What No One Tells You About Moving to The Netherlands /What I Wish I knew as An American

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What No One Tells You About Moving to The Netherlands /What I Wish I knew as An American
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Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans/ An American Living in The Netherlands
Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about Things that are taken for granted here in the netherlands That I hear complaints about all the time. I love living here in the Netherlands and love The Dutch culture and believe when i say that... This is How The dutch are changing my mindset in the best way.

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Yooo Happy Monday! Hope you guys are having a great start to the week! What’s something that you wish you knew about where you live?


There were many factors that contributed to my well being in the Netherlands: fluency in the Dutch language accelerated my integration into the Dutch society. Building stable and reliable relations with Dutch nationals. These two factors made my life much easier as a country boy from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. USA


Closets are traditionally not included if/when you buy a house. The reason I think is that the builder won't know who or even how many people are going to live in it and also some people will just never have enough closets so why bother. But don't worry, Ikea is your friend.


It really shows that you come from a country where towns are large and sprawling 😂 i laughed SO hard when you called Haarlem a little town. That's the capital of North Holland!


Welcome in the Netherland. We need people like you🍷


You seem like such a chill guy to hang out with. I think you have no problem making contact with us locals at all. Keep on doing what you do man, very cool vlogs. 👌🤙🏼🔥


Here it is normal when you rent or buy a house, it is empty. You need to organise something on the floor (carpet for instance) and all the furniture and appliances. Everyones taste is different, so when you move, you'll take your stuff (including flooring) with you, unless you can sell it to the next one that moves in.
And about the alarm: it's loud in the whole country, so it doesn't really matter where you live. You'll always hear it, but you'll get used to it. It's only strange when it happens at a different time than normal. That's the time to turn on the radio, or tv.


About getting the weather wrong: We as humans realy don't know everything about the things that influence weather nor do we have the computing capability today to predict it fully. As far as I know, currently we have about 95-98% accuracy during the first few days, around 90-95% for the first 2 weeks, but after that it plummets to below 40%. This is a consideral improvement to even 20 years ago. When I learned about the amount of (known) variables that can influence the weather and thus our predictions, it made me respect science even more than I did. :)


Lately, I’ve been thinking I’m eating healthier, but some of my followers have mentioned that I’m still consuming a lot of highly processed foods. At first, I was confused, but then a few of my overseas followers pointed out that many ingredients found in U.S. packaged goods are actually banned in Europe and other parts of the world. When they shared some examples with me, I was completely mind-blown! 😂

So now I’m curious—how different is the food actually over there? Is it really healthier?


genuine question tho, is it assumed in the US that you can just move abroad and DON'T need to learn the language of the country you're in? Like I've seen this in other videos and comments where there's this kind of egocentric energy of "oh but they speak English anyway" or "English is an international language, so learning the language is a waste of time". Imagine you move to Germany or Turkiye, where English is nowhere nearly as prevalent as the Netherlands, now what?


In the Netherlands closets are furniture, like chairs and tables. Maybe one underneath the staircase....if you're lucky.


You got lucky with your service provider, we weren't as lucky😂 but, you live and learn. We landed in Amstelveen, it's nice but definitely dig the vibe more in Haarlem, at least for us. Definitely important to check different places out, find your spot❤


If I'm not mistaken, somewhere around the 1980s, houses stopped including closet space built in, and you were instead expected to install furniture. I rent a house from the late 80s, and it came with a large standalone wardrobe - the landlord agent showing me around told me that it was included when these houses were built as 'compensation' for there no longer being built-in closets like there were in old houses, as a transition thing (and expressed surprise that it was still standing after all these years!)


Bro, visit Groningen sometime please :-) The alarm came from the 3 stacked radar-ish looking disks things on the tower.


8:37 If you can prove that you never got the bill. You can probably get it waived.
10:42 you can also ask to change the letters to english.


Flaunting your wealth is considered a bit vulgar in the Netherlands. Protestant roots I suppose. A fancy car is more likely to be met with skepticism about your character than applause.


Hey Sky! I've been loving that you've been shifting towards longer-form videos for a while now. When did you make that decision? How do you feel about it compared to the shorter (less than 10 minutes) videos that you used to do?


The alarm, so funny. It is so good that you adres these things.


I think it's smart how you chose to tell your story while taking a walk through the city. Makes it so that it's not as boring as when someone would just be sitting on their couch at home and telling the same story.


About closet space: only in social rentals there is a chance you get some closets.
In commercial rentals and buying a house there is almost never closets present.
Also depending on the village you start to live in, look for the yearly events and try to participate. You will become a member of the community very fast.
