No, Jesus' 2 Birth Narratives Do NOT Contradict!

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A popular skeptic objection by both atheists and muslims - is that Matthew and Luke contradicts in their birth narratives about Jesus. How can it be resolved? One account says Joseph, Mary and Jesus escaped to Egypt while the other say that they went up to Jerusalem and moved there, so... "Contradiction! Game over, pack your bags Christians!" ... Yeah, no! Watch this video. Let's look more careful at these 2 gospel accounts. You got 5 minutes?

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Thanks to all who share the videos - the algorithms are really not always on my side!


I never heard anyone claim that this is a contradiction.
You rightly pointed out that if you simply read the text closely, you understand the order of events.


nice short and to the point. great work.


Nice and easy - good video Daniel 💯 Looking forward to the next topic you tackle


They should use the same Criteria on the Perfectly Preserved HOLEY qur'an that they use on our Holy scriptures! That said Context, Context, Context! That's the Ticket! Remember in school, the 5 W's Who, What, Where, When, Why and sometimes How! That helps too! This was just One! God bless you brother and your ministry!


All challenges are debunked by addressing the faulty assumptions and demands of the skeptics they bring to the text.


a careful reading of the new testament and cross referencing with history reveals the chronology of the birth of christ. thanks to the astronomical data included in the NT. the birth of christ is indirectly referenced astronomically in the book of revelation: "and the woman clothed by the sun with the moon under her feet".

if you do a criminological cross-reference of the available reference in the NT, you will arrive at the conclusion that Jesus was born on the day of the feast of trumpets in the year 3BC. this was also coincident on the 750th anniversary year of the foundation of rome and the silver jubilee of the reign of augustus, and the granting of the title of pater patria by the senate of rome; this is why augustus mandated a "registration of the whole world" as an oath of allegiance to augustus. the angels announced the the birth of the messiah to the shepherds; shepherds are levitical priests of the temple tasked to care for the sheep of the tamid and passover lambs in the town of bethlehem. they found him in the migdal david of the ancestral house of Jesse, of the house of king david, because both joseph and mary were of the davidic royal family.

this is another point of synchronization offered by the NT: the circumcision of Jesus. according to the account of luke, this would have occurred on yom kippur, or the 8th day after the birth of jesus. but how is this possible? yom kippur is the 10th day of the Jewish calendar? this is possible because 2 calendars existed in the time of jesus: the jewish calendar and the essene calendar. this fact was not rediscovered/unknown until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947.
after the circumcision of jesus in the temple, the holy family spent the feast of tabernacles in jerusalem like thousands that visit, "and the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us". the newly discovered canonical hebrew gospels have shed light on this more and more.

the magi visited herod the great at the palace complex of jerusalem and herod was infuriated by the prophecy of balaam in genesis. this is what caused him to massacre the innocents on the same day he killed the son of the high priest. this coincided with another lunar eclipse, jan 10, 1BC.

Herod the Great died after the lunar eclipse of 29 December 1BC.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter"

"But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.”

it is funny that only now in the 21st century, has archeology, archeoastronomy and criminology and biblical investigation been able to piece together and arrive at the conclusions presented here.


Amazing information!

Btw... How is your book going?


Another tool in my belt to defend the truth. God bless brother!


I would say the fact that one is north and one is south is kind of contradictory. It would be like "they fleed to California, " and someone else says, "No... they went to South Carolina."


This is so weird, why’d I have to search for this when I’m subbed?


Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of *eternal life* to all who trust Him alone for salvation.

Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.

This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.


Hey. Not watched this yet, but just to say, the title should probably say “do not contradict”.
(Hopefully the Algorithm will appreciate my thoughts either way.)


Jesus the Christ, in plain English, is Joshua the Chosen.

There are two Books of Joshua one from Tribe of Ephraim and one from Tribe of Judah.

Joshua Son of Nun was from Tribe of Ephraim. Born in Egypt.

Everyone agrees the Tribe of Judah's Book of Joshua is not Jesus the Christ (Joshua the Chosen).

Anyone read the Tribe of Ephraim's Book of Joshua? It's called the Samaritan Chronicle.

Extra: did you know Joshua Son of Nun was originally named Hoshea Son of Nun? Moses changed his name with the implied meaning "May God save you from the conspiracy of the scouts".


You didn't even cover the actual contradiction which is that Luke claims they went to Bethlehem because of a census carried about by Quintilius, who did not take control of Judea until 6CE, 10 years after Herod died.


OK, that was good that harmonizing the text but how do you account for the fact that when the sense for the tax was made, Harold was already dead?


I don’t know if it is a language barrier; but I didn’t really see too much harmonisation. I am a Christian; I think there is a fine argument in here; which is simply that Like just dropped a period of time for the purposes of his narrative.


You seem to have conveniently forgotten that the author of Luke names the official who executed Augustus Caesar's order and his title in the second verse of the second chapter of his gospel. That man was Quirinius, and his title was Legate of Syria. A post he didn't take up until 6 CE/AD. So the author of Matthew is clearly mistaken. So there is no contradiction... "Matthew" is simply wrong.


Sorry, but you didn't settle any so-called contradictions. This is how is really went down: Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in a stable, because they got into town in the evening, and all the rooms were already filled. It would have been the next day that they moved into a house, probably belonging to some of Joseph's kinfolk (Joseph had not been in Nazareth for some years, and so didn't know where his people lived, and it had been too late the evening before to go asking around, and since Mary was probably staring labor when they hit town he had to find some place immediately, thus the stable. The Magi would have showed up within a few days, stayed one day, then left after being warned to take a different route home. Within a few days Herod learned that he had been tricked by the Magi, and ordered the death of all infant and toddler boys in Bethlehem under two years of age, based on what the Magi told him about the star. The Magi had told him the star appeared two years ago, so Herod wrongly assumed that the star had appeared when Jesus was born, but it had really appeared two years BEFORE His birth, to give the Magi time to determine what the star signified, and organize and undertake a pilgrimage to worship the new King. This explains why Herod had more than just newborns executed. Meanwhile, Joseph was warned to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, where they waited until it was safe to come home. Then Herod died, and the Holy Family returned to Israel, at which point they went to Jerusalem and presented Jesus in the Temple, and met Simeon and Anna. The flight to Egypt, the death of Herod, and the return to Israel took place within the 40-day period between Jesus' birth and the presentation in the Temple, in accordance with the Levitical purification period of Mary. Then the Holy Family returned to Nazareth and settled in as members of the community. There are no contradictions between Matthew's account and Luke's account.


Nice try, but sorry, it doesn’t add up at all.

1. According to Matthew Mary and Joseph lived in Bethlehem and they only went to Nazareth after they returned from Egypt. That’s why they had a house.

According to Luke Mary and Joseph always lived in Nazareth and therefore had Jesus born in a stable.

The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew is completely different then the one of Luke.

And answer me this, why did the star of Bethlehem lead the wise men to king Herod first and only after that to the house of Joseph where Jesus was born? The star pinpointed the exact location of the house. There was no need to go the Herod. Didn’t God know Herod would kill all the boys in Bethlehem? Why telling Herod?
