) and invigorate svadisthana chakra.

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, ptsd and so much more. This scan takes you through the whole body, systematically relaxing every part of your being.

Yoga Nidra translates as psychic sleep and is a systematic method of inducing physical, mental and emotional relaxation, while maintaining awareness at deeper levels.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided into deep relaxation.

Scientific research has demonstrated that restorative power of just one hour of Yoga Nidra is equal to 4 hours of healthy sleep. Tension and anxiety melt away with a profound experience of muscular, mental and emotional relaxation. Yoga Nidra is a state of receptivity and creativity, blissfully rejuvenating and restorative practice that will guide you into inner calm and a state of ease and relaxation.
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Transformational sleep. Thankyou Ally..I'm finding these yoga nidras with water element so cleansing especially at the dark of the Moon. One to replay frequently. In gratitude ❤


Thank you Ally! In module 3. Woke too early today and did this one before starting my day ❤


Thank you for the nourishing deep rest.


Namaste for the the deep rest and peacefulness of this practice .Love the ocean wave sounds ebbing and flowing through me,


Checking in for my afternoon practice for module 3. I enjoy working with the water element and the ocean waves are probably my favourite background sound. Thank you. 🙏🏼


Namaste, Ally. This practice was a unique way to observe the water element in various states, its qualities, how we can learn from it, and that we are water! It was a powerful reminder that it "travels the path of least resistance" and that "without change, there is no growth, " both of which continue to resonate within me. Thank you. 10/13/23 2pm. 🌊


Thank you for this amazing flowing experience Ally @SarovaraYoga, love this practice from Module 3 and often return to it.
It brings me such a deep feeling of calmness and peace, just letting myself freely flow with the natural slow pace of my breath and following the ebbs and flows of the lights created by the breathing. Grateful for this beautiful experience 🙏🏼


Thursday 25th August 2022. " Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu- May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”. Namaste! 🙏


Thank you Ally🙏💝. The moon connection was perfect. Also I’ve a dentist’s appointment in an hour and hadn’t realised just how much I needed this. I now feel calm, ready, grounded, light, and peace filled🪷. (M3 August 2nd @06:58)


Namaste 🙏. I loved the sounds of the waves. I have Pisces sun and moon, and water meditations are very soothing and rejuvenating for me. I kept getting in my head in the earlier parts of the practice (which has never happened to me before in YN) that felt more conceptual, then I dropped more into my body while sensing all of my cells. This is the 11th anniversary (birthday!) of my bone marrow transplant for acute leukemia, which made communing with my blood and cells especially meaningful. ❤ I’ve added “we” to me she/they pronouns in part because of my experiences of the multiplicity of beings who make up “me” in YN, both in the body and deeply feeling “my” connection with all beings everywhere. The breathing from toes to crown was so cleansing and energizing! Thank you ❤


It mid afternoon 3:30 Ally, just peaceful practice.
I love the water element.
Thank you for a beautiful nidra.


loka samastha sukhinau bhavantu... thank you for closing with this... quite a different nidra practice - very poetic - but the ultimate effect was very expansive - the felt-sense of Prana... feeling energised... thank you (I'm in Transformational Sleep Training Module 2) peace...


The combination of the oceanic white noise and the soothing whispering is so relaxing, I practised yesterday and today afternoon after a very early start, and both times went into deep unconscious in the early stages, came back as it ended and then let my phone flow through the next yoga nidra on my playlist by you Ally, drifting in and out of dreams feeling very happy and got up and felt totally replenished. So this is perfect for easing into sleep, thank you as ever ❤


I started my day with a yoga nidra (straight out of bed), and am ending my day with the practice (having just done a short dirga breath practice to unwind after a stressful day at work). Felt like I was being carried by the ocean in this one 🌊 Thank you!


Thank you 🙏. I’m healing from anxiety and your yoga Nidra sessions are really helping me.


Thank you Ally for a great evening rest and restore after a long teaching day. So healing. ❤


@500am grounded and calmed by the soothing sound of waves of peacefulness washing over me. Namaste


So many reminders that my mind needed to hear and my nervous system was craving a practice like this. I have been facing some extreme jet lag and this practice was a reminder that yoga nidra truly is a medicine 🙏


Oh, forgot to say how I feel. I feel very rested and very grateful for that rest. I don’t know what will break me of this insomnia. It’s an addiction to being awake during the quiet hours. It’s the utter solitude. And probably some caffeine.


Peaceful. Especially visualizing ice to water to mist to air. Thank you.
