3 Downright Terrifying True Road Trip Horror Stories

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Here are 3 Downright Terrifying True Road Trip Horror Stories. These disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary road trip/highway horror stories are from the perspective of people who experienced terrifying things while on a road trip.

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If you're going on a 6 hour drive in the middle of nowhere, check the gas gauge before you go.


Doesn’t matter where you are, creepy people are everywhere.


As someone who is an interstate runner, do not drive at night or when you’re tried. Just wake up early. It’s not worth it. I’ve seen so many wtf moments of people falling asleep at the wheel


You know it’s going to be a good weekend when both Chilling Scares and Mr.Nightmare upload


I had a similar experience to the second story, went to a rest stop late at night because I really had to use the restroom. Normally I’d stop at a gas station but the rest stop had a sign that said “24 hour security” so I figured it was safe enough. After I got out of the stall and was washing my hands, I got this sinking feeling that I was being watched. Looked to my left towards the far stall, there was a man with curly messy hair staring at me with his eyes wide open, unblinking. I had never run so fast in my life, he chased me to my car and I was driving off while he was slamming his fists on my window. So much for security, don’t go to rest stops alone.


So, when i was like 14, my parents and i drove across state ( 7 fucking hours) to get ONE car part we needed. On the way home, it was freezing and pretty dark, we drove past this girl who was like, only wearing a tank top and pants, walking on the side of the road. My mother pulled over and asked if she was okay. She just started hitting the windows screaming for help and asking to drive her down the road to her boyfriend who crashed. My mother was like "nah fuck that" and drove off. the girl stood there, turned around and kept walking. Like 5 or so minutes later, we drove past a bunch of SUV's parked off into the bushed by the side of the road.
100% was a trap lmao. Glad my mother was smart enough to keep driving. It was so eerie, i couldn't sleep for like a week after.


Great way to end a Saturday.
First Mr Nightmare and now Chilling scares.
Thanks you man.


I have a similar experience to #3. A few years ago, my wife and I were traveling at night from North Carolina to Florida. We were on I-77 South about fifty miles North of Columbia, South Carolina when I lightly tapped my brakes after spotting deer crossing the highway ahead. When I did, I noticed a car following us closely without head lights in my rearview mirror. My wife was sleeping at the time and I elected not to wake her to avoid scaring her. A few miles later, I tapped my brakes again just enough to illuminate the road behind me. The car was still there. Only this time I could see the driver. Either they were severely deformed or they were wearing a mask. I immediately woke my wife and we called the South Carolina Highway patrol and reported the incident. As soon as my wife's iPhone illuminated, the car signaled a turn to the right and abruptly pullled off at an exit. We were informed that there had been reports of a driver pulling up behind cars at night and following them without headlights. I have my concealed carry permit and had my gun secured in a car holster. I also carry pepper gel along with my firearm. I was prepared for the worst but nothing ever came of it. We have never had that experience again when traveling at night along that same stretch of highway, thankfully.


One tip that will always stick with me when it comes to roadtrips is always have the gas at a MINIMUM of half tank. No less because there will be parts of the road where gas stations are far from each other.


I swear these stories are better than movies. I always listen to these at night in bed and just get super creeped out.


As a truck driver who regularly drives through the night you definitely see and experience strange things. One thing for sure I won’t stop from well lit gas station too gas station that is clearly manned 24/7. And depending where you are dictates if you can arm yourself legally. Always carry if you can even if it’s just a little snub nose pistol, with All the dangerous people about it could save your life. And always go with your gut instinct. If something is telling you something isn’t right, it usually is.. if your not sure don’t ever get out of your car or truck, just start the engine and drive off to the next busy place..


Mr. Nightmare and Chilling Scares gotta either be the same person, or brothers. They are both good at telling these. So kind to make you feel accompanied.


I was listening to this on headphones and the knocks at 08:25 actually sounded real. Had to check someone wasn't knocking on my wall from the other side.


The first story is horrifying. Those people purposely found an abandoned gas station, planted that sign 🪧 and waited for a victim. That guy could’ve been in some big trouble.


always happy to see this guy posted. Always great content


Totally obsessed with your content! Thanks for making my Saturday amazing!!


there's literally nothing better than watching a chilling scares video on a cold night while you're chilling inside your room all cozy and comfy


Story #2.. buddy forgot to wash his hands. Come on man, prioritize!


I took a seven month road trip from the east coast to the southwest US. I camped and boondocked all the time. A night here, two weeks there. It was my policy to not drive at night since it was harder to find a good camp site in the dark. One day I was heading from Las Cruces, NM to Ajo, AZ and I got caught in a really bad traffic jam for some stupid event. I was stuck in this for nearly two hours to the point that the sun had gone down and I was still a couple hours from my intended destination.

Of course, this was when I got a flat tire. I was on a narrow, desolate stretch of highway just past Casa Grande, AZ. I had to unload half my gear just to get to the spare tire. While I was working on it, a car pulled over and stopped just in front of me. A man got out and started walking toward me. He was Mexican. He said, "You need any help?" I explained I was changing my tire but because of my packing it was going to take a long time, laughed, and said something about it just being my kind of luck. He said that he could give me a hand, but I told him I was okay. He said he and his wife were heading toward Phoenix. He asked if I wanted him to hang around until I was done but I told him I didn't want to hold him up. I thanked him for stopping and they went on their way.

He was the only one who had stopped during the nearly two hours it took for me to change the tire (including filling the spare which had also gone flat). Not everybody on the road is a psychotic killer. There are a lot more nice people than evil.


Chilling Scares and Mr Nightmare are going to kill me with their sound effects ngl!
