Brachial Plexus, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, TMJ, Tension Headache Relief | SMR

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I’ve moved on from Mobility Mastery (self fascia release) in order to focus on teaching Kinetix, my method of root cause discovery for pain and dis-ease that involves partner fascia release as a “diagnostics” (and regeneration) tool. Kinetix is a complete scientific methodology that I teach to friends, partners and professionals alike inside The Kinetix Academy.

My other primary focus will be the launch and growth of a new podcast and Substack community called The Human Freedom Project.


Sometime in 2023 I will return to YouTube with HFP podcast episodes and content created to help you know and understand yourself as a whole organism made of body, soul and spirit. This content will feature the Kinetix methodology, pain science, fascia secrets I’ve learned from 15+ years in private practice, neuroscience and evolving beyond the brain, trauma and the body, and more! I’m excited to go on this new adventure with you.

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Why release this part of your neck?

If you look down at a phone or computer a lot, then the tissue in this part of your neck is undoubtedly getting dense and shortened. So even if you don’t have the pain issues listed below, you might be experiencing text neck or forward head posture as a result of all the tightness.

This alone causes a huge strain on your cervical spine (in the back), and if left untreated can lead to pain that would otherwise be avoidable by releasing this part of your neck regularly.

A lot of anterior neck muscles converge just above the clavicle, making this part of your body more susceptible to fascial adhesions, fascial restrictions and density. Muscle junctions tend to get the most gluey/sticky and adhesed, and there are a lot of muscles here: scalenes, traps, omohyoid, levator scapula and platisma.

The brachial plexus lives here, connecting nerve pathways between the arm, spine and brain.

Nerve impingement in and around the brachial plexus could cause all kinds of issues, like arms falling asleep, weak grip, shooting pain down the arm or into the upper shoulders or shoulder blade.

When this area is really tight (the fascia has become dehydrated and is sticking to itself, causing areas of density to form), it can block blood flow to the arms and cause a decrease in blood circulation back to the heart from the arms (venous return). This, in turn, can cause a decrease in blood circulation to the eyes and brain.

Tissue restriction in this area can cause shoulder pain, neck pain, TMJ or jaw pain, tension headaches, arm pain and middle back pain.

Please be careful releasing this area, since it is so rich in nerves.

Follow along with the video for full instructions, and share your results in the comments section below!

Thanks for watching! 😊

Keywords: neck pain, neck pain relief, TMJ, jaw pain relief, tension headache, tension headache relief, tension headaches, shoulder pain, arm pain, arms falling asleep, tingling arms, weak grip, brachial plexus, venous return, blood circulation, improve blood circulation, fascia, fascia release, smr, myofascial release, self myofascial release, vertigo, dizziness, physical therapy

DISCLAIMER: some links shared on this channel are affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) when you buy through my links. Thanks for supporting my channel!

The contents of this video are for educational purposes only and not to be taken as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please consult your doctor.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for your expert advice. Three days of not sleeping because of nerve pain that radiated to my ear, eyes, behind my head and my neck was gone after I did with what you suggested. Your directions were excellent. Within a minute I was my normal self and made the most wonderful easter dinner for my family. Thank you so much. I will be forever grateful ❤


I have young onset Parkinson's and appreciate this. Overuse of my good side is causing myofascial pain and tightness. I'm seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist for hip tightness, myofascial constriction, and SI joint disfunction, but I'm experiencing even worse myofascial pain in my left shoulder, trap, and arm. I will be implementing this into my daily PT exercises. Thank you.


You are a magician! Now I do not fear getting older anymore, because of the wonderful things you teach us in order to reverse a situation !I hurt myself and immediately thought Elisha must have something for this issue. And once more, it was the case. And I can already see the effect. Thank a lot!


This is helping so much it's unreal, I could cry. Far more effective than just stretching the scalenes for my jaw pain and cervical nerve pain


Wow. What a wonderful treatment. I’ll stay with it for as long of a time as I can. I immediately began to cry. There’s a lot of sadness here. You are a treasure!


Love this :) I remember one day when driving bk home from work I started massaging my trap area on the right side as its always really tight there and my vision became really clear in my right eye and seems to be the case now everytime I do it. I'm convinced if I get into a routine and do it more regularly it will permanently stay like that.


WOW! Thank you so much ❤ Instantly felt a release of tension.


Oh my god I’ve been struggling with pain for literally years in my neck and nothing has helped but I felt this straight away thank you SO much 😮😊


Yay, it does work. I've been having bad tmj or jaw pain for the past several days and this technique really did alleviate the pain so much. Thank you thank you!!


this has helped with just this 1st time trying it


For the past few days I have been intuitively pushing the ropy area here and moving my arm! The tingling and clunking as I moved today was incredible. Thank you so much for your clear explanation and easy to implement ideas.


I love you. You are so clever. This method works. I used to do them. Then I forgot. Saw ur video and did them again. Excellent results after just a few minutes of pressing here and there and moving my arms and head. No specific moves. Just what feels right. And soooo effective. ❤


Try the same technique while taking 30 deep breaths on every tense spot ( deep because you wanna fill your lungs 🫁 till the apex of your lung is full and pushes your fingers out, so this will give you double the relief) also tilt your head to the opposite side to really try to break the nerve free from adhesions 👌🏻.


This feels amazing! I've been targeting that triangle with a hand massage but didn't know how to loosen the connective muscle, but the arm movement was the key!


I can’t thank enough .This is a miracle !!!❤


what a wonderful release of the annoying and painful issue i had going on with my right shoulder and neck area thanks so much


This technique is amazing! It helped my neck and upper back pain! Thank you! 😊


Love this!
Any form of fascia release that can be done by oneself is AWESOME information ❤


Thanks so much! I just released a major cause of tension in my neck using this technique and it feels amazing ❤


This is awesome! Instant relief! Thanks
