(Civ 6) The Top 5 WORST Unique Units In Civilization 6

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Civilization 6 new frontier pass April update We take a look at the top 5 WORST Unique Units in the game

In this video we take a look at the top 5 worst unique units on deity difficulty. Unique units are supposed to be some of the strongest soldiers in the game, however these guys are the top 5 WORST

The civilization 6 new frontier pass April update gave us Monopolies and corporations, Barbarians clan mode, Dramatic ages, Heroes and Legends and secret societies were all game modes included in the civilization 6 new frontier pass April update video you will notice these changes more because adding things will make things like early rush a lot more difficult to handle because of vampires while normally early rushes are not too difficult to overcome. steam is the place where you can find this game as steam contains the game which I am playing in this video.

My gameplay includes loads of tips for beginners with guides which should help beginners to the 4x strategy game genre get acclimated and get so good at the game that they can surpass the rank of beginner through guides. Reddit is one of the best places to go as reddit has so many tips and tricks that will help any random player get better at the game. I also have many tier lists which should help many new players get accustomed to the different leaders from my tier list where I rank all the leaders who are part of the game. These leaders at the top and this leader right here are some of the best in the game

There are not any major mods included in this game as I only like QOL mods that don't interfere with the actual gameplay so mods really are not a big thing on this video. Neither is religion as I normally don't go for a religion either because it seems not worth it to me as religious bonuses are really are not worth the time it takes to get them

Civs Included In This Game (along with leaders):
Portugal (Joao III), America/USA (Teddy Roosevelt/Bull moose), Arabia (Saladin), Australia (John Curtin), Aztecs (Montezuma), Babylon (Hammurabi), Brazil (Pedro II), Byzantium (Basil II), Canada (Wilfrid Laurier), China (Qin Shi Huang, Kublai Khan), The Cree (Poundmaker), The Dutch/Netherlands (Wilhelmina), Egypt (Cleopatra), England/Britain (Victoria, Eleanor Of Aquitaine), Ethiopia (Menelik II), French/France (Catherine De Medici, Napoleon), Potatomcwhiskey, Gallic (Ambiorix), Georgia (Tamar), Germany (Frederick Barbarossa), Thesaxygamer, Thespiffingbrit, Gran Colombia (Simon Bolivar), Greece (Pericles, Gorgo), Hungary (Matthias Corvinus), Inca (Pachacuti), India (Gandhi, Chandragupta), Indonesia (Gitarja), Japan (Hojo Tokimune), Khmer (Jayavarman VII), Kongo (Mvemba a Nzinga), Korea (Seondeok), Macedon (Alexander), Mali (Mansa Musa), Maori (Kupe), Mapuche (Lautaro), Maya/Mayans (Lady Six Sky), Mongolia (Genghis Khan), Norway (Harald Hardrada), Nubia/Nubians (Amanitore), Ottomans/Ottoman Empire/Turkey (Suleiman), Persia (Cyrus), Phoenicia (Dido), Poland (Jadwiga), Rome, Roman Empire (Trajan/Ceaser), Russia (Peter), Scotland (Robert The Bruce), Scythia (Tomyris), Spain (Phillip II), Sumeria (Gilgamesh/Gilgabro), Sweden (Kristina), Vietnam (Ba Trieu), Zulu (Shaka)
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Fun fact: this list hasn't any naval unique units because CivLifer has never buit one of them.


One idea to make crouching tigers better: just give them one weaker ranged attack with the range of 2, so you have to decide if you want to use one powerful attack with one range or one weaker attack with two range. That would really make them unique and would be historically correct by the way.


Ways to fix the highlander:
Make it a melee class unit that is still unlocked at rifling
Make it like the immortal where it has good melee strength and a ranged attack
Give it +10 or +15 combat strength on hills
Give it extra combat strength and a certain amount of wall damage when attacking a city that is not owned by it’s original founder (to tie into Scotland’s ability)


I flat out forgot the Highlander exists, and I like playing Scotland. I think my brain likes to spare me the embarrassment of actually reading the text and mentally blocks it out as I read from Scottish Enlightenment straight to Golf Courses.


1 range ranged units are an abomination


Remember when Egypt got one attack per movement? You could get 4 or 5 attacks per turn... damn, that was fun.


I feel like in most of my domination games, I try to make friends with one or two AIs that aren't too close to me. So the Black Army could actually be kinda useful when stacked with a military alliance alongside joint war. But it is pretty situational.


Cree’s (not even gonna try and spell that): Fills it’s job well IMO, if the Cree had a bonus where they started the game with one and maybe a combat strength bonus for recon units against Barbs it would fill that job better.

Hoplite: when I build a swordsman, I instantly get a unit with 36 combat strength. When I build a Hoplite, I instantly get a unit with 28 combat strength and SOMETIMES 38, but actually 33 or 48 depending on the unit. I don’t think that’s enough. Instead of making the Hoplite stronger, what if we did the opposite? Now hear me out.

-remove +10 combat strength when adjacent to a Hoplite
-all enemy units next to a Hoplite immediately lose all their movement if their movement isn’t full or if hit by the Hoplite (you’ve activated my trap card!!)
-after hitting a unit with a Hoplite, all consecutive attacks get a +5% damage bonus, up to +20% for the 4th hit onwards.
-Fortified and heals at the end of every turn they don’t attack. +7 combat strength when fortified.

Now the Hoplite has a role: single target swarming! You anchor an enemy unit down, even calvalry, and all units can gang up on the poor sucker! Would it be broken? They’re pitifully slow and if they get surrounded after an attack they’re wide open to be slaughtered by archers and melee units.

Crouching Tiger: 2 range if in a district, fortified, or on a Great Wall tile improvement. +5 healing per turn when on these features.

On defense you’ll be able to protect yourself easier, and on offense you can secure the front lines much better by getting them an anchor point like an enemy district to bombard from.

Egypt chariot archer: the fact that they’re an ancient era unit that only comes at the WHEEL and their cost is the same as the Janissary (a RENAISSANCE ERA UNIT) should say it all. If they want to keep it this expensive then how about this:

-does not receive a combat strength penalty against defensible districts

Done. You have a catapult that can move & shoot and deals good damage to units. Still hella expensive, and if it get surrounded or stuck in a feature you’ll lose that investment.

Huzar: change the bonus to +4 combat strength for every city state currently levied. Much more controllable and allows for warmongering to go unpunished. Also make it work with battering rams and siege towers. It’s the turn of an era and if you’re still using ancient/medieval walls during the time of bombards you deserve to lose that city.

P51 Mustang: The coolest unit I’ve never used.

Saka horse archer: make it have high defense, 2 range, and pitiful damage. It won’t be able to kill anything on its own, but here’s the thing...

Scythia gets a combat bonus against all damaged units. Use these guys to pepper a bunch of enemies, and swarm them with horsemen. The entire enemy army will go from unaffected by Scythia’s bonus to crippled by it!

Warak’aq: terrain features are doubled defensively for the Warak’aq, and halved for the enemy they are fighting. A bunch of units across a river or in hills and rainforest? These guys will clear them out!

Highlander: +30 combat strength against someone you declared a reclaimatory war against +2 movement after a reclaimatory war. Make it impossible for you to lose that war! (I genuinely have no idea what these guys could do).


Saka Horse Archers do not require resources though. So if you want to really spam units, from multiple cities, but don't have enough Horses, you can use them. Not sure if you really need that many with the cavalry doubling ability, but still. Though I really liked the idea of making them Immortal-style replacements of Horsemen.


I would say China's unique unit is the worst. With that 1 range attack I am just not a fan of it, or China for that matter.
As for Hoplites, I think I've only played Gorgo once, but I had success with her spamming hoplites then rushing pikeman with catapults/siege tower.
Chariot Archers I would say are S tier for the AI... They make war impossible because they hit so hard, but that high production cost makes them useless for the player. Agreed.


Imo all recon uu should have the free promo "Can move after attack". It's just not worth trying to poke your enemies and then get eliminated in return.
Also for Crouching Tiger, just look at what Viet Nam have and you can see how bad it is...


Sadly if you focus only on the unit but not any Civ unique abilities that support them, that neuters the Impi which is a fantastic unit... but mostly in conjunction with Shaka’s ability (cheap, cheap, cheap corps).


I actually think scouts are viable for Robert the Bruce because I like parking them on city state tiles so the ai can't take the city state easily and if they do. Boom 100% production to your empire. And since scouts are cheaper you want to build them unless you want to actually go to war. Then build real units


Hoplites especially as Gorgo are not that bad, I mean they are 38 CS base and they are cheaper than swordsman and dont need resourcess to built. Anticavalry class were recently buffed so now it makes some sense to built them. And marianu chariots are cheaper in GS than you said. In my opinion Warakaq should be higher on list due to fact that it is two shoted by unit that is unlocked by the same tech (crossbowman) so it is useless even for fighting with barbarbarians. I found one advantage of crouching tiger, it makes walls strikes stronger but it doesnt change the fact that this unit is trash. Great video btw


Huszars are actually nice, they have a higher base combat strength than cavalry, which unfortunately isn't mentioned in their description. And when you play Hungary properly you're going to have them well upgraded since they're on the same unit line as the black army.


For highlander the unique ability should be a bagpipe on approach every enemy unit runs away one tile, if there is a unit already it becomes deaf so on next round it loses its movement and get hit with -10 health


10:37 awesome. Pure gold. Thank you civlifer :)


Anti-Calvary is such a shame tbh, the tier 2-3 promotions are GOD but you can never get them. Such a shame isnt it?


My favourite unit is the Samurai (if fighting adjacent to sea) and the Black Army (if adjacent levies)


Finally someone had the balls to say Hoplites are pure garbage
