Pilot Refuses to Land

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A recent trend that I have noticed is creating a very efficient but unsafe situation

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As a passenger on airplanes, the comment "it would have been tight" does not comfort me. Good for the pilot not taking unnecessary risks.


Delta pilot did the right thing and handled it brilliantly. Always remember, ATC isn't on the airplane.


My two cents, airline pilot here: As you said, controllers get very good at spacing out landings and departures. It's a source of pride. But sometimes, they cut it just a tad too close for comfort for the pilot, and when that happens, and the pilot goes around, it embarrasses them in front of the tower crew. I could hear the embarrassment in his voice.


I really love the calmness in the Delta pilot's voice when he announces he will go around


The land or go around judgement is the pilot’s alone, not the controller’s. No matter how long the controller’s been doing the job. If the controller can’t make enough space for the pilot to be comfortable landing, he has no basis to complain when he goes around. The pilot’s job is flight safety alone, not traffic management.


Yea, if something went wrong the pilot cant say "cuz the controller told me it would work". Controller is not the one going to take the heat for that


As a pilot, it's essential to remember that the final decision always lies with us, not with ATC. This fundamental principle is one of the first things we learn. While some ATC folks might get their egos bruised, that's not our concern.
I've encountered this attitude at places like LAX and Long Beach, where some ATC officers seem more focused on their authority. However, safety is paramount, and sometimes that means deciding to go around when it doesn't feel safe. This decision is never made lightly, nor is it about undermining ATC. It's about ensuring we all fly safely.
ATC is there to guide us, but the ultimate call is ours.


Delta pilot was absolutely cool. Didn’t sound shook or ticked off in any way. When asked why the go around, perfectly appropriate answer in a non accusatory tone in any way. Absolute pro pilot, no doubt. 👍🏻😎👍🏻


Class act on the part of the Delta pilots. I wish the controller had not made the unnecessary comment in the end. The fact that the controller said, “It would’ve been tight” is a red flag. I completely agree with Kelsey…when you’re operating in a tight environment, the slightest unexpected event could be catastrophic. Delta decided it wasn’t worth the risk. Good decision.


ATC: I do this everyday, Sir.
Pilot: I do this everyday too.


I used to know an air traffic controller at Newark Airport. He was also a great video game player, but he once told me, "The times that you LOSE a game always involve greed..., like when you go after a power-up you don't need."

He applied his gaming philosophy to his ATC decisions.


The controller was depending on the situation being the best case scenario. In case of any number of problems, the scenario could have gone bad on them. Kudos to the pilot.


Great video as always. Really appreciate the Delta pilot not clapping back at ATC. The subtext of just responding “we needed to go around” says it all.


As a passenger, I remind myself that the pilots want to land safely just as much as I do. Props to the Delta pilot for using his experience to keep all on board alive to fly another day. ATC needs to check his ego at the door.


I was on a plane that did a go-around for a different reason: wind sheer on the ground that made the pilot decide he wasn't on a good approach; he essentially told the tower their judgment of the wind wasn't correct as pertained to his plane.
But his explanation to us passengers was that he wanted to give us a more comfortable landing so he was going around to get a better angle. That made people relax, and most of us actually enjoyed the go-around because it gave a view of the snowy countryside and the light snow falling.


Thanks to all Pilots and Crews for keeping us safe!


"I do this all the time" is the sound of complacency. That's not part of safety culture.


ATC: "Looking good on radar!"

Plane: Has a giant octopus attached to the windshield.


Good to hear the communication between the two. Good explanation of why the go-around.
*** Pilot chose safety first ! That's always the right decision !


Bravo Delta pilot. Definitely, professional and makes perfect sense for the cargo which are people. Safety first always.
