The Story of the SEGA 32X

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Gaming Historian provides a history of the SEGA 32X. In an effort to stay ahead of the game, SEGA released the 32X in late 1994. It was an add-on that transformed the Genesis from 16-bit to 32-bit. SEGA pitched it as a cheaper alternative to the upcoming next-gen systems. But in less than a year, it was forgotten. The 32X damaged SEGA's reputation with developers and consumers. Learn all about it!

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The SEGA 32X came and went so fast, I barely remember it. In 1997, I saw it in a thrift store with 3 games for $40. Looking back, it's so surprising SEGA even tried to make this a thing. While making the video, I did gain a little more appreciation for the 32X. It was a pretty powerful upgrade for the Genesis! But most of the games were rushed, and it definitely shows.

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I remember saving up a couple of paychecks from my after school job to get that 32X. The guy at Babbages talked me out of it at the register. He said just keep saving for the Saturn. Crazy how they mucked it all up.


It's unreal to think that Sega imploded because of something as petty as a rivalry between the Japanese and American branches. I can't believe the executives didn't stop it as soon as it became visible.


"The cool kids" is the best way to represent early 90s Sega.


14:03 "Ratchet and Bolt" sounds like a rejected title for Ratchet and Clank.


Sega killed itself by competing with itself. That's to put it shortly.


Gaming Historian - The Man. The Myth. The Gamer.


Either way, I’m happy that Sega went out with a BANG with the Dreamcast, it just feels like the bridge between the 5th and 6th generations, you’ve got a lot of PS1 ports that are far superior on Dreamcast, and some PS2 titles that also were shared with Dreamcast. It sucks that it failed, but what an amazing little machine that has some INCREDIBLE gems!


The biggest "What were they thinking?!" Moment on videogame history


My brother made me trade in my SNES for a 32x when I was younger. I was immediately salty. Hated the 32x.


The early to mid 90's was so magical for me as a pre-teen looking into all those magazines, the graphics looked sooo amazing (especially the stills from the FMV era).


1992 - My system has more BITS then yours

2020 - My system has more Teraflops then yours


So many people don't really understand just how much hype the 90s was built around the next video game console. So many new consoles and tech was coming out, and gamers kept getting excited for thr next big thing. So glad I was able to grow up around that.


As a Sega kid, I always wanted both the Sega CD and the 32x when I heard about them but thankfully my family opted to NOT grant me those wishes. As I read more about Sega's mishandlings and their eventual demise as a console maker, the more I realize that it wasn't Playstation that killed them, it was their own stupidity. Sega in the 90s ought to be textbook on how to not run a business. It was almost like Sega of Japan and Sega of America were too completely different companies.


It still feels bizarre to me how SEGA could release all these add-ons without a singular power supply that could power them all at the same time.


My sister was the one who recommended Donkey Kong Country to me, we rented it for the Weekend. I loved it. Wanted one of my own. My parents got me a Super Nintendo system with Donkey Kong Country packaged with it for Christmas or my Birthday. Since Christmas and my Birthday are not far apart. I've seen Sega systems that my neighbors had Played Sonic 2 which was pretty neat.

I grew to be a Nintendo guy when Donkey Kong Country was announced, Donkey Kong Country 2 after and Yoshi's Island as well. Even Donkey Kong Country 3 still holds a special place in my heart.


Fun fact about that Doom port:
Unless you use a cheat code, you'll never get your hands on the BFG9000, as none of the included levels contain it


And now we're obsessed with resolutions and frames per second


Just imagine if the 32x didn't exist and they put more development and resources into the Saturn. The Saturn would have been much more successful.


I absolutely loved Knuckles Choatix. The 32X was worth buying it for that game as far as I'm concerned. I wish it would get more attention/relaunches/remakes.
