Hair Loss Shampoo: a Topical DHT Blocker for Your Hair

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Let's discuss more about topical Ketoconazole as a tool that may slow hair loss.

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The time I experienced hair fall, I followed all the following to effectively reduce it:
Incorporate hot oil scalp massages into your routine.
Avoid hot water when rinsing your hair.
Shield your hair from too much sweat.
Use a wide tooth neem wood comb to detangle wet hair.
Cut down on your sugar and processed food consumption.
Use gentle anti hair fall shampoo and oil like Littleeextra cocconion.
Nurture a positive mindset for overall well-being.


I'm a woman and went to my dermatologist for some hair loss and he prescribed this for me as well. I have been using it for about 2 years and have noticed NO additional loss.


My own hair growth success story, which doesn't involve dht blocker for men or women helped me, I did the following:
1. Fragrance free Shampoo
2. Taoist soap for hair growth.
3. Scalp Massage 20 minutes everyday
4. Nettle leaf tea 2x a day, to remove hormone residue in the liver.
5. Collagen supplement 2x a day
6. Oiling Scalp 2x a week using coconut oil and immortals oil. Can use either.

Other than that, I make sure general health is cared for by focusing on balancing insulin. You do this by a lean protein diet with only cooked leafy greens. It's a temporary diet but it resets insulin, after 2 to 3 months you can go back to normal diet, altho it's healthy to be 70% protein and 30% carb diet.

My 2 cents...


My 30 years of dandruff. Spend so much on treatment and dozen of new shampoo.

Nizoral amazing cleared all mine in 2 weeks. No hair loss. I’m using it once a week to maintain.

There’s a need to promote this product to help those with serious scalp problems.


I used this years ago when my hair was thinning due to my thyroid. This stuff really works!!


I have a tip to. If youre getting grey hair you might be deficient in copper.


Ketoconazole does help a little and I use it regularly, but its effect is very limited in my experience. As a natural alternative to Finasteride, I use capsules of Saw Palmetto combined with Stinging nettle root extract. These capsules have less potency than Finasteride, but also less side effects. I also incorporated microneedling in my hair regiment. These three methods work well together.


Nizoral is for really stubborn dandruff, scaling, and scalp issues. It's the only product that works for me. I go through a bottle every few months and I'm good for a while.


Been using it for 20 years and it seems to help. A small amount of the ketoconazole is absorbed into your bloodstream so there could be some systemic effects from this anti androgen . I haven’t noticed any but it’s something to consider.


This also works as a bodywash. J

Instantly fixed my dry flaky skin. It wasn't dry skin, it was some sort-of low grade yeast. Twice weekly use and my skin is great


Guess what. So true. I'm in india nd I tried scalpe shampoo. I was wondering how come my hair is thicker even on bald spots. And then I remembered using anti dandruff shampooo. Nd yes. It does work. Very teue


Also scalp massages stops DHT and calcium from binding and killing the hair follicles


I use Sebizole which is a 2%. I suffered from dandruff for many years and this totally eradicated it. This has definitely slowed down the process like you have said.


Under the strong stress of University, my hairline (Corners) receded a decent amount, 5 years later i actually got an FUE hairtransplant yesterday. Guys in your early 20s need to be told about DHT blockers. Now i'm looking at ways to keep what i got, thanks for recommending this. I know pumpkin seeds & rosemary oil appear to have some DHT blocking potency but more studies are likely needed. There is a ton of junk science when it comes to hairloss. Currently carefully researching red-light therapy before making the large investment, although it's still far cheaper than my transplant


I used to have scales and itching that led to me picking at my scalp
Unconsciously throughout the day, and the hair thinned in the places where I picked at it. Especially the crown and temples. After using nizoral, no more itching and I think the hair loss has slowed down a lot


FYI, many teens are using this product for bacne.


I use it daily for dandruff purposes. I have bad skin issues on my head that flare up sometimes. Side benefit for me using this product is the dht aspect and slowing hair loss. I also have to use 2% ketoconazole cream on my face as well sometimes.


A couple of weeks ago, I googled "hair loss fasting" and saw a doctor's website which stated that hair loss from fasting is for 2 reasons. 1. Toxic overload 2. Nutrient deficiency.
So detox and up nutrients, particularly the hair ones like biotin.
But, I'm sure Mike, you're detoxed and high in nutrients already. So probably it's your vibrant health producing copious testosterone in that case.
But, I started eating Nigella sativa seeds (a.k.a. black onion, black cumin) because I heard they were made into a hair oil for hair loss, and very good for general health, the video is here on YouTube, I ate 1 teaspoon a day, ground up for bioavailability/absorption, and no joke, my hair stopped falling out 3 days later. May be helpful for someone.


Thank you, I've been dealing with hairless lately. Thank you❤


Unfortunately, it will only work for people with mild sensitivity to DHT, since it's a very weak androgen receptor blocker, if you have severe androgenetic alopecia, which started at an early age, it won't do anything.
