Carnivore Medicine - Dr Shawn Baker & Dr Ken Berry - CARNIVORE DIET REVOLUTION

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The Carnivore Diet is becoming very popular and for many good reasons. If you've tried it please tell your story in the comments. If you've been considering the Carnivore Diet, please try it for 90 days. If you currently think the Carnivore Diet is dangerous & crazy then please listen carefully to this interview, it might change your mind.

Shawn Baker M.D. is the Co-Founder of Revero, orthopedic surgeon, world leading authority on treating disease with medical nutritional therapy, an Amazon best-selling author, world champion athlete, international speaker, podcast host, and consultant. He introduced the zero carb elimination diet to the world on the Joe Rogan podcast with more than 10 million downloads and wrote the best selling book on Amazon. His personal experience with optimizing health as well as interacting with thousands of patients has shown powerful results in treating and reversing many chronic diseases.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is Medical Advice. Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to, and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from purchases.
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I told my doctor I started carnivore. She didn’t say much. Three months later when I came back for my routine check up she told me she started carnivore too. There’s something to be said about carnivore.


Ranchers are the most important people on the planet - our survival is in their hands. Support them!


Im a stage 4 cancer patient living with cancer for 7 years now. Chemo 2x and radiation once and the cancers grew. One year on carnivore and 5 tumors stopped growing and 1 slowed down the growth. Excema, breathing, depression and arthritis all cured as a side effect even though that was not the goal. I've lost 44lbs and kept it off and my cancer numbers have dropped from 1.8 to 1.5. I'm in Alberta Canada and the Oncologists are not interested in any results that arent from their drug treatments but the rest of the staff listens intently. I'm loud and proud regarding the carnivore diet. I've lost my colon and am a permanent ostomate, I've lost my reproductive organs and the bottom 3rd of my left lung but feel better than I have for a decade at least. My son has been on it for 3 months and has lost 33lbs he couldnt get rid of no matter what he did. Spread the word this works for a lot of ailments including cancer. Thank you. Terri


Small cow farm from France here. Thank you gentlemen for asking people to support their local farmers.


I am 84 over 400 days carnivore. No more high blood pressure, no more inflammation, no more prediabetic. All blood numbers are great.


I saw my Doctor last January and I told her I was going carnivore and she told me I am the second patient she has that has gone carnivore. She told me she wants to do a full blood test on me in June. She told me her patient that now eats meat, was in a wheelchair and now hikes 5 to 10 miles a day.


I stumbled on carnivore. Newly Retired…in wheelchair …fat!…I am more of a holistic person…no trust in doctors. Not vaccinated for covid…1.5 yrs going to chiropractor till ran out of gas money!! double hip replacement candidate…

Abandoned…& broken…

April 2024, I wanted to pick myself up, self evaluate, praying, and started looking into how to lose weight,

Midway thru last month carnivore started showing up. I have lost about 6 inches off my waist!!!

No sugar. No carbs. 16 hr fasting.

My diet consists of mainly meat, eggs, avocado, seasalt.

I can hardly wait to see what happens in the next few months! I’m hoping to walk soon! Praise God.


I m 43 and ive been carnivore for 3 years, which cured 43 years of schizophrena, bi polar, and addiction. Im now a functioning person, and a personal trainer. Carnivore works


This nurse got literal chills when Doc Berry was putting the ADA on notice.
Go get em Sir


We sold our house in the east bay area in CA. With the equity alone we bought a house on 40 acres of grazing land, free and clear of debt, in southern Missouri to raise cattle and sheep. We eat what we raise and sell the surplus. It took some planning and major changes but we love the life we now live. Much less stressful and the food we produce is pure medicine.


I'm 72 yo Grand ma. Lifetime member of Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Low fat, no fat. All worked, but I was miserable all the time. Got fatter and fatter, depressed, anxiety ridden. On SSRIs for 20 years. Had a gastric bypass at 61 years old. Went strict carnivore one year ago when my life was spiraling out of control. One year later, no pain, off all depression and anxiety meds, able to focus, sleep well. I actually feel like I did at 20 years old. (also, retired RN), and down 60 pounds just as a side happy benefit. What's not to love? I am terrified of sugar and carbs now. Life is good!


I recommend everyone to find the book titled Unlocking Carnivore Potential ; it goes deep into all of this, and it changed my life


East Tennessee
67 years old. 6'4" 450 pounds. Ate out of depression. Disabled veteran. Love your videos and Carnivore. Down 50 in 6 weeks.


I ate a 'healthy' low fat, high fibre, whole grain, high carb (not processed) fruit and veg diet for most of my life. In my mid 40s, things started to go very wrong. Went plant based for 2 years, ('cos it's the healthiest, right?) and everything went horribly wrong. It was when my dentist told me I was on the verge of losing all my teeth, that I fell down the low carb rabbit hole. 5 years on, here I am. 95% carnivore and I've cured IBS, gum/periodontal disease, arthritis, acne, hair loss, breast cancer, avoided a hip replacement, no more brain fog and SO much more!
So I've eaten the food pyramid, plant based and carnivore, and in my n=1, carnivore is the proper human diet.


100% support your local rancher/ farmer. Give these families a fighting chance against government over reach. We need to help each other by helping these families with options.


1.25 years carnivore here.
Lost 100lbs
I’m 42 years old and training to compete in my first bodybuilding competition
Prior to carnivore I had
Acute kidney disease
EFGR in the 30s my dr wanted me to have a kidney biopsy
I had high blood pressure
Severe gout
He also said I needed to be on statins.
I left office pretty down. I found this channel by accident in my car in the parking lot of office.
I literally drove to grocery store bought eggs steak butter and salt and haven’t looked back.
Best decision of my life.
My EFGR is close to 90 and my blood pressure is good
My dr didn’t even know who I was.
I told him I’m on carnivore and I weight train every day and walk 3-5 miles every evening before bed.
His response was eating meat will in the long run destroy my kidneys and that I should stop immediately…..
Needless to say he’s not my dr anymore.


Eat Meat, Lift Weights, play in the Sun, swim in the Ocean, live to 100.


I’m a baby carnivore, about 3 months in. And I can’t believe how much I already feel better !! I don’t have stomach bloating anymore at all. My fibromyalgia issues are starting to reverse at a degree that is just almost unbelievable. I would urge everyone who hasn’t tried carnivore to just try it !!!


I’m 75 years old. I’ve been a carnivore for almost 5 years. I never felt better. Thank you.


All I need in my life are Berries (Ken Berry), Baked Goods (Shawn Baker), Coffee (Anthony Chaffee) and a bit of Salad (Saladino).
