Hypothyroidism Diet Tips | Weight Gain, Disordered Eating, Hashimotos, Set Point

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Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! . In today’s video, I am going to be talking about hypothyroidism and its impact on weight gain, set point, disordered eating and MORE!

A few disclaimers:
1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) TRIGGER WARNING: some graphics and discussions may be disturbing to some viewers so feel free to skip this video.

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Lacey Dunn, RD


Follow me on Instagram! @abbeyskitchen

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Xoxo Abbey
Contribution by: Amber Whittemore
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"The most common age to be diagnosed with Hashimotos is 40-60." Me being diagnosed five years ago at the age of 14.


I love how she said "give yourself some love" when it comes to dealing with weight gain. It's not your fault! I went through that. Gained so much weight in what felt like overnight! Tried to tackle it by a calorie deficit and more exercise but I just kept getting bigger. I felt like I was obviously "just lazier" than my friends, or that I'd turned 30 and my body was just settling. I tried to just be okay with being fat (clinically obese, actually) but I was so miserable carrying those extra 40 pounds around despite a healthy and mindful lifestyle. Turns out I had full blown Hashimoto's hypothyroid! Started on Levothyroxine, adjusted my carbs (in moderation), and the weight came off. 40 pounds in a year. Feel better, fitter, stronger than ever.
If you're in a Hashi's rut, please be kind to yourself!


I've had hypothyroidism since I was 12, I'm 26 now. All these years I've been NEEDING a video like this. THANKYOU.


I’d like to be normal. This can honestly be overwhelming to live with.


Hearing that my body WILL go back to my happy weight is what I needed. I was always on the heavy side as a child and preteen, but then I was able to lose 70 pounds sustainably, and I was able to maintain it for a good 6-7 months. I was finally confident in my appearance. But suddenly in 2 months I gained 30 pounds. I just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism (it runs on both sides of my family) so I’m hoping my medication works! Praying for the best!


So excited for this video!! I was born without a thyroid and take two medications for both my T3 and T4 respectively. I cannot tell you HOW MANY TIMES I’ve been told to go gluten free or vegan to “cure” my hypothyroidism. I’ve started replying “oh yeah will it regrow my non-existent thyroid???”. 🙄 thank you so much for talking about the science based approach to this very prevalent problem.


I gained 40 lbs in three months... diagnosed a year later. Still haven’t lost the weight but beat my ED.


As someone who has had hypothyroidism since I was 10 (now 23), this is the best thing😍


Abbey: lists all the symptoms of hypothyroidism
“I know that can sound really scary”

Me, with every single one of those symptoms:


I’m recovering from an eating disorder and your videos help so much because it help me know that some what I eat in a day isn’t healthy today has been my first day of recovery!! Thank you for what u do ❤️❤️


I literally screamed when I saw the title of this video! This came at such a good time!! Thank you for addressing this topic Abbey and for giving us more resources to learn about hypothyroidism. I hear stories about people learning to manage their thyroid issues and it keeps me hopeful 😊 Good luck to those working towards a healthy existence while managing a thyroid problem!! We got this!!


I laughed out loud at the “loss of appetite” 😂 I got diagnosed with hashimotos two years ago (age 21) and my stomach in terms of hunger and appetite works like a clock, I get hungry every 3-4 hours and can’t think of a time i had no appetite (besides when I was sick).
That doesn’t mean it can’t be for others, of course, it just *absolutely* isn’t the case for me


Thank you for including Celiacs. A lot of people still think we are a joke and a fad. My stomach confirms, that is a lie.


I was born without a thyroid and have been taking medications since birth! my weight has fluctuated but the times in my life where I was the leanest was when I was active! being active also helps with all of the hypothyroidism symptoms! even walking 30 mins a day helps a ton! Lovely video.


I was diagnosed with hashimotos 4 years ago, I am absolutely clueless on my own condition and am so grateful for this video!


just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am so thankful that i could come to one of my favorite channels to find information! taking comfort in the small things these days


My bestie has Hashimotos so this was really informative for me to learn without having to bug her for a bunch of details. Thanks!


Your videos help me so much! My therapist has encouraged intaking more intuitive eating type of videos and videos that don't promote ED or disordered eating. I even recommended your videos to my therapist and she LOVES them


This was a great video! Abby I would love to see a video on perimenopause and menopause. There is so much doom and gloom around this topic with increased appetite, lowered metabolism, decreased muscle mass and low bone density during this phase of life.


Thank you so much for this video! Had ED in my teens. Then gained weight through my 20's unexpectedly and despite trying to diet & exercise - finally diagnosed at age 29 with a TSH of 52. Now I'm 32 and still struggling to lose the extra weight.
