Medicare and Employer Coverage Explained 👍

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So If you are 65+ (or turning 65 soon) and will have both Medicare and Employer Coverage because you are still actively working, you will have a number of things to think through.
1️⃣ If you wondering if there are better Medicare plans available
2️⃣ If you worried you don't fully understand your current Medicare plan
3️⃣ If you just plain curious as to what other benefits you could get at no extra cost

So If you are 65+ (or turning 65 soon) and will have both Medicare and Employer Coverage because you are still actively working, you will have a number of things to think through.

Hey guys, Lance here with Medicare advisors. And again, we're a team of friendly licensed agents dedicated to helping seniors navigate the complex world of Medicare. So today I'm going to discuss about Medicare and employer coverage. But before I start, please remember the information I'm sharing is just for your general knowledge. If you really want to maximize your Medicare benefits by getting the best coverage for the lowest amount possible, call our toll free number at 1-800-240-5241.

Okay, so let's get started with today's topic. So if you are 65 Plus or turning 65 soon, and we'll have both Medicare and employer coverage, because you're still actively working, you still have a number of things to think through, you likely have options to keep your employer insurance and Medicare will coordinate with that coverage. You'll also want to compare the cost of that employer coverage against what it would cost you to roll over to Medicare as your primary insurance. So doing your research will help you decide on which coverage option is most cost effective. It can also help you avoid any Medicare late enrollment penalties wherever possible.

And again, this info below is for beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Medicare coordination rules are different for people who are under age 65 on Medicare due to disability. So active employer coverage means you are still actively working, not retired.

In this scenario, you have the right to remain on your employer's group health insurance plan. If you choose, your Medicare benefits can coordinate with that coverage. How it coordinates depends on the size of your employer. So these same rules apply if your group health coverage is through your spouse's employer. So if you're getting ready to enroll in Medicare for the first time, or if you're already enrolled in Medicare, one of the most important things you can do is review all your options as Medicare plans and benefits are updating and changing each year. Medicare and Employer Coverage

Now if you're enrolling for the first time, it can be very confusing trying to figure out which plan will be right for you. And if you're already enrolled, it's a good idea to review your coverage each year because you could be missing out on some important benefits offered by the major providers in your state. By reviewing your coverage, you may be able to upgrade your benefits without having to pay more money. But neither situation this can be confusing to try and figure out all these things on your own.

So fortunately, there is a very simple way to get the most recent benefits without having to call several insurance companies or even spend endless amounts of time scrolling through the internet. There is a completely free no obligation helpline to give those enrolling in Medicare for the first time or are those already enrolled in Medicare the information they need to take advantage of all the most recent benefits available to them. Medicare and Employer Coverage

So if you're wondering about how to sign up for Medicare and finding the right plan for you or maybe you're just curious about other types of benefits you can get at no extra cost. Either way, you can go ahead and call this toll free number 1-800-240-5241. We are open Monday through Saturday 8am till 6pm. Eastern Standard Time, then once you call you'll get the chance to speak with someone who will be happy to answer any questions you might have and and find you the best coverage available for you and your particular situation. And even if it's outside the Annual Enrollment Period, it's still very easy to switch your plan if you'd like to do so. Also, if you have any questions you'd like to post down in the comment section below. We'd love getting to answer as many of those as we can.

Рекомендации по теме

#1 If you wondering if there are better Medicare plans available
#2 If you worried you don't fully understand your current Medicare plan
#3 If you just plain curious as to what other benefits you could get at no extra cost


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