3 Best Golfers Elbow Treatment Exercises

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In this video we're gonna go through three of the best golfer's elbow treatment exercises to help you get back to golfing, throwing, lifting or going about your life pain-free.

Golfer's elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis and it's called that because golfers are the ones who often feel it, but it's also known as throwers elbow, because the same kind of stresses occur in the elbow.

Check out this video and start using these exercises to get you out of pain from golfer's elbow and get back on the greens as soon as possible.


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Coach E, you are the man! My elbows were in so much pain after Jiu Jitsu they were shaking and I was eating Aleve. Now my elbows, and stomach, are back to normal. I am so grateful you took the time to teach this for free. Much respect


I’m an injured pianist and those exercises are definitely helping to heal pain thanks!


FFWD to 4:00 to get the great exercises (if you already know what you're dealing with).


Thank you for the exercises. I developed symptoms of the condition through climbing.


God bless you. I felt the difference from the first set of exercise I did. Thanks


Mixing up extensors and flexors a few times but really great exercises! I'm a climber and got though my wrist pain doing these


10 years of pullups and I have severe golfers elbow in my left arm. I've had to take 2 months off lifting. I will try these


Just discovered your channel and immediately subscribed after watching this video. Succinct, to the point, and easy to understand. I particularly enjoyed how you explained the purpose of each exercise (e.g. the extended elbow flexed fist exercise "teaches" us a new motor pattern for wrist flexion without significant contribution from the elbow flexor muscles attaching at the medial epicondyle). Going to try these exercises starting today!


As a truck driver of 10 years. My right arm is worn out. Thanks for this. I noticed before this video that when i worked a little bit it would help. By the stretching of routines. But after hurt at end of day be hurting. Those 3 tips seem to help on first day. Just a little bit.but i will start using these everyday.


Wow!!! I think I'm at the chronic stage and just did one set of these and can already tell a difference. Yes, I'm going to be sore but it feels like a good sore! I'll check out the link because I definitely have shoulder issues too! Thanks!


I have had this problem on my left elbow for year. These exercises seems to hit the spot. I hope they are enough to fix the problem, because every time I start going to gym, I have to stop doing bicep curls after few sessions. This problem became chronic when I was doing too much french press at the gym.


Sounds promising, will give it a try. I am having this exact pain, but it is coming from tennis, when I am hitting my forehand, and serving. Thanks for the advise!


Amazing video. everything is clear how to treat golfer's elbow.


Couple questions:

1) When doing the forearm dumbbell curls (technique #2), why focus only on the eccentric? Nobody seems to explain this, and some videos suggest doing the concentric as well.

2) Why keep a tight grip on the dumbbell? Some recommend letting the dumbbell fall into your extended fingers at the end of the eccentric.

Thanks in advance!


I'm a provider and needed relief fast - previous golfer and injury flared up IDK why, but it was/is painful. Coach E has it going on...he's spot on! Remarkable. TY!


got this from climbing too much, looking forward to using these and getting back out there


Hi Eric, thanks for the great content! I've had golfer Elbow for about 1.5 years due to intense climbing training, tried everything and nothing did really work out. I did cortisone injections 4 months ago, I was pain free after that for 3 months but as soon as I got back into climbing the pain got back in a month stronger than before. Now the whole tendon hurts when i'm twisting it, plus I also have a strong pain on the external part of the same arm (ulnar radius side) since a year, that I never managed to heal. I will start doing these exercises straight away, any further recommendations for my specific case and for the elbow too? Thank you so much for your great content and help!


first thing I noticed from doing those movements is how unflexible I am. Very helpful video, so thanks!


Dear Eric, I have to thank you so much for making this information available to all of us. I initially watched the video and didn't think it would help me much. I have had golfers elbow for about a year from climbing outdoors. I tried resting, stretching, eccentric exercises, etc. - nothing seemed to help much. After doing exercise 1 and 3, I immediately noticed a huge difference. I have been doing these exercises twice daily for the last two weeks. I have managed to decrease my pain considerably. Progress has kinda slowed down now, what would you recommend in terms of programing? Increase reps? sets? I am increasing weight on the eccentrics very slowly, but other than that I am not sure how to progress from here.

P.S. I have eliminated years of wrist pain within the two weeks I have followed your advice. The pain is f***ing gone!!! You are awesome.


Should this routine be continued after the pain has gone away? For example, if I went to back to lifting weights, after the pain went away, would I continue doing this on top of my regular gym routine? Thanks!
