Your Responsibility as a Father

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Very thankful for the wonderful father I had


Fathers are important!! As a parent I learned to heal and be a good parent even in difficult times of teaching and guiding my children. Maybe some are afraid because they may mess up. Parenting isn't clean cut, it's messy and unfiltered. Learn with your child


I have four sons. I laugh when people say that old cliche about how I’m so lucky because “boys are so much easier than girls.”
I just know they’ve never had to try to keep a pack of boys alive one day at a time.


Yes i found a little old rusty hand axe at 10 years old and hacked a very large tree down with no concept of the tree possibly falling on me...but adjacent to a drive way.

My dad made me "finish the job" chop it up into fire wood...hands were in bits but lesson learned.


Very true!!!

I wait good in life cause my dad and uncle were men modèle for me! They always challenged me!, my dad! Put in a strict line! And did correct me when I went out!

I thanks God those men!

Then I had very good young pastors that shaped my believe and mind!

So secret it’s to always love and always say the true and correct if need it! With love! Even it might hurt! True love never fails


Your right it is possible to happen. And its really important to learn that in this life of earth where the time of death is unknown. To improve life the only way to go is up... not down! For we have been gifted already, so involving ourselves with what is beneficial is more intense and powerful rather than pain from hurting yourself. Drink fruity juice not beer. Don't hurt yourself, workout. Only thing is the power of improvement starts to show after a while. Both destruction and creation involves hardships. And the hardship of improvement known to mankind(humankind) involves pain. Through pain we heal. Through pain we die. The difference is the journey. Killing involves pain so as Working out involves pain.


I think it really depends on the person, because as a 15 year old boy I was too scared to take any risk. This sounds like it would not have applied to me, if anything I would have needed the opposite advise: “go take some risk, son!” For real.


True. My sister-in-law’s brother and his 14-year-old son were killed by an 18-year-old driving 65 miles an hour on a back road where he blew off a stop sign.


I agree! We need more godly fathers. We're not orphans, though, as we have our loving Papa God to rely on❤


I also think it can go the other way, if there’s only a mother you can end up how I did, my father worked at home but in his shop my whole life and never really took part in the act of raising me in my older ages at least because he had to work, which led me to be coddled by my mom, I was very unaware of social cues and how to make male friends, I was very innocent and didn’t understand a lot of jokes the friend i did make would make and so just felt behind or unaware for a lot of my teenage years


My friend got fired from his job recently.
He was working in a board games shop, and he got fired for stealing.

He was taking a lot of risks.


Very true, I myself have been a victim of this, I won’t go into details but I did some I did my reckless things as a young man simply for the thrill with no fear of consequence

Now I know more about him my father was most likely the same as a young man and he had no father present


So true. Thank you, Matt Walsh. Men need to take responsibility for guiding their children, both sons and daughters, to conduct themselves responsibly in the world. Especially when the kids become teenagers and young adults, that's when the role of fathers becomes paramount. But in too many cases, their fathers have gone missing by then.


Father's (and Father figures) are supposed to show boys how to do dumb things and survive with all your parts... and remind you of what we don't tell Mom about.


Re-defining the alpha male! I love this so much ❤


I’m 26 and struggling with ADHD. Learning how to handle risk is super important.


That would explain my irrational non fear of risks and dangers.


Hm...anecdotal life experience cool story bro incoming.
My mom always said, "I'm nervous you may get hurt, " before I did something. She never said, "Don't do that! You will get hurt!"
She asked me to be present and access the risk. I think she did a good job there.


Yep. That was me 100%. Raised by angry women


I had two Dad s. And a lot of older male role models that were actually very responsible. I was still that kid driving 110 drunk on a back road. I did it every night for 2, every single night for 2 years, before I could fall asleep while also smoking way more weed than i should need to sleep.
