The Stench Of Corruption! District Attorney Rod Underhill

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The video Pretty Much Says It All!
Mailing Address
Rod Underhill, District Attorney
Multnomah County Courthouse
1021 S.W. Fourth Avenue, Room 600
Portland, Oregon 97204

Main Office Phone Number

(503)-988-3162 (8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Monday – Friday)
Physical Addresses

The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office has several locations throughout the county. Our primary offices are:

Courthouse Office
Multnomah County Courthouse, Rooms 600 & 804
1021 S.W. Fourth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi


I saw the video very sad that the police will not actually protect and serve in less it's gonna get them from Revenue


Outstanding report and facts delivery!


Good on ya Robbi. Your a brave and noble man.


Sounds like the District Attorney's office has declared open season on cop Watchers. They have made it perfectly clear that you can assault them and destroy their property with impunity.
I hope the individual that had his phone destroyed can get quite a bit back in the lawsuit against this asshole. Shouldn't be too hard you have it on him where he admits destroying the phone.


Poor Eli !!! When you play with fire you get burned! Got to love Karma


"A systemic pattern" in the Multnomah District Attorney's office. It includes his unsolicited declaration in March to City of Portland Police that, if they comply with end-of-shift reporting requirements - following lethal use of force - that he will grant immunity from prosecution. It should be noted, that the DA has never used his grand jury to get false police narratives into a trial of fact, in the adversarial setting of a court case. We in 2013 proposed state law, requiring the State Attorney General to provide a legal team ... not in an existing work relationship with local law enforcement ... to investigate and bring charges when cops kill. It died in the Senate Judiciary Committee.


It's also evidence tampering, as the phone (I would think) contained video of it being stolen from the (phone's) owner. That (the theft of the phone) is, in itself, a crime. Therefore, the destruction of it would be tampering of evidence of a crime.


I know you'll read this so, let it be known that you're now a target. You started something the citizens will finish. You are corrupt and 'something' will be done.


some funny shit that he cut your phone in half...Your lucky he didn't be head you with his saw.


Looks like an easy lawsuit win for me--especially if you have video of him admitting it.


Badges "R" Bulleyes. FTP! Aim and shoot!


One of the funniest videos of all time. Larry can't defend himself so this tub of lard came to the rescue. What a bunch of pantiwaists.


Damn, while I'm not a fan of red tape here to exercise your 2nd amendment rights, I'd obtain a concealed carry permit in OR, then open carry it while filming. It's complicated, but would likely prevent you from being attacked by the thug citizen army working for the DA.


I find this all very interesting because this is a county that voted 76% democrat in the 2016 election, you would think if anyone is sympathetic to the free speech and rights of people at the hands of government, it would surely be the democrat right? I mean thats the message I am always told by their supporters... but it seems even democrats when it comes time for actions, side with law enforcement and oppose recording them more than they seem to let on, accountability goes right out the window...

this message isn't to suggest I am republican and delighted in the irony, I am not republican but I am delighted in the irony... I think when one groups declares they support something and then every time it matters they seem to oppose it when action is needed, we now see who the real snakes are, in this case, the party that won 76% of the vote of this county that employs the police leadership and prosecution leadership that seems hell bent on protecting their actions at the cost of the citizens rights...

so perhaps this is a wakeup call to stop voting for party lines, and start voting for the correct people, not saying that has to be someone of opposing political views, but its time to stop settling for what candidates they give you, and start getting the ones you want, even if that disrupts your own political party... I mean with 76% of the vote in the county being democrat, its a lock they should be able to have the exact type of leaders they want, I can't imagine this is what they want, they claim otherwise...

this is why independents and those who are not chosen by their own political party to be the candidate of choice are important...


I'm lost many are posting Robbie nor his girlfriend show up? The reason all charges were dismissed. Yet I see him in the video being interview?


What's Robbie's channel to subscribe to?
