Let's Talk About Therapy

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Seeing a therapist has 1000% altered my mental health!

I’m switching up YO LILLY & turning it into an ASK LILLY: An Advice Column.
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Hey, I'm Lilly Singh and I make comedy sketches on my main channel iisuperwomanii. You’re currently watching a video on my second channel, SuperwomanVlogs. My vlogs are all about my puppy Scarbro, behind the scenes, bloopers, extras and more.
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Therapy is so important but expensive for many. I wish we could make it more available especially for teens.


I found Lilly at the perfect time all the way back when I was in 8th grade and now I'm almost 20. She was like the big sister I never had and just seeing the way she carried herself encouraged me to be more confident and be myself. So thank you Lilly.


as an Indian mental health counselor, I can't thank you enough for talking about this and advocating for therapy!! There's no shame at all, thank you for using your platform for addressing the stigma!


”at some point, you gotta show up for your own life” that’s so beautiful


I remember being 14 going to my mom one night and asking who I can talk to if I'm feeling really sad. She freaked out and made me go to the hospital 🤦🏾‍♀️ I was ahead of my time and you're correct, many cultures dont "believe" in mental health. I appreciate you for using your platform to advocate to the newer generation that its ohk to break tradition especially if it means bettering yourself! 💜


I feel like one of the stigmas against seeing a therapist or any other mental health professional is that if you see one there's something "wrong" with you. Which I mean, we all have things we can improve about ourselves but seeking to better yourself doesn't mean that something is "wrong" with you.


For kids below! I was to 3-4 different therapists and they actually did not help me, I found my ”key” for a fresh restart of life - i got the thought ”life is like a puzzle, when you get pieces wrong you rip them off and restart! And thats what I did

Today I have no regrets and wouldnt change anything even the things in my life that hurt me!



therapy has definitely 100% helped me with depression and anxiety!!!!




I love how whenever I’m having a hard time, you upload your vlogs... and they always cheer me up and educate me 🥺


The part about therapy really helped me and made me decide that no matter what, I’ll get therapy so that my mental health can be in a good place, I’ll also try to take your advice about talking to people about the things that I need to get off my chest, I’m 15 and I’m so so thankful for you because you’ve helped me so much, to understand and to try to do things that will help my mental health ☺️🥰. Lysm Lilly ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m 17 and I have gone to therapy for over a year. And it has helped me grow so much as a person. Not only that but helped me communicate much more efficiently with people around me and I’m super grateful for that. I really do believe that therapy is something everyone should try!!


I love your view on therapy! I've been wanting to go so long for my mental health and to help my relationship. My "partner" believes therapy doesn't help at all, and everything can be solved in house. It make it really tough for me to reach out for help (besides cost) because he believes I betrayed him by not going to him first


Therapy is great, and we would all likely benefit by having it. But unfortunately, therapy seems to be treated like a premium and is not available to many. We really need to work on having greater resources and accessibility to therapy across the board.


OOF. That quote from Lilly's therapist tho... "At some point, you gotta show up for your own life". I FELT THAT. Lmao


Our stories when it comes to therapy are so similar!! I LOVE my therapist!! She's amazing. She's also my first therapist ever, and I've been seeing her for almost 2 years now (I'm 26). But my experience with therapy and what it has taught me is almost exactly the same as yours. My therapist always point things out about situations that I'd never in a million years think about and it honestly helps SO much. Even after just a couple months in therapy, I felt like I could way way way more easily identify within myself whenever I was feeling a certain way, and why. Whereas before I'd go through depressive episodes and not even realize it, and that was super detrimental to my physical and emotional/mental health. And I'm hispanic, so I also grew up in and come from a culture where therapy was for "weak" or "crazy" or "sick" people. There is a big sense of pride in Latino culture where you don't talk about your feelings or problems, you just....deal with it all on your own. But that's so unhealthy. So I totally 100% relate to you, Lilly! When my mom first found out I was going to therapy she wasn't happy... but she slowly changed her mind when I expressed to her how much I loved it.


Apart from turning to spirituality what helped me overcome my depression and anxiety and confusion was treating my body well. I seriously cut down gluten, processed sugar and dairy. I corrected my nutritional deficiencies that have been linked to mental issues like vitamin D, B complex- specially b12, iron, magnesium and other essential minerals. Had I done this earlier I wouldn’t have lost over a decade of my life to misery and suffering . We all deserve to live the best life, never compromise on that.


I love your work ethic and how you don’t let your work take over your life and change your personality. I’ve never seen someone more willing to get their work done with diligence and discipline. It amazes me, really. It’s a really admirable quality to have. Also, Love you!😄❤️


That's the number one reason why I love you, you always make me actually love myself. Thank you Lilly, people like you are blessings👼🙏❤.


Great. I needed my baby today. So happy and positive when the world is dark.
