Types of Personality Disorders: Cluster A, B, C - Doctor Explains

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In this video we will discuss personality disorders and their differences.
This video is part of a video series on mental health problems. So for more mental health related videos check out this playlist:

Let us first start with defining personality. According to google, personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. Containing mental and behavioral traits.

Personality disorders on the other hand are a type of mental disorder characterized by behavior, cognition and inner experiences, that deviate from social norms and expectations. Which can cause considerable personal, social and occupational disruption.
These patterns can be inflexible and pervasive in many situations. In some cases people with a personality disorder don’t see themselves as having a problem. This is why they can refrain for seeking treatment.

Which brings us to the question. How are personality disorders caused?
Unfortunately this is still unclear, however it is believed to be caused by a combinations of factors: Biological, psychological and social factors.

Which brings us to the different types of personality disorders. Roughly they can be divided in 3 Clusters based on similarities: A, B and C.

Cluster A: odd or eccentric behavior and thinking.
- Paranoid personality disorder: which is characterized by persistent suspiciousness, generalized mistrust to others and paranoid delusions. People with PPD could be observing the outside world, searching for threats or other signs of dangers to validate their fears and biases.
- Schizoid personality disorder: which is characterized by lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, apathy and restricted emotional expression.
- Schizotypal personality disorder: this personality disorder is characterized by experiencing discomfort by forming and maintaining social connections with other people. This can be due to the belief that other people have negative thoughts about them.

Cluster B: dramatic and overly emotional.
- Antisocial personality disorder: this is characterized by a disregard for other people, which can manifest in aggression, hostility, deceit and manipulation. They can act out of impulsive urges for personal gain, can show a lack of empathy and a bloated self-image.
- Borderline personality disorder: people with BPD can often experience intense and unstable emotions, which can change quickly. As a result they can have frequent angry outburst and act on impulses.
- Histrionic personality disorder: which is characterized by excessive emotions, egocentrism and attention-seeking behavior. They may show an extreme desire for approval and inappropriate seduction.
- Narcissistic personality disorder: this PD is characterized by a craving for admiration, exaggerated feelings of self-importance and a lack of empathy. Typically people with a NPD may spend a lot of time daydreaming about themselves achieving power and success.

Cluster C: fearful and anxious.
- Avoidant personality disorder: people with this PD often consider themselves to be unappealing and therefore avoid social interaction for fear of being ridiculed, humiliated or disliked.
- Dependent personality disorder: this PD is characterized by the psychological need to be cared for by others. This may also include extreme passivity, severe submission, feelings of devastation when a relationship ends and avoidance of responsibilities.
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: this PD is characterized by perfectionism, the excessive need for orderliness or neatness and a rigid conformity to rules.

Treatments which can be used for personality disorders: CGT, Dialectic BT and VERS-training.
In addition, several medications might be prescribed if a patient’s symptoms are severe:
- Antipsychotics.
- Antidepressant.
- Anxiety medication.

- Disclaimer: this video and the comments are meant purely informational! This is not medical advice! If you are looking for medical advice always contact your own doctor. -

I want to give special thanks to my sponsors on Patreon:
- Sebastian Houwing: Investor
- Roel: Supporter

1: NHS. (2020). Personality disorders.
2: Mayo Clinic. (2016). Personality disorders.
3: Hoermann S. Zupanick, C.E. Mark Dombeck M. (2020). DSM-5: The Ten Personality Disorders: Cluster A.
4: Cherry K. (2020). Paranoid Personality Disorder. VerywellMind

1. Verified Picasso, Fish Room
2. Patrick Patrikos, Good Times
3. Patrick Patrikos, Grut
4: Patrick Patrikios. Rockville

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Рекомендации по теме

Y'all everyone to some extent has traits associated with different personality disorders. That doesn't mean you have the disorder itself the proccess of diagnosing someone with a personality disorder is a lot more complex than just seeing the criteria as a checklist. Just because you can relate to something such as 'irrational anger' doesn't mean you have a personality disorder.


Thanks for the help, AP Psych exam is tomorrow and I'm cramming!


Great video. DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder has been added to the Cluster C group of disorders.


Accurate explanation within a brief time. Thank you


Easiest way to remember the clusters is Mad, Bad and Sad.


Thanks you for sharing about it's.
Very helpful and give me new knowledge.


Frankly, this should be taught in school.


thanks for your help i have exams next week


Do you have videos on how non-therapists should help people with these traits get help?


"I am definitely not a vampire"


Where can I get your qualification. I'm everyone of the people you just mentioned 🙄


If where’s Wally became a wiggle this guy would be it


Your accent sounds like a guy I know from New Orleans


LMAO - 'they' don't see their mental illness.' Wow, I see you've made many super videos, exciting! So right, knowledge helps us make better decisions. Why are we surrounded by so many dang narcissists nowadays? Question: How common is it for someone to have all 3 clusters? Glad to be a new subscriber, Florida USA


I have ab and c personality disorder 🤣😶


Oh jeez…now I’m extra scared to see anyone who may diagnose me even if it could be helpful…😣



"I do TOO have a personality! I even have the disorder to prove it! Multiple ones, too! All in Cluster B!"



Sir I hate my myself I'm 23 old old I very coward guy
