Swinging From Web Shooters! - Sticks To Everything

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I built a Spider-Man web shooter that sticks onto surfaces and allows the user to actually swing!

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He’s legitimately getting close. People like this are pioneers. Who knows where this could lead.


this is beautiful. our inner child is going crazy over this


This is BEST Spiderman gadget ever made! And you showed up the Mythbusters to boot!

Heck yeah man! Let's blow this video up!


This guy is getting closer and closer to becoming a true irl superhero and in our hearts he already became that but will he master the power


I'm in my 40s and this still made me happy as a child to see. I'd love to see a follow up where you have 2 and complete a mid-air transition from one swing to another.


Dude I love that you actually paired the climbers with the web shooter to go for the full spiderman experience - and it really worked! Seriously incredible. Your ingenuity is impressive - this is what engineering is all about!!


Wow, not only is the finished product crazy, but the fact that Jake casually made an initial design that can actually wrap webbing around targets and still went on to make the nail-based design in the same video is insane! I love to see the evolution of his Spider-Man gadgets, and I think that with some refining (and maybe adding other features to the suit like the Hacksmith's Lidar Spidey-Sense and BuiltIRL's grappling hook web shooters, ) a fully-fledged Spider-Man suit could very well be finished within months!


Even if he isn't swinging, that is the coolest web shooter I have ever seen, because it can stick to anything really strong


i swear this man is a cornerstone in an era of youtube engineering that’ll go down in history


I've had a theory before on how the Spiderman web shooter actually works in the past.
In the cartoon, its always a single really thick cartridge, but I always thought that it can't be a single chemical, and it can't activate unless it comes in contact with the air as well, or it would clog the very shooter.

My guess is that the cartridge is separated into sections of liquids and fires them with extreme pressure through a very tight nozzle that mixes the liquids. Since Spidey says that his spider silk is biodegradable, I would think it is organic, which would lead me to believe it is made out of proteins and aminoacids, mainly Fibroin, Alanine, Glycine and Serine, just like the silk from both Spiders and Silkworms, possibly also starch and other thickening agents.
Under pressure, the liquids would be able to shoot for a HUGE distance, but as they are mixed they would already start to become a strand and when they come out from the nozzle and come in contact with the air, they would expand, thicken and become a rope like material, making for a even small amount of liquid mix would already have a considerable volume of rope that is both adhesive and can resist quite a bit of weight.


It's been almost 5 years since I saw those old web shooter videos with the colorful cartridges! I remember buying a whole bunch of lighters to try and make them! ...and then I forgot about it lol. It's genuinely been such a treat to see you grow over the years, dude! Keep killing it :)


I feel like we need to see this but with 2 web shooters, going from climbing on the wall, firing the first, and then firing the second while swinging from the first would be the ultimate Spider-Man feeling!


This is amazing, everyone can tell how much work and effort goes into your project, and the fact that not many people have had as close of a working web shooter as you shows how determined and motivated you are. Keep up the good work


This man has the ability to actually become spiderman since he can shoot webs, swing, and climb walls. Huge round of applause for this man.


instead of using rope and nail use a 2mm thick carbon nanotube cuz that is stronger than steel and then add two buttons. 1 hold to shoot and swing release when u wanna stop using it and it will reload into for another use . 2nd button hold to shoot release to release the web leaving it there detached from the spider gloves and just attachted to the window requires manual reload tho.


The final web shooter prototype is probably one of the most dangerous things you have built on this channel and I love it


i love how in the aim for a spiderman esque gadget, he has made actual batman level equipment

ofcourse unfortunately the goal is spiderman swinging, but just as a batman get away tool up an elevator shaft this is insane


he is actually VERY close here. all he really needs is a way to reload quickly and to shoot webs off both arms (also super strength but that’s a different story)


He's showing that becoming a spiderman is possible with the right equipments. 💎☀️


This makes me wish you had a cameo in one of the Spiderverse movies, or NWH. You are our universe's Spiderman, truly. I know there's a lot of reload that you cut out to make things look effortless, but I would say you're about 75% of the way to swinging through the cities.
