Rebuilding firmware emmc memory Nintendo Switch.

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In today's episode we repair the Nintendo Switch which was sent in for the charging port repair. We found the Switch had fuses mismatch as previous owner updated the firmware to the latest version and because the custom firmware (probably sx os) didn't work, he downgraded the system to the version 11.0.0. Because of that the original firmware was not available anymore (burnt fuses did the job). Our customer bought it second hand of ebay and he couldn't manage to use it and he sent us the console for the charging port repair.

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Thanks alot. I had the exact same problem with my Switch. I searched all the forums and tutorials but didn't find anything helpful anywhere. Thanks to your great video I was finally able to fix the boot error. Thanks again. You are my Super Hero.


Thank you my friend!!!!
I was having the same problem on my Switch after my SD card got corrupted by a bad adapter (I was trying to save nand backup on PC).
But once again thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and may God bless you.
Hugs from Brazil!


a few days ago my switch just stopped working after a update, and i was completely lost on what to do. i ended up buying a new oled switch but never lost hope on this switch, i spent hours tryinf to find a solution and this is the only video i found that helped me, thank you
also if someone has questions feel free to ask, i had some roadblocks i passed through trial and error so if something doesnt work for you i can try to help the best i can!


desde españa, you are the best, i try very tutoriales and nothing....but you tutorial is the best!!! thank you, great work


That was one of the best I've seen.👍 Well done.


My switches screen went black after i removed the sd card while booting in hekate and wouldnt rurn on youve helped so much, thank you for everything


this might not be the solution for this case but up until this point i suspect this (5:23) switch is in autoRCM mode which bricks your OFW in a certainway so it allways boots into rcm state where you can inject payloads. in that state if your battary is completely empty it is too hard to charge the device itself for some reason. my way of doing hurdling that issue is disconnect joycons plug the charger press power button quickly unplug the charger plug whatever you use to inject payload and inject hecate since it is lightweight af and fast to boot. now you can plug the charger again.


thanks fixed my mismatch fuses following this


I like the way you say fucktory reset. Dziekuje!


your Video is Verry help full to recover my nand issue thank you verry much. <3 :)


Great video, you explained everything very thoroughly. I've got one question. I have the "eMMC is initialized in slower mode" message after installing a HWFLY. Everything seems to work fine though and I made a backup of the firmware, the emmc and extracted the prodkeys like you did in your video.
Could I now buy a new emmc, exchange it for the old one and do the restore like you did just with a new emmc or do I need anything else additionally?
Many thanks in advance.


The video is great, I watched it until the end, but my issue is with the Switch Lite. Do you have the same guide for the Lite?


after dismantling a poorly installed hwfly, I spent two days looking for a hardware fault on the console which no longer wanted to turn on without modchip. This video gave me the solution: the fuses did not correspond to the firmware. By reinstalling hwfly the console restarted.


eres el mejor de youtube gracias desde


Guys if you have picofly and a V1 erista switch and have slower mode, Just solder 2 more 47 OHM CMD resistors to Dat0 and CLK. NO need to replace nothing at first!
After that, no more pop up warnings in hekate and OFW works (not only CFW)


Hey guys, my switch keeps getting a bluescreen, when i try to boot into stock or emummc. cant even get into rcm mode to use hekate. What is wrong with my switch?


Great job. This would also be the method to change the emmc for one of the same capacity, right?


great video but one thing, doing no exfat wasnt necessary. the first version you made was built with support for fat32 AND exfat, the second one you made just supported fat32. not a big deal but worth mentioning.


Tengo una Nintendo switch que no enciende. La he desmontado, he medido voltajes y batería, carga perfectamente.
Al conectarla al PC y con el programa TEGRA_RCM no me detecta nada., para que me salga "RCM device detected", tengo que desmontar la EMMC, con esto montando no me detecta nada. Aun así, inyecto el payload desde el mismo programa a la SD, pero no hace nada, y sigue sin encenderse....Ayuda por favor!!!


Could this be what mines did I had a mod chip install but before that it was not coming back on so do that mean I’m stuck in RCM mode how do I get out of it….?