A Man Drank 7 Liters Soda Everyday For 10 Years. This Is What Happened To His Organs.

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Patient BA by Bryan Assata; Hospitalist by Eric Nelson; Student by Dustin Petrillo; PA Desiree Troy

In-depth channel @HemeReview
Secret channel @BigEmus


0:00 Soda 🥤 good
1:06 Past medical 🩻 history
2:26 Haha soda go glug glug
2:49 One day he wasn't 😳 feeling well
3:18 Chief 😩 complaint
4:46 Human body ⚡️ electricity
7:00 The P in SOAP (click like if you get this reference 👹)
8:14 Haha soda go glug glug
8:54 3 Gallons of WHAT is in his body??
9:28 Haha urine 🤨 go glug glug
10:45 The student 👨‍⚕️ sees 👀 something
13:00 Soda 🥤 good, small science experiment better
14:09 Stimulating by blocking inhibition
16:21 Things we're actually concerned with in this setting
19:22 Reasonably and sparingly is probably fine

Some images by Getty Images

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.


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I'm glad to see the guy who died two episodes ago got better and became a doctor!


I am seriously surprised he went 10 years without any major issues.


Now it makes sense. Chubbyemu lore is real. The food truck, the soda, the workplace, it's all adding together.


You know your blood sugar is high when entire sugar cubes are floating around in there


7 liters every day for at least a decade? It's actually amazing that it took that long before his body finally failed. Amazing how resilient the human body is.


Quitting sugary sodas was one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself. Now I inject the raw high fructose corn syrup directly into my veins, instead. Much more cost effective.


I want to tell you the story of one of my roommates. This was back in 2021.

This guy NEVER drank water. In all the time I knew him, he only ever drank soda, or alcohol. Mostly soda. He'd go through 12-16 cans a day. To make matters worse, he was mostly sedentary. He had gout, which caused him a lot of pain just walking around. So he moved as little as he could get away with. Worked a job as a gatehouse security guard where he sat behind a desk all day, and when he was home, he slept or sat on the couch watching TV.

He died of a sudden heart attack one afternoon. I was the one who called the emergency services after my other roommate found him. He was only 43.

I can't say for sure that it was his dietary habits which caused his death, but he certainly didn't do himself any favours.

Drink water and exercise.


My mom died at 50 after having a heart attack during her second battle with cancer. I never saw her drink water. Only ever coca cola or chocolate milk. I am 34 and only drink water. No alcohol, no soda, not even coffee or tea. I got scared STRAIGHT!


Hell yeah to the student who went to the effort to put together a defense of what he thought was going on after he noticed.


Crazy how a habit can ramp up to that level of excess for some people. 7 litres is an unthinkable volume for most of us to contemplate.


I was highly addicted to sugar my whole childhood. People around me (family, doctors..) not only allowed it, but supported it. I looked skinny. Most of it came from sodas containing caffeine, which in turn promoted muscle loss and insuline resistence, as is said in the video. When I was ~22, I was hospitalized with severe arrhythmia. They never found out what was happening to me, but the only thing that had changed was fluid intake and no suggar/caffein intake. That one day of my life my diet was back to normal and it had HUGE positive consequences on how i felt and my heart's condition. Since then I avoid sugar and caffeine. I'm getting rid of niccotine and alcohol too completely. I will be one healthy human.


My wife has been doing this, but I have got her to dramatically cut down... I'm trying to show her things like this, because she lacks the understanding of these issues. God bless this Doc that has this channel. Waiting for her to wake up to show her! Thanks buddy!


I used to have a major soda problem up until last year. I was drinking roughly 30-36 cans a day. Luckily, I had friends that cared about me, and they pushed me to just 5. I did it the dumb way though, and went from all to just the 5. When I say the headaches, irritability, and just easy agitation at even the tines things while I went through the major withdrawals for that first week and a half was a pain, it really really was. I'm now down to 2 cans a day, and feeling significantly better and actualy have more energy.
Check up on your soda overdrinking friends. Give them the push to cut back.


A long time friend of mine passed away a few years ago due to colon cancer. He was addicted to soda. Even when they removed a part of he large intestine, the surgeon told him no soda for at least three days. My friend didn't listen and went down to the cafeteria and got a bottle of soda the day after surgery. He even called the cafeteria before he was admitted to see if they sold the soda he liked. That's die hard addiction. He passed way at the age of 47.


I had a friend who was a diabetic, and ended up in the hospital with low potassium. He did not drink this much soda, but he drank it till he died of a heart attack in his sleep.
This video helped me connect the dots about what happened to my friend. Thank you.


The actor laying on his back to call 911 was too funny looking along with him sitting in the chair under all the soda cans with his eyes rolling back !


It never ceases to amaze me that so many people in the world have such insane habits like drinking gallons of soda every day. In ways it makes me worry that I might have weird tendencies like that without actually thinking anything of it.


I'm 31 and I had my first kindey stone a couple months back.
I found out later that it was a tiny one,
but it still had me rolling around on the floor, moaning.
I consume very little sugar in my diet but at that time in my life I was drinking hardly any water.
Needless to say it wasn't long after that I went out and bought a 2L bottle with built-in straw.
I fill it with water when I wake up, and it stays on my desk within arm's reach all day.


So proud of the doctor! From making tapeworm tacos in a shady van to a doctor is a legendary comeback
