Jesus Did Not Come to Abolish the Law and Prophets

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Did Jesus come to make sure his followers continue to keep the Old Testament laws? How does he not “abolish” the Law but “fulfill” it? What is meant by a “jot and tittle” not passing from the Law? Are there “more important” and “less important” commands? What is implied by us being the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world”? These and other questions, Chad Bird will address in this week’s Reading the Gospels through Hebrew Eyes on Matthew 5:13-20.
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This teaching makes this passage so much more clear and understandable. Thank you!


The other thing about that bushel grain basket is that it probably had to do with labor... labor for what sustains you. Do not cover up the Light of the Holy Spirit with your own labor, therefore. Rest in Him, and let Him shine!


Could fulfill in verse 17 mean accomplish what is required, as in "You will get an 'A' in my class if you fulfill all of the requirements as set forth in the course description, " so that Jesus achieved perfect righteousne under the law so that this righteousness which he accomplished, which was greater than that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, could be imputed to us through faith, which seems to be the only way in which we could be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect?


Wow I just stumbled over this Chanel thank God! What a blessing to hear the spirt rejoice at what I was listening too! So hard to find truth


This was so helpful thsank you pastor Chad God bless


so many "pastors" say forget the law ....THEY ARE WRONG


Hey, I enjoyed your video, but I do have a question about your comment on the view that "The Law and Prophets" = The Whole Old Testament. While I agree at times, it can mean that. However, wouldn't you say that the context of verse 19 seems to imply that he is specifically talking about the Decalog?


Thank you so much for this 🙏🏾🙏🏾. God bless you


I was struck by your phrase explaining fulfill. Jesus came to "fill up" the law. He did that more then we can imagine or even discern. His fulfillment in our estimation is pressed down and overflowing.
Forgive the Star Wars remark that is coming. The first time you said yota for iota, i heard Yoda. 😊
May God continue blessing you so that we may be blessed to learn from you. Amen


Excellent explanation! Let's take Jesus at His Word. He meant what he said.


Got your book The Christ Key and looking forward to reading it.

As a Lutheran (barely) there is much I can agree with about Lutheranism. Yet Luther, himself, had an appreciation for the early Church Fathers (what he was able to access of them) and Orthodoxy. But he didn't go far enough.

If he had been willing to join the Eastern Church one can only imagine how the Reformation would have progressed.

His fatal flaw, and that of all Protestantism, was his subjectivity in relation to the Church and Scriptures. A seed was planted that has fractured the body of Christ, barring divine intervention, beyond repair.


So can fulfill mean like, conformation too? Like he's confirming the law and prophets? Thank you glory to God!

Why does he call it "your law" and "their law" rather than "our law" or "my law"?


So we don't need to follow the law since Yeshua fulfilled it?


Often times we hear a teaching which taught our children to hate our parents to follow Jesus or to deny them.

In fact I was told to always put Jesus above my parents in one of the earliest churches I went to.

This turns our children against their parents.

It is imperative to realize Jesus came to embrace a new covenant and was bringing humanity into a new age.

However the parents of the children AT THAT TIME were old covenant minded. Jesus was not telling them to hate or deny their parents.

He was telling them to move away from the old covenant mindset.

It makes no sense to for Paul to tell us to honour our parents in the Lord and have Jesus tell you to go do the opposite.


Exodus 20:8-11; Exodus 31:14-15; Exodus 35:1-2; Numbers 15::32-36; Deuteronomy 27:26; Matthew 5:18; Hebrews 7:11. The one who has ears, let him hear.


The Messenger's Language
[14:4] We did not send any messenger except (to preach) in the tongue of his people, in order to clarify things for them. GOD then sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.


You didn't explain the all important verse 18. It is the crux of the subject. Has anything passed from the law (e.g. animal sacrifice, circumcision, Levitical priesthhood, etc.) ? If so, then it all has been fulfilled (in Christ).


thank you so much, i was really confused on 5:17-18 for weeks and now i get it God bless you


Amazing Sir 👏... Unless your righteousnesses exceeds that of Pharisees en scribes i think The gospel of Mark 7 also relate to what Jesus was talking about... And also Paul in Romans 2:17-29 relates to this ... Outward righteousnesses which is of works and inward righteousnesses of the heart like that Of Abraham who believed God en it was accounted to Him for righteousnesses
