10 Most Confusing Scenes In Star Wars History

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So... Princess Leia is British now?
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The Millennium Falcon is a smuggler's ship. It is shielded against scans. That's why a team had to go inside to scan it.


All of Rise of Skywalker is a confusing Star Wars scene.


The last one does make sense. He wasn't born in Mandalore, he was born on Aq Vetina. He was brought into the children of the watch at the end of the clone wars. The children of the watch are a cult, not traditional mandalorians. They like never told him of Bo Katan and the traditions of modern mandalorians


I mean the Leia being British one is easy? It's probably how she's been taught to speak formally, she's in her negotiation voice... Until the other side blow her planet up, at which point why even keep up the facade?


The thing is, the empire DID scan the Millennium Falcon. It’s just that the hiding spot the heroes used was scanner-proof.


They don't specifically say they scan the escape pod. They say it doesn't have any life forms. Being an escape pod, I assumed it broadcast the status of any life forms on board, in case they were incapacitated, or dead. Then you wouldn't have to worry about what sort of ship found the pod, and you wouldn't waste more personnel/ships going after empty pods, or ones full of corpses.


I find myself unconsciously "Going British" when talking to someone from the kingdom. For me it's a combination of doing impressions since childhood, watching too much Benny Hill, and Derek & Clive records.


The two that jump in my mind are in Rise of Skywalker, 1 how that ship was untouched for years ....and still worked, 2 is having to stand in the perfect position for the sith dagger.


Another one (sort of) the creatures on Han's ship that were set free in TFA never hesitate to kill until one of them grabs Fin. Did the creature suddenly decide to take a break and slow down when eating? 🤷🏻‍♂️


"I don't believe in the Force, but a few times in my life I've seen things, things I can't explain. "And I've come to believe it's not so much what you believe, it's how hard you believe it." Hann Solo 35 ABY


In regards to Force Ghost remember what Obi-Wan told Vader, "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


Han Solo tells Luke, "May the Force be with you." Calm down.


Nah I don’t remember the exact numbers but if look at the stats of how many beings could’ve lived in the Star Wars galaxy vs the amount of Jedi even while the Jedi were at the height of their power statistically it would be easy for most beings to never see one or even hear more than in mythical sounding tales.

Also for Han Solo himself most of his life was after the Empire took over and through propaganda Palpatine really did the best he could to get people to forget the Jedi and the force.


How intimidating could Cushing be?!? He was doing that scene in his slippers for heavens sake, and he was from all accounts one of the most likeable and generous men alive!


Princess Leia was an aristocrat of her world. Her speech would have reflected proper forms until she jumped into pleading and dropping it altogether when she full on started "slumming it" and joined the core rebellion, (my take). Hyperspace is a fickle thing, "short skips" are apparently harder to track than long jumps and would also compute FAR faster as they have fewer stellar bodies and gravitational objects to account for, as such a "short skip" might be as easy as mashing a couple buttons, waiting a half second then throwing the lever.


10. The ship is designed to be operated by a monkey in a gorilla suit. 9. Solo is being a jerk. 8. Leia being of high class would have to fake her speech to sound proper and when the order was giving, she dropped her fake accent. 7. Nothing says that the computer cannot compute a route. 6. He rolled. 5. Why must everything be explained on screen for it to work? 4. C3P was connected so he could not feel that limb unlike the GONK droid. 3. It used to smuggler's vessel meaning it goes out it way to hide what is on board. 2. Who knows what kind of defenses the Empire puts around the laser gate. 1. Just because you heard of someone or know what kind of armor, they wear doesn't mean that they are not fakes.


I never understood what happened to Vader’s shots at Luke when he had him zero’d in and said, “I have you now” and fired.

Vader fires at Luke BEFORE Han shoots the tie next to Vader. How did Vader miss?


Confusing (annoying) things about WhatCulture. A British channel that speaks with a British accent, but pronounces words such a “lever” the American way.


4:34 The light speed skipping actually wasn’t the issue. The real tragedy was the random soldiers knowing how to do it AND precisely follow them through a light speed skip


Button push by Padme is simply a prop...and only one working button on the control that can be pressed that will light up.
