Why We Hate Dr. Smith | Lost In Space (2018) Explained

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A character analysis of the new Dr. Smith from Lost In Space (2018).

#Netflix #lostinspace

This video was made by Bryce Edward Brown
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BY THE WAY, here's my latest Lost In Space video:


Never have I ever hated a character so much


Every time she appeared I thought: please die now please die please


I don't hate her, I hate everyone else for keep giving her oportunities. She's a pathological lair come'on!!! If someone left me for dead in a storm I will go full Liam Neeson on that person no matter what


I legit almost stopped watching because she pissed me the hell off 😂


I can't stand her in this TV show she literally irritates me can't stand this character makes me not want to continue.


What finally ticked me over is when she taked to the girl that lost her husband. They went into 'therapy' and she purposely mentaly destroyed her. And walked out waiting for her to brake down and was happy about it. Like what the actual fuck! She infuriates me


I honestly want the ending of Lost in Space Season 3 to be the robot violently ripping Dr Smith apart while blasting her with the laser weapon


You know an actor is good if they can make you hate them so much.😂


Is her acting is good enough to hate her guts then she’s a fantastic actor


I'm on episode three and I got here because I could honestly no longer stand Smith on screen. I hate her because she is outside the plot. She's not part of the story, she has no actual motivations to any of her actions. She's not the main antagonist, she's just chaos.


I hate her character so much, I nearly stopped watching the show. If she would at least have a bit of humor, but no, she's only annoying like hell. I couldn't watch more than 2 episodes at one time, because then I needed a pause from that woman. I love the Robinsons and the Robot and look forward to season 2, but please kill her off or make her a bit more likable. It would be sad if this one character would get the show cancelled because the viewers stop watching the show just because of her.


Most people only like villains who DON'T resemble our family and coworkers. This villain is too realistic to enjoy.


My main problem with the character and the writing was how she kept getting away with the most feeble lies. There were about four or five times others would confront her on something, she'd tear up or give a stupid excuse and they were like "oh! Ok, I see!" It got to the point of British Comedy after awhile.

They certainly made her an unlikable character. She's a straight on psychopath/sociopath and I don't see how she could ever get a "heel-face turn" or turn halfway tolerable. Right now, she's just someone you do not want anywhere near yourself or your family.


Dudeeee I hate her so much after watching episode 2 I was mad the whole day.


The problem with Dr. Smith is that they overused her. She's a good character, but her success is based on other's making mistakes. When she is doing something nefarious EVERY SINGLE episode and it is based on someone trusting her, the show isn't asking us to suspend our belief that someone like her exists, it's asking us to suspend the belief that scientists and space travelling competent individuals are making the same mistake over and over again. This calls into question all future decisions they make. Also, the show asks us to suspend the belief that people in literally the most dire survival situation I can think of and who are also parents would keep giving chances to this woman who has put their family members into peril to save herself multiple times now. In reality, Dr. Smith would have been imprisoned forever, abandoned some place, or killed. You're telling me that an ex-Navy Seal dad wouldn't have done this?
Lastly, to those saying that without Dr. Smith we wouldn't have a show. That's a BS excuse. They are literally lost in space, the limits are kind of boundless. So, to wrap up, Dr. Smith is a good character but due to the trope of her tricking people repeatedly is one of the main catalysts of the storyline, her presence can grow tiring. She should be sprinkled throughout and perhaps we can change the backbone of all her plans (get someone who doesn't trust you to trust you even though you are obviously a bad guy) to something else every once in awhile.


One thing is for sure: she is a good actress.


Parker Posey is a brilliant actress. The fact that people wanna ring her neck is a testament to how great she is!


I don’t know whether to keep watching or not because I want to throw up every time dr Smith gets away with something it is the literal worst feeling I have ever felt


That woman is very serpent-like. She's lithe, limber, and would rather lie down than stand. She leans on and embraces every object she stands near. She wraps herself around any object she touches with arms, legs, and torso. Reminds me of Ca in "The Jungle Book". Very patient, very slow, even mesmerizing, then ZAP! She strikes.
