(Civ 6) Top 5 WORST Unique Units In Civilization 6 || Civ 6 Tier list

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In this civilization 6 guide we are talking about the 5 worst unique units in civ 6. civilization 6 has some good unique units but civ 6 also has bad unique units in civ 6. Which civ in civilization 6 has the worst units that aren't even worth building? Find out in this guide by thecivlifer for civ vi. thecivlifer guide civilization vi.


00:00 Intro For The Top 5 Worst Unique Units
01:33 Honourable Mentions (Egypt, Dido)
02:56 P-51 Mustang
04:26 Viking Longship
06:35 Crouching Tiger
08:25 Saka Horse Archer
10:37 Highlanders

Leaders Included:
Portugal (Joao III), America/USA (Teddy Roosevelt/Bull moose), Arabia (Saladin), Australia (John Curtin), Aztecs (Montezuma), Babylon (Hammurabi), Brazil (Pedro II), Byzantium (Basil II), Canada (Wilfrid Laurier), China (Qin Shi Huang, Kublai Khan), The Cree (Poundmaker), The Dutch/Netherlands (Wilhelmina), Egypt (Cleopatra), England/Britain (Victoria, Eleanor Of Aquitaine), Ethiopia (Menelik II), French/France (Catherine De Medici, Napoleon), Potatomcwhiskey, Gaul/Gallic (Ambiorix), Georgia (Tamar), Germany (Frederick Barbarossa), Thesaxygamer, Thespiffingbrit, Gran Colombia (Simon Bolivar), Greece (Pericles, Gorgo), Hungary (Matthias Corvinus), Inca (Pachacuti), India (Gandhi, Chandragupta), Indonesia (Gitarja), Japan (Hojo Tokimune), Khmer (Jayavarman VII), Kongo (Mvemba a Nzinga), Korea (Seondeok), Macedon (Alexander), Mali (Mansa Musa), Maori (Kupe), Mapuche (Lautaro), Maya/Mayans (Lady Six Sky), Mongolia (Genghis Khan), Norway (Harald Hardrada), Nubia/Nubians (Amanitore), Ottomans/Ottoman Empire/Turkey (Suleiman), Persia (Cyrus), Phoenicia (Dido), Poland (Jadwiga), Rome, Roman Empire (Trajan/Ceaser), Russia (Peter), Scotland (Robert The Bruce), Scythia (Tomyris), Spain (Phillip II), Sumeria (Gilgamesh/Gilgabro), Sweden (Kristina), Vietnam (Ba Trieu), Zulu (Shaka)
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I have to disagree on the Viking longship, it can coastal raid, +1 movement, and +5 combat strength. Particularly if you are planning on early wars in a coastal game they are great.


I honestly like the Viking Longship because they can be powerful and overwhelming for the AI. I once played a colonial game (no Civs were in North/South America) as Norway on TSL Earth Huge and I got shipbuilding to travel The Atlantic. This was also on Apocalypse Mode so I had insane yields in the Amazon Rainforest (In Apocalypse Mode this is on fire non-stop). I placed some Vampire castles and I achieved the biggest capital I ever had (48 population). I also think that the Viking Longship's ability to do costal raids can be carried over when you upgrade the ship (I might totally be wrong on this). Also Viking Longship is good for costal raiding tribal villages in the arctic before anyone else which occasionally gives tech boosts and inspirations. TheCivLifeR I think you would enjoy this type of game as well and I think the Viking Longship isn't the best Unique Unit but maybe try giving it another shot.


I believe the point of the Saka horse archer is to do chip damage to a unit so your other melee units get that +5 combat strength against damaged units. I think it should stay at 1 range, but after attacking they can use their remaining movement (Cossack, Vietnam’s crossbow elephants), that way they just soften up a unit and get out of your way.


IMO a simple way to improve naval combat would just be to allow all ships to carry 1-3 units as passengers, depending on tech and promotions. This would mean you'd be more likely to build ships to ferry your armies and settlers, as well as build ship-to-ship-combat naval units to deal with them. You could even prolong unit embarkment a little. This one change would vastly improve naval combat, and make naval exploration a much greater part of the game.

I would also say; there should be more benefits to having a city on the coast, and naval bombard units should be stronger. It should really be more risk-reward than it is.


The highlander should just become a normal infantry unit (replacing the line inf.) they could add some more soldiers to the animation and they’d have an inside bonus for fighting on hills (similar to the Georgian one). It could also be cheaper to produce.


I know most people just play standard speed, but if you play on marathon with no turn limit, I think it would change your perception of a lot of these units, the warfare is so much better because it’s so much more prolonged and more specific to the eras, less overlap.

I’ve done a few Norway maps and the Longboat is still basically the strongest thing on the water in the 400 turn range in the game, on marathon.


I've used the Viking Longship combined with the "Raid" Military policy card and was able to farm some pretty good gold/faith. That would be the only thing I could see them being useful for IMO


One way I would buff the highlander is have them be able to see through woods and hills, along with +1 vision, and just remove the fact that they're more expensive than the ranger. Maybe throw in a free promotion for the extra mobility too.


Hey CivLifer. Can you do domination victory with Ottomans on true start location Europe map?(Like in your last video, when you tried similar thing with Alexander). That will be really interesting (great content btw.)


Dude I was so glad to see Return of the Obra Dinn on your desktop during that shot that you show OBS. Such an underrated game!


Been playing Civ on Switch for weeks now. Can’t get enough of these rankings and tips vids. Thanks man, subbed


I destroy early civs with the Saka Horse Archers. Other than the 2 for 1 deal you get with them, the fact you can move in, surround a city quickly, and fire on the enemy without taking damage yourself is pretty powerful imo. Once the enemy is wounded you do more damage due to Tomyris's ability. They make for great early game "Zerg-like" rushdown when combined with warriors who can take the city after a garrison is crushed.
Later on they become extremely weak but you can upgrade some of them to crossbowmen, which can basically defend against anything. The point is, Saka Horse Archers can be devestating early on, and if you manage to take even one civ down in the rushdown it gives you a huge advantage late game.


About Saka Horse Archer - another way of buffing them would be to make them into an Immortal-style Horsemen replacement. As strong as Horsemen (maybe *a bit* weaker), but with a 1-range ranged attack so they don't get hit back when they attack.


The Highlanders are my favorite raiding unit. Get them to Rank 3 (Ambush, Move After Attacking) and they will hit-n-run like cavalry and raid with impunity. The AI allows you to rank up Scouts and Recon units faster than you'd think.


You're underestimating the Viking longship. You can steal and collect the treasures, and also explore more quickly. Meet the barbarian early (maybe these will convert to city states).
Obviously in a map where there is some ocean tiles


I admittedly don't play on Deity because I am garbage at strategy and tactics, but still like playing this for some reason. But: one use I've found for the Saka Horse Archers playing as Scythia is suddenly needing defensive bodies when the AI declares a surprise war.

This usually happens to me around when I'm in the end of the classical era, and the fact that I get 2 of them (and if I've built a military district, some distance between the two as one will spawn in the encampment and the other in the city) makes them a decent choice when in "oh shit I need to build units" mode.

Also: Depending on how fast you rush them, they can be viable for supporting a city siege, because unlike melee units that you would have camping 1 tile outside of the city, they don't take return damage when they attack the city, and ancient walls don't let your city fire, so if the enemy hasn't built medieval walls yet (which in my games, not many had) they can sit there and chip away. My tactic for retribution in a surprise war was to surround a city with 5 horse archers and 1 melee unit, then have a second row of siege weapons and/or normal archers.

Now, as I said, I'm admittedly garbage at tactics and strategy, and I'm positive that this wouldn't work on higher difficulties than Prince, probably. I also agree that they have obvious weaknesses that need to be fixed (I'd go for either 1 more range, some more power to make up for their short range, or the ability to move after attacking (if not at time of training, then at least as one of their tier 1 upgrades) before I'd call them good. But I think their utility is in quick production of two units when you've focused on improving your infrastructure over rushing science for better units allows Scythia to do more than just focus on early game rush if they have the opportunity to do so based on their map, etc. Not that that's the best utility, as if you gave that 2-for-the-price-of-1 ability to basically any other unit, it'd be an upgrade, but IMO it's something that makes it situationally useful.


Naaaah Longship is dope even on continents, healing in neutral waters, in uncreachable tiles for others is super strong with the raiding! These units are effective even into MUCH later eras as they remain faster than caravels in coastal, ignore zone of control, and the AI doesn't build ships....


What would you recommend to improve or replace these units? Extra Combat strength or lower production might be a good place to start but I would like to hear your opinion on how to make them better or another unit that might fit the civs better.


Ur just straight up wrong on Viking Longship. This unit is insane. The point isn't to take cities, the point is to coastally raid. It synergizes excellently with Norway's boosts to pillages. The science and culture you can gain from pillaging city-states and players in the early game give Norway an amazing early game setup by allowing them to focus on getting out cities and units rather than building campuses early. Healing in the ocean is great because you can scatter these guys to the winds and be able to heal up and keep pillaging. They're super cheap too when bringing into account the Maritime Industries card unlocked super early at Foreign Trade. This TRIPLES your early game production towards these units when combined with Norway's innate 50% boost towards Naval Melee units. Plug in Raid when you get Military Training, and the value from those pillages goes up by 50%. Even on the continents map, their start bias makes them very viable on Diety IMO. Forget about how good they would be on archipelago. Honestly might play Norway soon after writing this haha.


I also notice a pattern here.. half of these units are ranged units with one range 🤣..
