How To Pixel Art Tutorial - TIPS ARTISTS NEED TO KNOW IN 2022

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Here are the most essential tips and advice I could give to beginner pixel artists!

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How To Pixel Art Tutorial - Noob to Expert in 10 Minutes
How To Pixel Art In 10 Minutes | Pixel Art Tutorial
How To Pixel Art - Beginner To PRO Tutorial

This pixel art tutorial will help you learn the basics / fundamentals of what pixel art is and how you can get better at pixel art quickly! Learn pixel art in under 10 minutes, keep practicing these techniques until you feel you have mastered the ideas and fundamental techniques presented in this tutorial.
Learn about how to draw pixel art, defining a light source, where to start, how to stay inspired, and get creative with your artwork!

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#pixelart #gamedev #indiedev #aseprite #tutorial #pixelarttutorial #2021 #guide
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If you are looking to improve your pixel art skills in a structured education, would mean the world to me if you checked out my NEW Pixel Art Course!


The hardest part of starting pixel art is not actually drawing, but developing an eye that can tell whats good and whats wrong so that you can produce something with a little bit of trial of error, instead of drawing over and over and finally giving up.
These tips really help me get through that rough beginner stage, thanks man!


instructions unclear, accidentally made the mona lisa


People, please look for references, don't be scared of "copying" styles. It really helps A LOT and helps you understand and remember the shapes and colors of things


Sculpting is such a great tip! Fantastic work as always, Reece!


'favourite indie games' *shows pixelart of some of the biggest franchises in existence*


me and some of my friends wanna spend the next few years making a mod for a game called terraria, when i got asked i was instantly on board and said i wanted to make the sprites, i got myself aseprite and started making sprites while quickly realising that its alot harder than it looks, no matter how hard i try i just cant make good sprites but these videos are really helping so thank you!


Another brilliant pixel art tutorial! I need to use some more of these tips as I've got a very flat shaded style at the moment.


Pixel art may not be easy, but it's definetly more acessible than other art styles that requires a drawing table or stuff like that.


incredible video, please continue to make more! ❤❤


it's always amazing to me as a new pixel artist how a couple lines of color can completely change how good something looks


A tip I would give is if you're using a grid or pattern. Put something that breaks the pattern like a brick wall instead of plain boring bricks add mossy or cracked bricks and add details that are unique to one or two bricks so it look better


Let’s go! I’m gonna use this for a card game I’m working on


Great video as always! Personally I found that I learned a lot by looking at the pixel art of other skilled pixel artists. I quickly noticed that they can make incredibly and detailed looking pieces with simple techniques and very few colors. When I started with pixel art, I would use a lot of different colors for shading and highlighting but upon looking at others work, I noticed that most of them when for example making a bush would use the main color (green), one darker shade and a lighter shade for highlights. Look at others artwork and learn from them and get inspired by them, but don't copy their art style 1 on 1


This is the best vid I have seen about pixel art and I will now be using it as it is very useful thank you


thanks dude that was awesome wow nice work ty


Finally putting the axe to the grindstone and trying to get started in game dev after years of kinda just sitting on it and working a bit here and there to get pieces together before giving up, I'm realizing that jumping into the deep end on 3D gfx and trying to figure out how to use tools and editors like Blender just based on Tutorials with no formal graphics design knowledge is like jumping into white water rapids without knowing how to swim....I'm now resigning myself to learning 2D first and then wading slowly into 3D after I have developed my first game. Then I realized things about 2D that before should've been obvious but weren't really like you obviously can't control the way flat images look with a light source or shading external to how sprites and things are developed, I think I'm realizing that while simple tools are nice for beginners, to make a 2D game pop and stand out these days you need more detailed images which to make better and faster you would need some nice tools which use inherent shading and light algorithms to make the resulting images really stand out and appealing for the eye....I am wanting to figure out how to do this myself and find the best and relatively easiest software to use so I can get started quickly in my endeavor to create some cool 2D games. My background really isn't at all in graphic design or art but actually in coding and development...any tips would be greatly appreciated...


thank you. your channel is useful. it help me a lot.


Amazing content, you are so underrated! Wish you and everyone well :)


I see a lot of good tutorials, yours included, but I still struggle to make anything good, I'm so bad at this but I really want to get better at it, because I enjoy the thought of making something look good (the art itself) and also I want to make my own games. I struggle with literally everything and every time I try I get put off after a few attempts when it starts off or turns out bad.
