Living With A 2024 Mustang GT: Mustang Week Road Trip Experience #s650

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In this video, we talk about what it was like to take a long road trip to Mustang Week in our 2024 Mustang GT. Throughout the journey, we delve into the various aspects of owning this iconic muscle car, exploring its performance, comfort, and features over extended driving sessions. What did we like? What didn't we like?

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Great video! The headlights are awesome!


The headlights are amazing. They are adaptive. Turns on high beams in dark areas.


The 10 speed is a night and day improvment over my 18Gt. Its almost luxury car smooth now


Yeah, it looks pretty cool in the pictures but when I seen it in person, it just blew me away😮


Ford did a really good job with the paint colors. Every time I see a new color, its my favorite until the next one. Cant make up my mind. Good problem to have.


I love the idea of better gas mileage, ride quality and improved 10 speed shifting but the biggest thing for me is improved build quality. I’ve had 4 S550s and everyone of them had some annoying rattle.


They do look way better in person. Guy in my area has a new yellow one and it does look good on the road.


As an owner of brand new magna ride fully spect second gen 2019 FN GT 5.0 10 Spd, I noticed the 10 spd auto had a tendency to be a bit confused when slowing down to a stop there was a noticeable little knock in the 10 spd trans when pulling up to a stop sign when in "sport "mode but not so much in "normal" mode, yes there was also a very annoying delay when using using manual mode via the paddle shifting in any of the performance modes from 1st to 2nd . It was really was annoying as the engine was super powerful but the transmission just not respond instantly or sophisticated enough to instantly shift. This meant it was a bit sluggish off the mark in the very first second or two. This could be because GT 5.0 10 spd FN, had a torque converter, which is old school trans technology, not the new tech "Duel Clutch" auto . A mechanical tech evolution from F1 racing. Very normal and standard for about the last 8 years to have in cars like the " M" BMW's, 911's or other euro sports cars, that all paddle shift instantly and change instantly just like an F1 race car . If The FN or S 650 had a duel clutch auto it would most likely be a 0-60 in 3.4- 3.6 second car due to its weight and power for sure, but the price would be another 30-40-50 k ? for the duel clutch trans and new computer output modules . Ford has compromised on the gearbox tech but think thats ok as it is still an iconic and amazing car for its price. But it was probably to keep the price in the affordable sports car price bracket .


Hey, thanks for the excellent review Bill. Glad you touched on an incredibly important point for me- the solidness of the interior. My 18 GT base interior isn't as bad as I've heard or some of the worst cases on the internet, but I do definitely have significant interior rattle and noise at 18k miles. I was really hoping they would button down the interior and based on what you said, it sounds like they did. It's one big (but not the only) reason I am excited about going from an 18 to a 24. An interesting point here- the all-digital-dash may not be to everyone's taste, but I bet it contributes significantly to the reduced interior noise and rattle. There are hardly, if at all, any moving parts on the dash, it's just a big mounted screen, so there's really nowhere random noises can come from. That, along with getting rid of the easily-scratched decklid on the back (even though it does look great) are big wins for me.


Yes it would have been nice for some fog lights, they also set a car off at night. Maybe someone will come up with a good bolt on for this Stang.


Nice video! Wish you guys would have got 1 of your new mustangs in manual though.


This is a beautiful car. But I don't know what the hay Ford was thinking with those screens. Like you said, it looks like they took two screens and bolted them on.


I recently saw a video showing a USB port near the rear view mirror, on a Dark Horse. Have you noticed if there is one on yours? Handy for drive cam or radar detectors.


Fully loaded looks great except for the wheels.


Just filled up for the 3rd time and have 353 miles on the car. It shows 198 miles to E. My S650 is thirsty!!!!


I don’t like what Ford did to it. Front and dash are horrible. But I love the review! Well done!


Great Video! I am debating to get a Vaper Blue or Dark Matter. Do you think from maintenance perdpective, which color is easier to maintain?


The car looks nice, but it doesn’t make me lose any sleep no. Does it make me want to go trade in my 2019 GT performance package one no.


Hey CJ just wondering if you guys also have bad hood flutter while driving on the highway, mine seems to shake quite a bit and I’m always scared it’s gunna pop up as I’m driving fast or if a transport goes by


Shit my s650 says 250 mile range on a full tank
