Does collagen really work for better skin, hair and nails? Doctor weighs in with the SCIENCE

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Collagen supplements are the hot topic in the health and skincare industries, but does it ACTUALLY work to improve our hair, skin and nails? Dr. Karam is breaking down the topic of collagen, as well as giving his recommendations about using collagen supplements as a part of your health and skincare regimen. As we get older, beginning in our twenties, our bodies begin to slow down collagen production, which leads to aging not only in the skin, but throughout our bodies. The question Dr. Karam is addressing today is whether or not we can actually stimulate collagen production within our bodies.


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00:00 Collagen: Game Changer or Fad
02:40 What is Collagen
04:09 What happens to collagen during aging?
05:38 Benefits of Collagen
07:22 How is Collagen Made?
08:22 Ingesting Collagen
11:45 Alternatives to Collagen Supplements
13:57 Does taking collagen help you make collagen?
19:10 What do studies say about supplements?
20:44 Risks of collagen supplements
22:08 Does Dr. Karam recommend collagen supplements?

If you have any questions, let me know. I am always just a DM away!

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I’m 63, have been making bone broth and taking collagen for at least 4 years, consistently. My hair is darker, much coarser, and fuller. My nails are hard as rock. Skin wise, I look pretty good for my age, and think that hydration, sleep and aerobic exercise help too. Also, I have zero joint pain and I’m an open water swimmer. So at my age, that says something!


0:00: 🔬 Dr. Amir Karem discusses the topic of collagen supplements and its benefits and risks.
4:05: 🔑 Collagen plays a crucial role in various parts of our body and its production diminishes with age, leading to skin aging and other issues.
7:24: ✨ Collagen is a protein made up of amino acids, including glycine and proline, and requires Vitamin C, zinc, and copper for production. When ingested, collagen is broken down into individual amino acids that are used to build proteins in the body.
12:32: ✅ Collagen supplements can enhance collagen production, but getting the necessary amino acids and vitamins through diet is equally effective.
14:33: 💡 To stimulate collagen production in the skin, it is important to use topical active ingredients like retinoids and vitamin C, as well as undergo external injury procedures like chemical peels or laser treatments. Consistency is key in using these agents, and supplementing with collagen-building components in the diet can also be beneficial.
17:26: 🔬 Collagen supplements may have some benefits for skin hydration, fine lines and wrinkles, joint pain, and hair and nail growth, but more research is needed.
20:40: 🧪 Using collagen supplements can have benefits for skin, nails, joints, and hair, but it is important to choose a reputable brand and use as directed.
23:58: 💡 Understanding collagen and its role in skincare.
Recap by Tammy AI


As a research molecular biologist I like the fact that you cover some of the biology behind this and that there is some transparency. This also gives us enough information to help us go forward in the right direction to educate ourselves and then make informed decisions


I use a hydrolyzed bovine collagen powder by 'Great Lakes Wellness'. I put in 12 grams of powder, 2 scoops, into 3-4 ounces of orange juice, using a whisk- It may take 30 seconds or so- no big deal. One can purchase a frother too, for $ 7.00 - $12.00, but I like my mini whisk. There may be some undissolved particles, but I feel it goes down well.
I started with 3.5 scoops and now use what I mentioned, sometimes a little extra, every other day before eating my dinner. ( I also intermittent fast - eat 1 meal a day and anything extra within 4 hours). I just turned 53 & I noticed a change at age 48-50 in my skin. Beginning premenopausal stage... I only use SPF when the sun is shining and a moisturizer, usually makeup free, and sunglasses, even when the sun isn't out. I wash my face with a tea tree face soap nightly (Trader Joe's), and then use the same moisturizer, CeraVe, or thick Nivea cream, oils sometimes, and use that on my face down to my dècolletė and then just use cold water in the morning.
I have noticed that my skin has become nice and taut. It has also helped my joints, however, every other day when I'm not using the collagen powder, I take one tablespoon of omega 3 fish oil, also right before eating. I dread these days. That's my routine but I am going to start using microneedling for my nasolabial folds to see if that will make a difference, for how I feel that I would like changes, tretnoin, and exercising, depending on how I feel- long story. I would like to have toned arms & I have to do something to tone my legs around my knees.
I'm 5'8" and 67 kg. I don't smoke, drink occasionally, but I'm a sun worshiper in the summer months. ( sunscreen throughout the day, a large beach umbrella, and a small one, just for my upper body depending on how much sun I'd like or how hot it is. * That's it ladies. TMI - sorry, but I believe in women supporting women. Perhaps something will help someone, maybe not. I prefer more information in the comments section, rather than not enough details. Have a nice week ahead and enjoy the changes that you see with collagen powder plus other things!
One more thing - we shouldn't be so hard on how we age. So many men start growing facial hairas they age and so much is hidden. Being empathetic, truly, and a good person is so much more important. Support other women i.e., giving a true compliment; telling her that the tag of the back of the shirt needs to be tucked in, just a simple hello, or smile can make someone's day nicer, including yours. 😉


You are one of the very few MD who's advice I trust.
Thank you for your continued educational videos.


I’m 48 and I do take collagen supplements regularly the last 3 years and I definitely see myself having a better, brighter skin, thicker hair and stronger nails. I still don’t have wrinkles. But I must say, having a healthy lifestyle and taking collagen goes hand in hand. I exercise, I don’t smoke and don’t drink alcohol and just generally watch what I eat. It’s a continuous thing, I’m afraid.


I wish Dr. Amir was my Biochem professor. He so amazing how he explains everything and how he’s putting it to words so he can be easily understood. 👏


I like how your videos are so organized like a university lecture


You are so clear, concise, and enjoyable. Brilliant!


Your explanation is very clear. No sugar coating. Simple, yet very informative. I've been taking collagen supplements for quite some time now and I can see and feel good results. However, there are dermatologists in our country who perceive otherwise, hence discouraging. After watching this video, my thoughts on collagen supplements became clearer.
Thanks for doing this video. More power to your channel!


This is by FAR & AWAY the most complete video on YouTube about collagen and collagen supplementation - at least that I have found!! (And I follow a TON of doctors on here, so THANK YOU, Dr. Karam!
You did a phenomenal job explaining without getting too much in the weeds. Appreciate the sharing of knowledge and SO glad I found your channel because I love, love, LOVE science! Rock on & Teach on!


Excellent video! Amino acids are so important for our health. My grandmother had no wrinkles, she always enjoyed bone broth soup. Although some people may find it a little gross, she had chicken feet bone broth, in Mexico it was and still is a budget soup to make. I tried it myself, but I could never eat the feet, I only drank the soup. I also would make fish gelatin out of the scales of the fish when I was living in Mexico. We only do kosher/halal bone broths and gelatins because grandma's know best. My great grandfather had not one wrinkle in his face, he died in his 90's and he had a full set of hair, not to mention also no joint problems either. Shalom.


Dr. Karam, you are a wonderful teacher. You speak with honesty and such clarity that any individual can understand, but most importantly learn more about the body. Thank you for going above and beyond. I wish all doctors would teach and not just perform a procedure without the patient understanding what is actually happening. Knowledge is power. Thank you again! One day soon I will schedule an appointment with you. 🙏🏼


Great tutorial- full of factual info and no hype, delivered with an authentic style- thank you


You have made a real fan of your channel! I so enjoy your detailed explanation broken down in such a way as to be easily understandable by those if us who have no background in science or medicine. Really appreciate your generosity in sharing so much with us.


As always. A top conference. I would never want to miss your lectures. You bring such important, and easy to follow, insights of much needed knowledge regarding aging. And how to best approach that inevitable stage in our life. An ancient battle. Smiling. Thank you so much, Dr. Karam 💎


About 3 years my mother was in the hospital and almost died. She was dehydrated and had sepsis which caused her to be delusional and loss of memory. She also had a loss of appetite and was pretty much a lost cause. On top of pray I decided to put a fairly good dose of Hydrolyzed Collagen Bone Broth powder mixed in her drink. We noticed that she was gaining strength day by day. She also had to take a strong antibiotic. Thank God she got better and I continued to give her the Collagen in her coffee every day. That said in a matter of 3 months she was back her pain in the butt self. Also my mom nails grown the longest and strongest I've ever seen in my whole life time.


Ur literally the best doctor. You really understand what ur talking about, ur not selling us things, ur so knowledgeable. I just love ur videos.


I like how the thumbnail is so tacky, but when u open the video, it's full of good content and very educating..


I am so SO glad that despite my ignorance, I happened to start collagen supplements at the same time as retinol/peels by complete chance
