Hand washing technique

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Handwashing is an essential element of infection prevention and control in order to prevent the spread of infections. It should be performed:
Before patient contact
After patient contact
After contact with the patient’s surroundings
After body fluid exposure
Before a clean or aseptic procedure.
COVID-19 and hand hygiene
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised awareness of the importance of hand hygiene. All healthcare workers, patients, and visitors should clean their hands with alcohol hand rub when entering and leaving areas of the hospital where patients with COVID-19 are being cared for. Hands should also be cleaned before and after patient contact and any potential exposure to contamination, such as cleaning equipment or removing PPE.
If hands are visibly dirty, wash with soap and water for 40 to 60 seconds (sufficient time to inactivate the virus). Alcohol gel is appropriate for routine hand hygiene, again making sure it is used for enough time to be effective against the virus (20 to 30 seconds).