ENTIRE TANK DEAD! (how did this happen) | MD Fish Tanks

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ENTIRE TANK DEAD! (how did this happen) | MD Fish Tanks

This is not good and I don't usually like making these kinds of videos, but sometimes these things happen and I have known it to cause people to give up the hobby. I need to show all the ups AND the downs. Bummer as I said in the video because any animal that dies under your watch is horrid, but we pick ourselves up, learn and move on!

Equipment (all affiliate links):

Awesome MEMBERSHIP Community:

(All links are affiliate links)

Items i use regularly:

You can buy the bowls i use here:

Gooseneck Clip on lamp (similar as product is now discontinued)

Mini Water Pump:

LED FLoodlights:

#plantedtank #aquascape #mdfishtanks

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This is not good and I don't usually like making these kinds of videos, but sometimes these things happen and I have known it to cause people to give up the hobby. I need to show all the ups AND the downs. Bummer as I said in the video because any animal that dies under your watch is horrid, but we pick ourselves up, learn and move on!

Equipment (all affiliate links):


Hey Md im a vet nurse and sometimes when we medicate for certain parasites, the parasites have attached to the organs in the fish already by the time we do treatment. Therefore the medication helps to paralyze and kill the parasites, but in doing so they usually detach from the organs and cause massive bleeding internally, so all the fish basically go into cardiac arrest. U did nothing wrong


The worst fish deaths are the ones where you don't know what happend


The feeling of watching your fish die in front of your eyes cannot be described. I feel you brother.


This is what I like about you MD. You show everything the Good and the bad ✊


I’ve been going through a lot the past year and half. Battling depression and anxiety. I used to have a lot of fish tanks before I got too depressed to take care of them. Your videos have given me motivation to start up another planted tank. Thank you for what you do.


I lost my Betta couple days ago.
Even the death of a fish can hurt.
A pet is a pet and if you love your pet losing it will hurt anyway. 😭


Man ...for the first time I wished it was clickbait :(


That panic feeling is real, sucks man just not healthy fish


That's tough MD but well done for documenting everything, a lot of people would have shied away from a vlog like this. Good luck with the new batch and all the babies!


This happened to my guppies once. One day I woke up and checked on my tank only to find half of my fish dead. Honestly felt like giving up on the tank and just giving it away to someone else as I felt the loss of their lives was on my hands. I was crying as I was scooping out the dead guppies. Few months after the incident, my guppy population has recovered and my tank in general is doing a lot better.


I've had the chilli's before and I've had extremely fragile ones and ones that would not care about anything at all. I think it's pretty much the same issue like with neon tetra's and overbreeding can cause big issues with the fish.


That "The Kickoff" theme between scenes had me shook. Was expecting Gordie and Lawz to come through thrashing


The trusty net-holding kettle strikes again...


I was shocked when I saw the title to this, everything that you do always seems so amazing so the idea of you loosing a whole tank just seemed impossible, I mean no disrespect when I say that it almost made me feel a little bit better about sometimes having an issue and not knowing what could have caused it, I'm truly sorry that you lost the tank but I thank you for sharing this with us


Thank you for this video, as difficult as it must've been to make, it was immensely helpful to see what you did to intervene, test the water, retrace your steps and try to figure out what happened. Ultimately, it wasn't an easy answer but it is good to see this side of the hobby, so the rest of us don't feel like failures if it happens to us.


Unfortunately, sometimes even when we do everything right, things can still go downhill. I had a terrible breakout in my aquarium of these tiny worms and it spread to all my tanks because I used the same gravel vacuum. 😭😟 Sorry for your loss. Don't let it bring you down. Your work is incredible!


I really appreciate the care you show your fish. So many people just treat them as decor and you always work to give them a really lovely life. I just started my first planted tank because of your channel!


Happens to absolutely everyone once, just dirty fish with hidden illness or bad condition. Stress is a big killer. Onwards and upwards...


I started keeping fishes as a hobby because I was so lonely during lockdown. I've learnt a lot from your channel.. And frankly speaking... Losing pet fishes is traumatic for me the first time it happened..
