Why Your Fish Is Losing Color 🐠

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1.  You just bought the fish
Sometimes introducing a fish into a new environment can cause color to fade, this can especially be a problem when fish are shipped to your home.

2.  Water quality
This should be one of the first things you check if your fish is suddenly experiencing a loss of color.

The presence of ammonia or too high of nitrates can be toxic to fish, along with this other factors such as too low or too high of water temperature in the aquarium, to large a temperature fluctuation in the tank. Keeping your fish in too high or low of ph. Too high of nitrites or phosphates in the water can also cause color loss in your fish.

Testing your water as part of routine maintenance to make sure your water parameters are always in line with the species of fish you are keeping can help your fish to maintain its proper coloration

3.  Poor diet
If your fish is eating well the problem could be diet. Feeding your fish incorrectly such as a diet too high or too low in protein depending on the species you are keeping can also be a contributing factor to color loss.Always research the species of fish you are keeping to make sure they are receiving the proper diet for their kind.

4.  Tank bullies
Often fish that are being bullied or picked on by other fish will start to lose their color or may become so stressed they might start to darken in color or even appear to turn black.Keeping an eye on the behavior of the fish in your aquarium can help to determine if this is a problem and if fish need to be separated and placed in a separate tank.

5.  An Underlying illness
Illnesses in fish can often cause a loss in color, if the loss of color in your fish is accompanied by other symptoms such as frayed fins, white spots, flashing (rubbing itself on ornaments or gravel) bloating, odd swimming behavior etc.The fish may need to be treated for an illness.Once the fish has recovered from the illness their color should begin to return.
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Had the same problem with my electric blue jack dempsey and did everything got water tests, kept up with water changes, watched to make sure no fish were bullying him, added better decor and still was losing color. As of 1 week ago came across food pellets called cichlid gold from hikari and his color has came back to the bright blue. local fish store said me feeding flakes and bloodworms were mostly protein not vegetables and its guaranteed to not make tanks cloudy and helps their colors come out more. Would highly recommend if u have this problem as well hope this helps


I like her quick to the point and clear 👏


Happy Holidays! This is a very informative video. I truly agree.


I couldn’t figure out why she was loosening color this video helped a lot! Thank you❤️


Awesome video! I just brought home 5 neon tetras to add to my existing school and they faded dramatically during the transition. Color is coming back and they seem happy to be in a larger group.


One of my orange molly sits down at the bottom and comes up when I go near it or approach it with my finger outside the tank. It seems the colour has faded from the tail to almost half the body here and there. What am I supposed to do?


Thanks so much for this video I literally couldn’t sleep at night thinking of what might be happening to my fish


This explained a lot as a I was cleaning my tank and put my Shubunkins in a white bucket till the tank was cleaned. When I put them back in they had loss of color! But quickly regained their normal color within 10 minutes. Whew! I thought they were part chameleon for a minute! 😂


what if we change the aquarium? would she be confused or stressed?


Thank you so much. I’m in Texas where they’re doing rolling black outs to try to keep everyone’s lights on. It’s reeking havoc on my 60 gallon planted tank but my fish are still alive but are quite literally fading fast and I can’t do anything :(


Oh this explains it, i just changed my fishe's bowl and he was definetly scared out of his mind, im glad to know he will go back to normal in a while


My fish is losing color and the scales look thin. What kind of treatment should they have?


I’ve been doing the same thing for a year and all of a sudden my fish lost his color from bright orange to white in a span of 4 days. He is also transparent. It’s really scary.


I bought my new fish from the fish store and it was already losing their colour thank you


I just ordered a plakat from florida looks like his colors are gone hopefully i can settle him in the new tank and bring his beauty back ✌🏾 helpful video


Myn is bright purple and she is turning bright tomato red now but I think it is becuse I got her a day ago and she is also will a nother fish ( with a dividor 😂) and I don't know how to fix this becuse some people say it is good thing and some fish do this becuz ethereal interested to something new and then some say I should freek out and cheek everything :) I don't know what to do ??


I went from a blood worms diet to brine shrimp and I think that's what caused the color loss.


Hi..I have a school of 6 neon tetras in my tank. They are now a month old and were doing fine. But recently I am noticing that one of my neon has lost colour while other 5 r ok. Can you guide me on this please.


Thanks for this information that fish may loose colour by water quality, stress, food and never ending etc. Wish you would have missed one reason at least.


I have 3 Kribs in a large heavily planted tank. They have 3 individual coconut caves to choose from also. I got them a few weeks ago when they were very small and as they’ve got older they’ve started lip locking and they aren’t as bright in colour and their stripes are faded? The water parameters are perfect and the temperature. But why are all 3 of them suddenly muting their colours and patterns? Is this temporary whilst they establish territories? I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this happen before?
