A Course in Miracles Catholic Response (Warning for Christians!)

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A Course in Miracles Catholic response! In this video, we discuss the many errors of a Course in Miracles, the spiritual dangers and why it’s against the Bible, the Catholic Church, and Jesus! A course in Miracles directly contradicts Jesus and the Catholic Christian faith.

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I followed the Course and did indeed find the peace it promised. There’s a lot of fear here that need not be. It’s an incredible teaching on forgiveness.


Regardless of if ACIM is channeled, it teaches about love in a way that I was so desperate for, having grown up in a church that enforced so much fear until I was close to un-aliving myself. I am grateful for my life now and try to live with love.


A Course in Miracles only strengthened my faith and increase the love in my life.

"Teach only love, for that is what you are." -A Course in Miracles


ACIM has had such a profound effect on me. As a former Catholic I highly recommend reading and studying ACIM


Now I'm confused... If God is Love, and Jesus, who is our brother IN CHRIST, teaches through Love, then why do you teach through fear my brother? Why do you teach that we should be afraid and run away, when Jesus repeatedly taught "don't be afraid" and "have faith"? Didn't Jesus also demonstrate this line of thinking when he walked into Jerusalem knowing full well what was going to happen? And was that not a demonstration of Love over fear?

"Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." - Jesus

Doesn't fear and condemnation bind the world? Doesn't Love and Forgiveness set it free? Don't we each have the God-given power to either project our fears onto others, or extend God's Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness toward others just as Jesus did?

Doesn't Gospel mean 'good news'? Is God so limited in your eyes that he's unable to generate other sources of good news that aligns with the same ideas that Jesus conveyed?

How does 'channeling' the spirit of Love and Forgiveness make one evil?

God created us in HIS image, and God is Love. Therefore, you should teach only Love, for that is what you are (or do you actually believe yourself to be something other that what God created you to be? And how would that not be arrogance on your part?).

What qualifies you to determine that Helen's pancreatic cancer was handed down by God as a punishment for writing a book, and not the result of something else in her 71 years of being here on the Earth? Are you hearing voices in your head as well?


I've been reading all 3 books of ACIM for almost 30 years - My meditations upon these books have brought me true inner peace and led me to follow Jesus the Son of God in the Roman Catholic Church, which I used to despise but now love - Where you see only lies I have identified the parts that match the teaching of the Bible - I have also identified the truths outlined in 12-step programs (even if some say it's all lies) that embody Biblical teachings - I reject text that contradicts the Bible - In this way I grow in actual practice of what Jesus teaches as I am healed spiritually, though I am still subject to cracked ribs and the like


The truth is that A Course in Miracles is a wonderful, powerful, profound and absolutely Divine course.
The person who made this video clearly has a hidden agenda.


I’ve spent 25 years with a course in miracles and have taught it for a number of years. I can tell you with certainty that the majority of people have no idea what it actually says. You won’t even be able to properly read that book unless you do the majority of the daily workbook lessons and do them properly.

Almost everybody approaches it with preconceived ideas and projections that come from other religious traditions. And then there’s the ego projections that get overlaid on top of those. All of that crap has to be trained out of the mind and then you can find out what it actually says. It takes enormous discipline to do this. There’s nothing casual or “blind faith“ about any of it. If the devil is actually behind it, he sure didn’t make it easy!


ACIM does NOT belong to the New Age movement, nor is it its holy book. That is SO inaccurate and misleading it’ s not even funny. ACIM can be described as the Christian Vedanta, as it comes at Christian teachings from an ancient Hindu perspective. It’ s a beautiful teaching and not satanic AT ALL, as it teaches the true meaning of forgiveness and a love for God, over and above the unreality of the physical world.


It’s not the Bible of the new age movement. It’s something that followers of Jesus decided to read. ✝️


I am currently reading ACIM. I'm not Christian let alone Catholic. I'll take my chances.


Peace is the goal in this wonderful course in miracles poetry. Truth in correct vision❤️...Christ’s teachings


In my opinion it is the most valuable book ever written. A gift to humanity. Ok, ok The most beautiful book I have ever read ./Four times./ It truly changed my life for the better.


The Course in Miracles is in line with most NDE's. So if you believe that they too are false, then you should be worried. But I am not, because I have recognized the love and truth of God in ACIM, confirmed by the essential content of NDE's...


This video is Full of fear - and The Cours in Miracles is full of Love forgiveness and acceptance- and that’s what Jesus taught
I choose love over fear any day- ♥️☮️✌️


I have been a student of the Bible and the following versions of A Course in Miracles for the past 25 years;
The Urtext version,
The foundation for inner peace version and the Original Edition which incidentally is the easiest to comprehend (most coherent) because it was the least tampered with by Helen’s inner group back in the day the Course was being prepped for publishing.

In the Course the Bible is quoted over 120 times, the word “Bible” is mentioned over 40 times. The core philosophy of A Course is:

I could quote from A Course hundreds of passages that reconcile beautifully with the Bible, but this entry would be way too long. So, I will ONLY quote the ONE passage that opened my mind that indeed, this is a HOLY Book. One that is NOT in competition with the Holy Bible, but an EXTENSION of GOD’s LOVE and WISDOM.

“This is a very practical course because it means what it says. So does the Bible, if it is properly understood. The Bible is about LOVE being about GOD”...A Course in Miracles Original Edition T8.VIII.8

There is ONE WORD on which A Course’ s foundation is laid upon which has been grossly misunderstood, the word is “REAL” the Course defines the real as ETERNAL, TIMELESS, and UNCHANGING and GOD Creates ONLY what is REAL.

What and who we are is “REAL” not the world we have made, not our bodies, not our illusions of what’s important!

Obviously, it stands to reason that within the CONTEXT of this meaning, SIN CAN NOT BE REAL otherwise, Jesus’s death would NOT have canceled (paid the debt) for our sins!!

Stay Safe and Stay blessed everyone.

Robert from daytradingwiththelight


ACIM reflects the true teaching of Jesus. The institutionalized traditional Christian teachings are the humanly edited version of Jesus’s teachings.
Praise God!!!


ACIM is a book that taught me how to have an experience of deep belonging and transcendent peace. The thoughts in ACIM taught me how to relate to myself in a way that healed my mind and heart of great negativity and shame. Every moment I have access to thoughts and feelings that allow me to remain open and calm and assured that God loves me and his creation forever. Nothing can overcome God's love or effect it in any way. God doesn't do abandonment. No matter what Love is open to each and every person. May Love's Compassion and Guidance bring healing to our most deeply felt pain, disappointment, and fear to open the doors of the inner sanctuary of our hearts where burns the love of God forever. And from this place may we acknowledge in whatever quiet and gentle way that despite the insanity of the dream of the world, that we all belong together united in an Eternal Love and Peace.


As a protestant who was almost deceived by the new age some time ago, thank you for this video and sharing the truth!


a course in miracles has nothing to do with a New Age movement, and everything to do with the resurrection and man’s ability to participate in that on a personal level, which the Catholic Church does not teach specifically so it can maintain control over its flock through the use of guilt.
This would have to be one of the primary reasons the Catholic Church is seeing a mass exodus of its numbers as it teaches in gods name the opposite of gods message, which is that you are hole and perfect as God created you and that you have never sinned, being a perfect creation of the divine which makes sin impossible and renders it has nothing more than a dream, which aligns with Buddhism Sufism Hinduism and true Christianity where Jesus calls us to awaken!❤
