Marduk: The Alien Who Owns Earth | Who Is Amun Ra? | Astral Legends |

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This episode delves into a speculative interpretation of the Egyptian and Sumerian God who is now believed to a be real historical alien being on earth thousands of years ago, who is known as Amun Ra (often associated with Marduk in Sumerian texts). This episode presents a perspective that challenges conventional religious understanding, suggesting that when we say "AMEN" at the end of prayers, we are unknowingly paying homage to an ancient alien figure. The narrative presents Amun Ra (or Marduk) as an Annunaki alien with a lineage that includes both reptilian Draconian and Lyran Sirian ancestries.

This Annunaki lineage is described as originating from a union between beings from the Orion empire and the galactic worlds federation, resulting in a hybrid race. Marduk, the primary focus of this narrative, is the son of Enki, a central figure in Sumerian pantheon.

According to ancient text, Marduk, after ascending to power, wished to be the sole deity worshiped by humans. He initiated various conflicts on Earth, notably the pyramid wars, and directed biblical figures like Moses to wage battles against those who revered other deities. Such confrontations, the text suggests, are actually extraterrestrial disputes manifesting on Earth. Marduk's lineage and relationships with other extraterrestrials, like his brother Thoth, are also discussed. The passage paints Marduk as a powerful figure with immense capabilities, asserting his dominance over regions like ancient Egypt.

00:00 Introduction
01:33 Annunaki Royal Family Lineage
05:23 The Pyramid Wars
06:20 Outro

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Compendium of Emerald Tablets By Billy Carson

Gift From The Stars:

Remote sessions compiled by LR

Alex Collier, Defending Sacred Ground, 1997

Adapted from D'Oreal of Emerald Tablets, 1930

Precipice of Evolution 1843

-UFO, Ancient Texts such As Egyptian Book of Dead & Ancient Civilizations Communities

-Elena Daanan, Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Bob Lazar, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Akashic Records & Much More.

#Gaia #WeAreANonReligiousChannel #Christconciousness #ancienthistory

For researchers and enthusiasts looking to find specific references mentioning these the historical and science resources please refer to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), and the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD) are invaluable. These databases offer transliterations, translations, and discussions of thousands of Sumerian texts, providing a searchable resource for specific terms and their occurrences.



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Рекомендации по теме

I have heard this same information from 3 different sources now over the past 20 years, from separate locations on earth, which is just more solid verification of this information. Thank you


This is so much better than anything on TV today or Netflix.


And this is where your stars war, dune, matrix, alien vs predator, etc. movies come from. Excellent video my guy 👍🏿👏🏿💯


So glad this showed up in my feed. July 2020 while living in NZ I had the Annunaki show up and take me away. Ive NOT talked about this as I feel few would believe me.
This video is the first time Ive seen anything this accurate to who they are.
Their is one detail you missed in their appearance and that is the hair. Their hair is a bright Cobalt Blue in color with Gold Streaks through it. This is why the Egyptian Pharaoh's wore Gold Head dresses that where bright blue with gold streaks through them to mimic their "Gods"!!
The height is on point as is the jet black/blue color of their skin. Their height can be as much as 12 feet tall and MY GOSH are they magestic.
The Annunaki are here on earth in real form, Ive happened across one, a female!! and she knew I knew exactly who she was. I wanted to approach her and talk and the soul chilling look from her Jade Green Eyes was mind blowing.
Something dramatic is going to happen on Earth again soon (To awaken us as a collective) as its like they've been looking for good humans to help with the rebuild of the "New Earth"!!


Thank you for explaining that the way you did. Clarity is always needed for true progress. Fabulous video as per usual.


It's crazy, because ever since I have awakened. I never ever say Amen after my prayers.


This artwork is legit tough I wouldn't mind seeing this as a series I love how the dreadlocks are part of the head and how the clothes are a mixture of technology and linen almost looks like armor


I remember this being told to me by my great-grandfather when I was about 8 yrs. old. I am 65 now.


no matter what they are, God or gods, honestly, they are very powerful, they can create whatever they want to their heart's content


I just discovered this channel and find it fascinating! The graphics are spectacular!! Thank you ❤️


I knew there was something about Stargate SG1 that i couldn't shake. This is amazing information


This production is amazing and is hitting my spirit in a certain way.


When I began to awaken. I had dreams or visits by a white haired loc wearing female spirit. Who shined a light that lead me out of a dark time. Interesting to see this years later. 😮😢❤🙌🏽


I had read that Marduk is Enlil's son, who was more of a military leader, vs Enki who was more of a scientist.


Seriously, this is so much better and makes far more sense than some mystical sky god


I'm not religious but from what I've found, the Christian God isn't comparable in this subject.
Here's why;
The first scriptures used in the Christian Holy Bible belong to the Hebrew Jewish Scriptures, the Christian title isn't actually a religion itself because within 'Christianity you find the religions themselves. Christianity is a faith. What started the Christian faith was the fullfiment of thousands of years of highly unlikely, highly unbelievable Hebrew Scriptures and prophesy. The nature of God introduced in the Hebrew Scriptures is then revealed in the person that fulfilled those Scriptures in the Figure of Christ.

This means that the 'Christian God' mentioned at the beginning of this video cant be included in lore. Because its ORIGINS in the New Testament as we know it and other writings are based on historical and eyewitness based forensic evidence. Its contents arent mythological but stamped into history in the human figure of Christ.

Not only that, but everything we can seek to find out about all the worlds religion and its theories of origins arent excluded from the Canon of the Bible as we have it today.

Annunaki. Hinduism. Judaism. Islam. Magic Mushroom. DMT. Dreams/nightmares.

If looked at through The Spirit revealed in the New Testament, all of these things are included in negative space of the biblical canonical story.

Plus the evidence that supports the authenticity can withstand any refutation its come against.

I'm not religious, but Christ is real. And if you're reading this, watching these types of videos, something is calling you, make sure its in the one that's proved hes real, proved who he is, promises you love and life, and proved that he's trust worthy in his promises. STAMPED in history and theology. Evidential in the negative space that exists between all 'other' religions, all creation theories and all science.

..and he's calling you.

Not to follow him,

But to get to know him...

When you do...


Truly, you will end up following him and in that moment you will experience a period of utter healing and peace that sustains and LASTS, beating your addiction. Beating your anxiety. Beating your curiosity.



So thankful I found Astral legends. This is absolutely awesome channel!


Parliament/Funkidelic was telling these stories in there music back in the 70's. The live show was about "The Black gods" returning to re-claim the Pyramids " Swing Down Sweet Chariot, Let Me Ride" subscriber)


Man...have I been getting SO schooled from this channel 🤓🧠🤯
Much thanks to those bringing this knowledge forth, AND making it make actual sense 🕉️


This is badass! I wonder what will happen when they reveal themselves here again ♥️
