5 Reasons You Should Learn Boxing - Amazing Benefits!

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5 Reasons You Should Learn Boxing

So many people are interested in boxing training, whether it be learning the fundamentals of the sweet science or improving their overall fitness and performance levels. In today’s video I am going to discuss 5 reasons why I think you should start boxing training.

The first reason. Boxing is great for weight loss. Throughout my 20 years of working out, boxing has been the most challenging form of exercise that I have performed but also the most rewarding. With boxing you are burning lots of calories each session by doing things such as hitting the heavy bag, shadow boxing, ladder drills, mitt work, jumping rope or strength and conditioning. This is why there has been a significant increase in boxing fitness facilities because it has helped people achieve major weight loss.

Reason number 2. Boxing is for everyone. Regardless of your age or fitness level, you can begin boxing training whenever you desire. I am 33 years old and I just recently started taking boxing again 1 month ago. Although I am older and not the same athlete I was 10 years ago, I am still able to enjoy boxing training. I have seen kids in the gym as young as 5 years old and adults that are 50 year old who move better than 20 year olds. I actually envision a society where we transition from always going out to eat as the thing to do with a group of friends and start going to boxing gyms for a fun challenge instead.

Reason number 3. Boxing is fun. You get to work alongside others (if you choose) and improve upon your skills. Boxing is a full body workout that helps you improve your endurance, speed, strength and focus. This is not your typical workout where you go to the gym and get bored performing the same routines week after week. Not to say there is anything wrong with that because that is how I built my foundation, but many people prefer to have more variety involved in their training. The number of drills and equipment that you can use in the boxing gym definitely allows training to remain entertaining.

Reason number 4. Boxing will improve your conditioning tremendously. Having good endurance is a must when it comes to boxing so that you can always maintain the proper stance and throw punches with the proper technique. Conditioning is not something that improves over night. This is something that takes time and consistency, but once your conditioning has reached the intermediate to advanced level then all other aspects of fitness will improve for you also.

Reason number 5. Boxing requires you to be disciplined. I have shared with my friends and associates that I want to do an amateur boxing match in 2022 and 90% of them have asked me “why do you want to do that?” For me it is simple, I believe that in life we must always be willing to challenge ourselves. We only get 1 life to live and we should spend it doing everything we desire. In addition, I enjoy challenges and situations that make me uncomfortable because I know that is how you experience growth in life. Boxing requires you to stay disciplined by eating clean to improve performance, sticking to a routine, practicing the sweet science outside of the gym and working on your strength and conditioning. If you are not disciplined then you will not get better as a boxer and as a result this can cause you to get discouraged and eventually quit. On the other hand, if you remain disciplined and have a desire to constantly improve your skills then this will become a never ending and rewarding journey for you.

Those are my top 5 reasons for why you should start boxing training whether it be to compete or for general fitness. If you have any other reasons on why people should start boxing training please leave them in the comments section below because I would love to hear them. I hope you found this video helpful.
#boxing #keithmoorejr #boxingtraining

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About Keith Moore Jr:
Keith Moore Jr. is a NASM certified personal trainer located in Florida. He has been working in Corporate America since June 2012 and he has years of experience training people that work full time jobs and also individuals that are business owners as well.

I am not a doctor, nutritionist or medical professional. The information I provide is based on my personal experience. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program.
Рекомендации по теме

One thing I noticed after a year of boxing is the culture at fighting gyms are way better than fitness gyms. Fitness gyms, dudes have tuff guy egos for no reason and are super insecure. In the boxing gym, egos get checked real quick! So, people are super friendly, helpful and humble.


There is an old dude in my gym that started boxing at the age 65. He lost 50 pounds in 1 year and just started sparring. Another dude 75 just joined. He was not athletic but he keeps coming back. After 2 weeks hes got some flow on the double end bag.


I always had that itch to box for years. I'm 44 but I want to keep my muscle. My metabolism is fast. Plus I can use it to take anger out on the bag.


I just started 3 weeks ago with no prior experience. I’m going MWF every week. My trainer told me it would take 1-2 months to learn the basics and then we could work on speed and power. He also told me simply to do cardio on off days bc my conditioning is currently very poor. I’m a little self-conscious but have been told boxing is great for people with ADHD and anxiety so I’m really hoping to give it my all!


Keith is 100% correct!! I started boxing at age 68. I just had my first fight in Las Vegas at 72. I'm in the best shape of my life! Boxing keeps me working out and improving my skills daily. It's NEVER TOO LATE to start. Competing is an option but training is where the results are.


When I use to train in MMA the people who I struggled to hit the most were ex boxers. Boxing seems to give the individual reflexes that I dont see in other martial arts


Hi I'm 58 yrs old and enjoyed boxing back in da 80s when Roberto Duran Marvin Hagler sugar ray leanord and Tommy hearns were popular.. I sometimes go to the park and do push-ups jumping Jack's and squats and I do a Lil shadow boxing even though I never had training just watching boxers in matches. I weigh 225lbs and I wanna get to under 200lbs hopefully by Christmas.. Once I get into a Lil better shape than I am now. I will try to join a self defense class in martial arts for me. I am not trying to be like Ali or Bruce Lee at my age. But I heard Bruce Lee incorporated boxing in his martial art by studying Muhammed Ali in the 60s and loved his style. I hope more people like me and older can do something instead of sitting on park benches and move and learn boxing which is considered a martial art in many fighters eyes or something else which will help them as they get older. Wish me luck I start again on May 26 2024 memorial day weekend. God bless us all. Thank you


I started boxing training this year in June. It's good exercise, it's fun and it's great for stress relief and blowing off steam. I got into it because I was looking for an alternative way to exercise so I wouldn't get bored with working out (ie the typical gym workouts) on my weight loss journey. Also, because I took martial arts as a kid and wanted to get back into some form of combat training. Boxing, along with the recumbent bike, walking and weight training has helped me drop 100 lbs. Still have a little ways to go to meet my goal but I will get there. Watching your videos Keith, along with Fight Camp and this other dude on YT, have helped me tremendously. Thank you and keep up the good work. You're helping people whether you know it or not!


for me brother, bag work is my therapist. im bipolar and a good workout helps me relax and sleep better.


I plan to starting boxing soon, only problem is my schedule.

- Every morning 1 hour of gym
- fulltime 9-5 job
- part time entrepreneur
- planning to box 2 x a week
- planning to do thai box and MMA once a week


So thankful for this video, I am new to boxing with the heavy bag 3-4 times a week in the early morning hours. I feel amazing adding this to my regular routine of rowing, and strength training. I am also a drummer so this is great for endurance conditioning on that level. Thanks again for sharing your journey and insight on the best possible conditioning known to man. Cheers!


Its surprising yu didn't mention best art for self defence


Keep swingen bro.. wanna wish u and the fam a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the upcoming new year brother.. much love from Toronto Canada 🇨🇦



I like your vision. I hope more people like going to train together


Awesome. I am planning to start next week. I will be 51 next week


I just purchased Liteboxer and boxing is super fun!!!


What about boxing for self-defense?
(I enjoyed the video, btw)


With a good diet & boxing, I lost 14 lbs in one year


What does your diet consist of? I use your videos when I hit the heavy bag usually 5 day a week 20-30 minutes


How do maintain muscle bulk without loosing it cardio intense boxing training?
