I Woke Up and Started Seeing Demons on a Table. Then God Spoke.

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In this video, I share a vulnerable moment where God taught me a VERY important lesson last year. Demons are real, but believers have authority and victory over them in Christ Jesus.

#demons #Jesus #deliverance

Please Note: this video was originally posted on my other channel and has been moved here. The story is from May 2022.
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Please Note: this video was originally posted on my other channel and has been moved here. This story is from May of 2022.


Pride is so hard to get rid of! Sometimes we don't even realize we're operating in it! Thank you for this powerful testimony!


So good🙏 sometimes we need to rebuke, sometimes repent and sometimes humble ourselves and submit to God.


I had a similar encounter years ago. I didn't know I was thinking it in that manner. I discovered that my anger was causing me to react in the justified way, but repented every time. One day I suddenly felt my core ask, "Why react in anger?" I realized I was reacting the wrong way. I repented again and learned to react differently when I was being slandered.


I rebuke every demon attacking me in the Name of Jesus


Glad to hear of your honesty. Significantly few people realize that pride keeps them from experiencing the Lord's full blessing. I've struggled with resentfulness and bitterness for many years - and I don't know how many times I've asked the Lord to remove them. But, as someone once said: 'We need to repent daily of our sins, whatever they are because we leak, and we need the Spirit to refill us each day.


Thank you. I repented of listening to the spirit of pride.
Then I rebuked it.


I had my wake-up call from the Lord a few weeks ago too. We have to be very mindful about our gifts. It's what brings down churches and ministers...pride. OnlyGod performs miracles. We're the vessel that carries the fire. God bless you Troy


That’s why the Lord said first in his Beatitudes “ blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We must remain humble, and poor in the spirit, as if we cannot do nothing without the Lord and that strips away pride from the beginning..


EXCELLENT insight! Pride will always be the biggest difficulty for humans, as the Bible tells us. I LOVE to build things, craftsmen’s work, but I often get the feeling GOD would rather I do nothing. And was told in my spirit years ago I was missing the joy that comes from a relationship with GOD. I have been focused on the endless possibilities that come from a relationship with GOD, that often on Earth do not appear to be all that great. But clearly the reason I love building things is to remind myself that I have mastered this world and that is PRIDE. Thank you, for now making this so clear to me!
How foolish, no genuine spirit can master, or would even attempt to master, an illusion that is purely corrupt and GODLESS! All the works of man are corrupt and GODLESS.


glory be to God...🙌🙏🙌🙏...God will correct Us..If we start to stray....no doubt about it....Thank u Lord... for your love mercy & grace....amen & amen


Thank you so much for sharing! This was so helpful for me!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️ This is me! Struggling with bitterness when God hasn’t answered my prayers. God has truly been faithful throughout my life. I was reading in Psalms about the Israelites and how they constantly were ungrateful although God kept providing and they demanded more from instead of simply loving Him!! I remember thinking… Oh my! This is me Heavenly Father! I repent right now! Amen!! Thank you for sharing!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️


When we initially got saved, the Lord was doing many supernatural things in our lives and we were excited and in awe. We would tell others our experiences even seasoned Christians who themselves had experienced things with the Lord. They would have a reaction as if we were trying to boast, but we weren't, we were truly in awe. We must rejoice in the goodness and mercy of God when He does things especially for those who we think aren't doing all the "right" things. It's what He did not what we do. It's His mercy, grace, and goodness. Jesus said, "no one is good, only God." It's true. ❤


I have been hearing "Pride" a lot over the last week you were speaking, the word House popped into my head. The house we rented is a mess and I have been prideful....feeling like we deserve so much better and why were my Prayers not answered. We are thankful for having a home to live in but not thankful for this home which I see so clearly now and feel it in my body. Thank you for this message today as it was right on target and it brought it all together. I shall repent my prideful heart.


Thank you Troy! Pride is so sneaky but because of this I’m able to see it too and repent. I receive that prayer. Thank you Jesus!


Thank you. The more I begin to recognize the devil's schemes, he seems to get more sneaky. Its so important to be in tune with the Holy Spirit so He can reveal these things. God is so good.


Boy does this word resonate with my spirit. I am involved with the coming wealth transfer and daily remind myself that I am just a simple servant. The angels serve, so how can I do any less. I try to do what I am told by the Father.


This is epic your story has given me food for thought. Am dealing with hurt from a family member which harbours un-forgiveness. I have to now pray and ask Gods to forgive me for the spirit of un-forgiveness . Thank you so much for this video may God continue to bless you and your family ❤


Thank you for your transparency Troy and for praying for us all. God bless you!


Thank you for sharing this Troy. I woke up this morning thinking I'd missed a moment with God, it made me uneasy and for a moment I'd lost my peace. But after praying and being led into Scripture, I was at ease; having understood that it wasn't up to me, and that if it's from Him, I wouldn't miss it, even if I tried :)

This story though, I guess it was that final "nail in the coffin", so to speak, that needed to be driven in. God bless you
