Communist Cuba on the brink of collapse

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The future of Cuba and the trajectory of communism are under threat, with citizens fighting back against the regime.

Protesters are taking to the streets amid an ongoing economic crisis, making their concerns heard.

Cuba’s communist leadership is facing a fierce backlash that has not been seen since similar protests in July 2021.

Since the 2021 protests, it is estimated that nearly 500,000 Cubans have sought refuge in the United States.

In this Sky News Digital Originals, we explore whether Cuba’s communist leadership could be about to tumble.

“The Cuban regime knows the Cuban people are getting smarter and they're not afraid,” Associate Professor Amalia Daché from the University of Pennsylvania told Sky News Digital Originals.
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Communism/Socialism has never liberated anyone ever. Never ever.


And labor will turn Australia into the same kind of cesspool.


I have been to Cuba several times and have found the people there to be welcoming and lovely. I spoke with a young woman who is a pharmacist but was working on our resort as an event coordinator while her husband ran the pharmacy. She had to take the job in order to feed her family. We visited the pharmacy and there was virtually nothing on the shelves. Absolutely heartbreaking. These people deserve better.


As a cuban-american I agree with these experts 100%, and thank Sky news for exposing what's going on in a once prosperous nation destroyed by communism.


I'm a bit surprised that Assoc. Prof. Amalia Dache couldn't just say that the Cuban political class is white. Regardless, this isn't a racial issue, it's a political issue called Socialism. The only thing that has ever been in abundance, in a Socialist or Communist country, is misery.


Fulgencio Batista led a coup d'etat in 1952. It toppled a democratically elected government and initiated another dictatorship (one of many in the history of the Republic) Naturally, the middle class did not support Batista and supported the rebels in the mountains. When Castro entered Havana during the first weeks of January 1959 the entire island, less remnants of Batista supporters, idolized him as a liberator. I was a child in Havana at the time and remember the adulation of the masses on TV as he entered the city. Shortly after came the puppet trials televised live for the public. Individuals were sentenced to death for real or imagined political crimes. I remember those. I was 8 years old and remember the masses yelling "Paredon" on TV. I didn't even know what Paredon meant. I learned quick enough that it was the masses demanding the firing squad for individuals put on trial. The neighborhood committees were instituted shortly after. Each neighborhood had an assigned family charged with the task of spying and snitching on the residents. My parents sat us down and told us that we must not repeat anything that was said in our home to any one. This instilled fear in our child minds, fear that our parents could be arrested and our family destroyed. It was shortly after my father's business (a business that he built from scratch through sweat equity) was nationalized, when we left the island during 1960. Over 100, 000 other members of the middle class who did not approve of the regime left during or shortly after our departure. In Miami, we sought political asylum in the US. The US took us in and adopted us as its own. We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to start over, and have always been thankful to our adopted country. This is the communism at work at its beginning as seen through the eyes of an 8-9 year old child. The situation on the island got progressively worse throughout the years. I consider myself lucky that my parents had the forethought to take us out of there to a place free of oppression where we could grow up with freedom of speech and of mind.


All colors have suffered under the Cuban Marxist Regime. NOT just the dark afro-cuban person or mulato or negro, ALL! This is NOT a White vs. Black conflict. My dad was light complected Cuban who escaped Cuba as a afro-Cuban musician. He triumph in México and legally migrated to the US in the mid 1950s. When the Cubans launched the US led Bay of Pigs fiasco he never returned. Cubans in Miami and all over the US Love President Trump!


beginning to wonder If I will see a free Cuba in my lifetime


My friends father in law is a high up Cuban official. He was on the phone to my friend recently in tears about what was happening to Cuba. So sad. All due to politics, corrupt politicians and corrupt policies.


Ah the joys of Communism...
Meanwhile, here in Australia there is a push for us to adopt these policies that have created this "Utopia". We are well on the road to being the Cuba/Venezuela/ Argentina of the South Pacific.


Can't vote your way out of tyranny. Ask me how I know.🇨🇦


There have always been lots of white cubans and black cubans.. that woman trying to generalize what the cuban population looks like, just change it to a racial conflict is really low and unacceptable! As someone with many cuban family members that none of them where black and have also been victims of the regime.


This is why you never let the government take away your second amendment gun rights like they did in Australia and Cuba


The Cuban people are unarmed and defenseless. Americans, NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!


Cuba from the end of the Spanish American War of 1898 til 1959 never had rationing of any kind until the Communists under Fidel Castro took over.


Just got back from there yesterday. The food shortages are so bad. My hotel didnt have bread yesterday morning. Other tourists were sayinv same thing, no toilet rolls, almost no food. The only vegetables were tomatoes, cucumbers and the occassional carrot. Nothing in the shops just about. Kitchen workers taking tourist leftovers in bags to take home, i mean scraps from their plates. 😢😢
Poor Cubans, I wish them the best.


I listened to this report and I'm rather shocked between the similarities between Cuba its "Government" and South Africa and the ANC here. Both follow a communist believe and I can only but support the people of Cuba to break free from this Communist Dictatorial regime, similar to what we have with the ANC here in South Africa. Weaponizing food and electricity etc.... the state's complete inability to provice the most basic services, yet they want to remain in power for the own financial benefit.


Growing up in Cuba for the first 14 years of my life I never ever heard the race card. race or skin color was never even a thought, for her to point out that the people in power are like the wall behind her it is ridiculous. She has being brain wash. We CUBANS proud our self in defining us as CUBANS not afro cuban or white cuban.


Personally, using racism as an issue as to why the Cuban government is communist is racist itself. This has nothing to do with racism, it has to do with power.


Something to that she forgot to mention is that the Cuban regimen don't want to recognize is that despite the US embargo, Cuba do have access to all markets just using another currency that is not the US dollar. Cuba has a huge debt because they do have access to financial resources.
