'The Astral World, Angels, Reincarnation, and Karma' (Ask Me About Truth #47 With Swami Kriyananda)

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Swami Kriyananda discusses many fascinating concepts related to reincarnation and shares stories and ancedotes about previous lives and the tendencies we carry over many lifetimes of action. Kriyananda states that everything is preordained and explains the role of personal choice. Kriyananda goes onto describe the astral world as a world of energy and brilliant colors and offers other insights into the spiritual realms, personages, and their relationship with human existence.

In 1948 at the age of twenty-two, Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) became a disciple of the Indian yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda. Yogananda is best known for his spiritual classic, *Autobiography of a Yogi*.

At Yogananda’s request, Swami Kriyananda devoted his life to lecturing and writing, helping others to experience the living presence of God within. He taught on four continents in seven languages over the course of 65 years. His talks, his music, and his many books have touched the lives of millions. An advocate of simple living and high thinking, his more than 150 books emphasize the need to live wisely by one’s own experience of life, and not by abstract theories or dogmas. A composer since 1964, Walters has written over 400 musical works. His music is inspiring, soothing, and uplifting.

He taught meditation to thousands and has initiated many into the life changing technique of Kriya Yoga. His books and teachings on spiritualizing nearly every field of human endeavor include business life, leadership, education, the arts, community, and science. He wrote extensive commentaries on the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, both based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. He is known as the “father of the intentional communities movement,” which began in the United States in the late 1960s, fulfilling Yogananda's dream.

He founded the first of what are now 10 Ananda communities worldwide in 1967 near Nevada City, California. Other Ananda communities have developed over the years to include Ananda Palo Alto, Ananda Sacramento, Ananda Portland, Ananda Seattle, Ananda Los Angeles, Ananda Assisi in Italy, and Ananda India near Delhi and Pune. Each community has a spiritual focus (a teaching center and temple) and a community (homes where members live). More than 1,000 people live in these intentional spiritual communities. Swami Kriyananda’s example of inspired leadership was the reason for Ananda’s success. He uplifted and encouraged people through personal example, spiritual counseling, writing, lecturing, music, and prayer. He trained the current Ananda leaders in much the same way: free from egoic motivation, always placing the spiritual needs of others foremost in all decisions. He was a patient and sensitive teacher, allowing people to learn by experience, and never placing institutional needs ahead of the needs of an individual. “People are more important than things” is one of the foremost guiding principles of Ananda. And “Where there is adherence to dharma [right action], there is victory,” is another.


Ananda is a worldwide movement to help individuals realize the joy of their own higher Self.

Рекомендации по теме

The way he’s so genuine in his responses. Wether he knows the answer or not he gives a genuine response and that’s nice in this day an age


life happens thru you, rather than to you.  You are life, Universal consciousness, Namaste', thank you.


Everything is so confusing these days.This world is full of deception.God help me know the truth


So blessed to listen to this on a beautiful Monday Morning. Thank you for this beautiful blessing


My memories from "previous" lifetimes are still coming through several decades later.
Everyone is unique, some have unimaginable/unexplainable talents/abilities.


Thank you for these teachings, they are exactly what I needed to hear


When I was a younger child, I had this reoccurring dream that I was a mouse in a field being hunted down by a owl. The dream was the same every time. I remember it to this day. I often wonder if that was a past life


The astral world is very dear to me, the heavenly realm & unity is what I so deeply understand and I have been so fortunate to have been given my conciousness family and to serve God until eternity. I love to be in the ocean of life. And lately, I have also accepted the simple fact that I am indeed incarnated conciousness. And swamiji, I started to love this human vessel. It is a magnificent container to experience the Light within. What a blessing to be alive. May all beings prosper, be blessed and live in peace. May all worlds lighten up. Thank you, swamiji, for mirroring me Truth. Amd thank you Yogananda, for still being one of our masters who guides us through the silence of the heart and softness of the wind between the trees. What a glorious Divine life.


i am rumanian and it s the first time i am hearing about him.


I love swamiji's words and eloquence.


Wow! Here Swamiji, in his last year of life (I’m thinking), is still giving teachings with laughter and wisdom. Loved/love that man!
Jai Swamiji
Jai Guru


One will take with them the most important thing in life. Your Love.


Wow Swamiji is just amazing ! I wish I had a chance to meet him ❤ He is an angel himself 😇


This is dead on and some times we never ferget it stays with us on tell we die 💞✨love and chouse and forgiveness let go💫 rise 🌞


Question about Karma and reincarnation. Does someone like Ram Dass or Maharaji come back? It seems like they have attainted God-consciousness/Moksha so wouldn't they now be free from the cycle? How does that work? Doesn't Krishna say we've been doing this cycle for forever (even Krishna, God himself)? If the goal is to break the cycle and achieve Moksha how come it seems we can't


Deeply I like your view it is like spiritual love


Thanks for this important and useful video!


I was a pharaoh in my past life. The time we live in is very special, the world is changing so fast that we will experience physical transcendence of this plane within the next 100 years. Immortality is at reach and of all the planes of existence, this existence is richest. My heart goes out to those who suffer. Bless be those who are able to reach new heigths in emotion, awareness and energy in this physical form.


I was born with blonde hair, very fair skin, freckles, and blue eyes. Since I've been conscious of my hair color, I never understood why it was blonde. I remember asking my parents as a child and adolescent over and over to let me have red hair. I remember feeling like I didn't look right. That my hair was supposed to be red. When I was an adult I began coloring my hair and finally feeling as though I look "like myself".


Maestre eu sunt din România și vă doresc multă sănătate și fericire!Vă trimit multă lumină și iubire!
