Tough Questions That Will Make You Doubt Evolution

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Ray Comfort speaks with a college student about the afterlife, and challenges his thoughts about evolution.

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I was an atheist and I believed in evolution until I saw this video. Ray is such a gifted comunicator I had no choice bu to throw my atheism out the window. Who couldn't stop believing in evolution after hearing these convincing argumens.


Dude I am addicted to your videos your such a passionate and genuine Christian. I truly aspire to have the holy spirit like you one day


I have good news. Tonight I found out I received the spirit of grace. I got baptized by the holy spirit.

My bapizim is called "The spirit of grace"


"Without faith it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11:6. He was more right than he realized!


I looked deeper into what the Adam’s apple does for us as humans, and the reason a mans Adam’s apple sticks out more than females is to help deepen mans voice. I thought that was beautiful in adding to the characteristics that make man and women different and God made us that way.


That young man will find the Lord and follow Him all the days of his life.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray to my Heavenly Father, that this young mans eyes and ears be opened and the intentions of his heart and mind be changed. Amen

God bless you and your family!


Please pray for me that I too maybe able to share God’s word in this manner. My first time I’ve ever shared the gospel was last night. It was to a long time atheist friend who always talked horrible about Christians and rightly so based on what happened to him. In conversation the topic turned to death and at that moment I felt his heart was ready to hear the message of Jesus Christ. Which oddly enough started off reciting an atheist.

“I mean, if I believed, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that a truck was coming at you, and you didn’t believe that truck was bearing down on you, there is a certain point where I tackle you. And this is more important than that.” -Penn


I like this kid. He seems genuinely interested in having a conversation with a stranger, though I'm sure he'd rather be doing anything else than talk about god...


"The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant." (Psalms, 25:14)

The way of the world is to make people feel good. There's no fear of God.

I pray that this guy gets saved ✝


Excellent job witnessing. This is Ray’s gift from the Lord.


I noticed there's a large audience of Agnostics, atheist and unbelievers in this YouTube channel. Thank God for that!!. The word of is being planted in their hearts 💕.


I always marvel at how in the beginning of these videos the people say they don't believe in God yet once Ray gets to the part where he runs through the Commandments these folk are right on board entertaining obedience to Commandments of a God they don't believe in or are unsure about. It's like proof that we know good from evil, as if it is encoded or seared into our consciousness.


Ray, I know you will enjoy this much more in the life to come than now. How encouraging is to see people going back to the manual- Bible. God bless you.


Seems like a good kid. I hope GOD opens his eyes..


thats a really nice way to minister. talked to him kindly, nicely and respectfully and also explained in detail about the love of CHRIST and why he died for us and why we need a savior from sin. lets us all be beacons of light for JESUS AND HELP RESCUE SINNERS FOR DAMNATION....


Mr. Comfort, please keep me in your prayers. I feel that I have let God down so much. And I don't want to feel this way. I sometimes feel I'm not worthy of Him. However, I know I need Him. I would appreciate if you prayed for my wife and I. Thank you so much. Please keep doing what your doing. May God keep you and bless you.


Praying for this young man. The eyes of his heart may have just been opened.


I appreciate the effort for logic here, and realize that this comment is going to be nothing but a fool's errand and firestarter, but here goes.

1. We know how a painting or a building is made, so we know there is a painter or a builder. We don’t know how life is formed, so that doesn't apply. Of course if you use the word "created" it suggests a creator, but if you say the universe evolved, it doesn't suggest an "evolver".

2. The Bible being a best selling book. So much goes into that. It's bought in large quantities for Christian schools and churches, not just individuals like most books. It also is a book with useful stories that people find value in which is totally ok, great even! None of that is proof that it was divine revelation. If over the next 100 years, the Koran is even more widely adopted and becomes the best selling book, are you going to change religions and say that Islam must now be the truth? You have to if you believe being a best seller is indicative of divine revelation.

3. Epiglottis - I'm not an evolutionary scientist, and my guess is one could give you a reasonable answer, but the beauty of science is it allows admission that it doesn’t have all the answers (yet, or maybe ever). Religion doesn't have this luxury. It needs to make the one answer work always. So the fact we might yet to discover every step of evolution is not our burden of proof. You have the burden of proof of why the intelligent design is so flawed. If the omniscient creator designed the epiglottis, why does it fail? Why do people choke to death? Wouldn’t it be better? The flaws in nature's design point more to evolution than to a perfect all knowing creator.

4. Before the brain evolved we couldn’t survive? Humans wouldn’t be “walking around” before they had brains. There were no humans without brains. Really silly question. And single celled organisms and plants survive without brains.

I'm not even arguing for atheism, but the arguments posed in this video were really poor and ineffective.


Bless this youngster. Hope he puts his faith in Christ alone.



The Emptiness of people is heartbreaking!
Especially when there is NO NEED for it. Lord Jesus, PLEASE help us Shine with Your Light and LIFE that they may KNOW Your REALITY!
