How Empaths Get Taken Advantage Of

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Empathic people can sometimes be mistreated because their emotions can be mistaken as weakness but that's not the fact! As an empath, you've got to learn how to protect yourself and this video will help you do that by learning how empaths get taken advantage of and what you can do about it.

Watch and Enjoy!
Kirk & Kim Duncan

Kirk Duncan – President/Founder of 3 Key Elements, provides contemporary training and a greater perspective for fine-tuning personal, family, and business communications. He trains you how to implement these techniques, and experience improved relationships, increased awareness, and more productivity and effectiveness in your life.

Kim Duncan – Vice President of 3 Key Elements, loves to teach others about the abundant power that a woman has when she embraces her feminine energy—in the home, in the workplace, in the community, and in the world.




Video by:
Nate Woodbury - YouTube Producer
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Personally, I rather be hated for what I am, than loved for what I'm not ;)


I learned just recently that being referred to as "weird" is actually a compliment. The Latin root for the word "weird" actually means "magical, mystical, a beautiful root to our trees


I actually have the opposite happen to me all the time. A lot of people just come right up to ME and start telling me Their problems without asking for MY permission.


It’s not easy being a empath. We feel everybody mess and can’t even express it to someone without u looking like a mess. Thx for this video


I totally love what you are saying. I was raised by a narcisist who always said "you're so sensitive"- until 1 day i said yes mom i am sensitive. & thats not always a bad thing. Im sensitive to other peoples wants, needs, desires & pain. & i cant help but try & help.


I am a damaged Empath. So, I have gone the other direction. I don't trust people and fear being taken advantage of so I am less likely to step up and offer help to people. I always feel like my space is being invaded.


Empath set the standards, you're a weirdo but you see them coping everything you do🤗🤗😂😂


It is hard to be an empath, an introvert, and Co dependent. The struggle is real.


Great solid advice on being aware of language. I think we often forget others are not like us, nor do they want to be. Wish I had been more aware years ago. A church member came to my home to visit and told me that no one in my congregation liked me and everyone thought I was weird. His comments were very hurtful to say the least
I really shut down after that. Huge walls went up. Trusted no one.

Today I finally have maybe a clue as to why this person relayed this info on behalf of 250+ other people : My empath-ness must have been too visible. And not understood, especially in a very rigid, religious setting.

I very much appreciate these insights about language and finding who can be trusted.
One observation I have made : narcissists are highly adept at mirroring language and demeanor to gain commonality and trust. Empaths have to be extremely careful not to fall prey to a narcissist.


Thank you. In the past 2 years I have totally changed my diet. No more fast food, sugar, bread, rice, noodles and potatoes. More vegetables and lean meat. My awareness has heightened. So glad I found you! Everything you are saying is rings true for me. I am now more excited to get to know myself than ever before. Thanks for being you!


One out of 100 ? That means there is only 800, 000 of us " weirdo's" in the whole world ? I'm proud to be one


This helped me because I never fit in in groups or jobs. If I did it was with the rejects. I was criticized a lot growing up and expected to be almost a lunching bag and absorb stress and constant energy. I found myself in toxic relationships too. I was not allowed to sleep in or rest on my days off. So now I do that I left. I'm catching up. The needy people thing is very anoying. Then I feel guilty if I say no. With strangers you see people angry with dark energy, bit ways to avoid them. I agree on being careful on explaining things because it's like a person from the future talking to someone from centuries ago. Being outspoken is a rare gift, but yes people freak out. Hes right on carefully wording with common langauge. Does anyone feels more of a connection to animals than people? I will need to remember the permission part.


This feels like the most beautiful validation I've ever had in my life! I feel at home. So grateful. Thank you!


Yes! Lots of people think I'm odd, very sensitive to noise, and sensory! People don't think I'm smart or something & try to take advantage- which is unfortunate! They find later once they get to know me they get intimidated or something which I'm not looking to do & they find I'm a very intelligent person! Thank you for your video


I never knew what was wrong with me until I came across these videos. Growing up I could feel people's emotions and still right now today. I always felt alone because no one understood me but today I've learned to embrace my loneliness.

People told me that I'm too sensitive or I'm an over thinker. I can pick up on people's authenticity especially when it came to my adult children were meet new people. I'd could sense these people's motivations and I'd tell my child however they thought I was nuts but in the long run they found out I spoke the truth and try prohibited them from being hurt.

Sometimes I could be asleep and will sit up crying, someone is hurting in pain and of course I'm thinking if a family member. Sure enough when I contact my parents or any other family member something bad has happened.

I recently learned to differ my own emotions from someone else's. I mean it could be sudden anger or crying, I had to ask myself are these my emotions and a lot of times they weren't.

I use to hate this gift, I felt like it was a curse and interrupted my life. Now that I'm educated those negative feelings are gone. I'm just more aware of the company I keep and know that I can't save anyone but can help. I couldn't understand why I would get so overwhelmed by crowds of people, just feeling drained of mental and physical energy. Thank God I'm in the process of mastering being an empath.

Thank God for these videos because there were times I thought I was losing my mind. I didn't understand why I always felt like I was different and didn't belong in this world. I do utilize my gift to help others, the ones who want that is.

Thank you for your insight on this subject, you are well appreciated. May God continue to bless you in more ways than one. 🙌🙏🤗


Why do I always seem to be helping everyone, but I can feel a sense of this destroying me on the inside ?
I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm looking for answers !


I no longer trust someone who is my closest friend physically simply because I realized how I am being used. She was only there when she needs me. She only cares about her own stuffs and ready to just unfriend me but probably found out she can't. She still keeps on reaching out to me up to this moment but im not doing the same for her this time.


Never let others define who you are, what you have, and what you can do. You set the boundaries of your life, not the rest of the world. I love being "weird"!! I love your videos Kirk!! Thanks!!


Great tips, thank you. I've recently been wondering how people around me, in an organisation that I volunteered at, were unable to read a situation where we were being misled, me being labelled a 'trouble-maker' for trying to speak up. This fits.


"Why are you so sensitive?" "She knows when we are talking about her" etc
