WHAT HAPPENED TO CUBA? | THE TRUTH about how CUBA became extremely POOR

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From its origins as a tropical paradise and economic powerhouse, to its struggles with food shortages and economic decline, we explore the key factors that have shaped the country's economic trajectory. From colonization and corporate domination to the impact of Fidel Castro's communist government, this video offers a comprehensive look at the complex history of Cuba's economy.

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#Cuba #Economy #History #Socialism #FidelCastro #Scarcity #Colonization #Communism #Growth #Decline #Reforms #InternationalRelations #Dependence #Changes #Soviet Union
00:00 | Have you already LIKEd the video?
01:03 | Casinos and Inequality in the Pre-Revolution Era
04:26 | Dictatorship, Inequality and Desires for Freedom
09:50 | Cuba and Dependence on the Soviet Union
13:21 | Limited Reforms and Temporary Solutions

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