Lucid Dreaming III - Guided Hypnosis

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This video is designed to induce lucid dreaming.

A Lucid dream happens when you become fully aware that you are dreaming, allowing you to take control and direct your dream in any way you wish. You may wish to fulfill your fantasies, gain spiritual wisdom, or seek adventure in a way you're unable to in the real world.

If you would like to give this video a try, it is best to do so an estimated 30 mins before you would usually fall asleep. The audio track included in this video contains binaural beats and an isochronic pulse to enhance your experience. (211.44 Hz and 1052 Hz)

Sweet lucid dreams, everyone! :)

~Lights of Venus~
© 2023. Lights of Venus Entertainment. All rights reserved.
#LightsOfVenus #luciddreams #Guided
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Hi there! If you have an interesting lucid dream, feel free to share it with us here in the comment section. Much Love! 😊🙏✨
If you enjoy this video, you may also like to check out our other lucid dreaming videos:
Or if you just want something to help you fall asleep, you might like this video:


Ive been trying to lucid dream for so long! The closest ive ever gotten was becoming aware of myself in a dream than immediately waking up


I've been into lucid dreaming for quite some time now, with the journals and everything, had about 1 lucid dream per month. I found your video last night, put my headphones on and voila, I wandered into 3 amazing lucid dreams. Your video is effective. Thank you.


I had the most lucid moment with this audio. At some point, I was on the most scariest ride. My eyes were closed but I was in a harness and going so fast in the air. I could feel the wind and everything. I was so scared but so excited but then I gained control and made a curve motion and dropped right back into my bed. At the same time this was happening, behind my closed eyelids, I could see the NYC subway map so clear moving past over and over. All I could think was this is wild as hell! I can’t wait to listen again tonight. This meditation is the one!


Wow! After trying 2 times but didn't work with your Lucid Dreaming I video, i tried third time with this Lucid Dreaming III and had the fist fully-featured lucid dream of my life! Thank you Lights of Venus. I journaled it, could remember 90% of the experience. I wrote 5 word pages of jorunal of the dream! I'm so happy! I've been trying lucid dreaming several times over many years but no luck. This video of yours finally did it! Thank you very much!


I have listened to several lucid dreaming videos. This is the first that I have listened to consecutively and the dreams that I had were so vivid. It is difficult to describe but I enjoyed them. Thank you! I look forward to listening again tonight


I‘ve used this meditation to fall asleep every single night for the past 2 weeks now. You’re the best!


I've never listened to the same sleeping video on repeat before, but this is the 4th night this has gotten through my insomnia and allowed me to relax enough to sleep 🖤
I still can't lucid dream no matter what I try but ooh I couldn't thank you more for this


This session is the most effective lucid dream Thank You for helping me reach lucid state an sleep 7 days of beautiful dreams an can remember almost every nite much love an light


those first 25 mins are incredible - most relaxing feeling i've ever had. thank you lights of venus!


I don't usually comment.
I struggle with sleeping or staying asleep
I have found myself coming back to this video for the past 2 weeks, , sleep has never been better. Tysm ❤❤love from Britain


best psychic and hypnosis channel on youtube, shame you dont upload more often


I just now saw this on my recommended videos. I really thought I had already turned notifications on for your channel cause I love when you release something new. I just checked and they were off. Oh well, they're back on now. Thank you so much for making this! You've helped me alot during my journey


I rarely ever comment but thank you so much for this. Best sleeps I’ve ever had, I don’t even care that I’m not lucid dreaming just having deep uninterrupted sleep is amazing ❤


I’m SO excited to see you post another video! You are, hands down, one of my top two favorite meditation channels and most definitely the best psychic development channel I’ve found. I truly appreciate all of the work you put into your videos. They have been immensely helpful to me over the years. ❤


I experienced a presence twice and a slight breeze of cool air.I also experienced a pleasant smell and the dream was nice.
Thank you


The best voice in Lucid Dreaming 😍 thankyou for this upload can’t wait to try it right now 🛏💤


I didn’t have a lucid dream but I went in to such a deep sleep that I actually was able to wake up and feel refreshed. Thank you!


All your videos are AMAZING! So happy you have done a new one. Looking forward to listening in the morning after my night shift. Thank you so much, you’re the BEST by far!🌹


I had a lucid dream!! I’ve had them before but this time I was fully aware I was dreaming! It was so vivid, I remember being amazed at how my mind was creating these images in hd video. When I’m lucid dreaming and you realise that you are… you get exited and generally it doesn’t last long as you wake up! It’s all about keeping relaxed and just letting you mind do the work..
I’ll be listening to this every night from now on 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
