Is Perpetual Motion Possible?

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This video looks at the concept of perpetual motion, examines some devices that have been called perpetual motion machines, and explores how certain terminology may actually be holding back progress.
Terms like Overunity, Closed Loop System, and Free Energy.

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the fundemental problem with these kinds of devices is getting USABLE energy out of them for extended periods of time. you can set up a closed system that has spinning clockwork with super-high internal efficiency, but as soon as you try to power something else, you extract the energy from the system and it slows down.


Love your video. You have definitely been studying the right ideas. I worked with John Bedini in 2004 and helped build the "10 coil machine" you show in your video. I also wrote the Bedini SG Handbook series to teach people how to build his devices. Totally real. Totally amazing! One topic you didn't cover here is tapping centrifugal force as a force multiplier in a machine. Take a look at the work of Veljko Milkovic in Serbia. He has a "mechanical amplifier" that evolves new work by creating an oscillation between gravity and centrifugal force. Tapping the "wheel-work of Nature" to power our machines is moving forward. Thanks for helping a new generation of people understand these ideas in their proper, historical context!!!


a GREAT video that must have taken a LOT of research and time to put together. Thank you for igniting my imagination to the possibilities.


What! You are a philosopher dude. This is a video-essay. An essay not on paper .. but video. A documentary perhaps? Semantics are irrelevant. This is quality work. Thank you for putting your thoughts, ideas and life experiences in a new thought provoking video. I like it. Thank you. Blessings & Warm Regards :)


I just found this channel. This is a great channel. I've been working on similar concepts for year. I've been a lone wolf in this area. Not know there were others sharing the same philosophy. Thank you very much. I've subscribed to this channel and set my notifications.


Watchmakers, horology nuts, and clock makers have been making perpetual machines for along time. There are many clocks in Switzerland that work with temperature variations of less than half a degree...others that use light and batteries.

If someone made a zero point energy machine, it would still not be a closed loop. That is not possible so far as I know, so Adam Savage would still shit on it.


It's really refreshing to hear and see your work and point of view about what the research should be, not limiting oneself to the idea of whether something is possible or impossible but rather try and research with an open mind, this way of thinking and experimentation is likely to lead us into more efficient mechanics and more efficient energy conversion devices.

Great stuff, thanks for sharing.


Brother I've been following your work for a long time, your work saved me time and a lot of effort. I'm also trying to make a similar kind of machine. I devoted nearly 7 years of my time for this thing and got a bit of experience in them. I got a design in mind it will definitely work. If we both put our combined efforts into this we can achieve what u have been working for.


The real problem is that whenever you would like to extract real usable energy from those devices, it will slow and eventually stop the device because of the added drag. So even if they would ever come close to keep moving without ever stoping, the simple fact of the matter is that you can never get them to power other appliances. The laws of thermodynamics are hard to topple, I don't believe they ever will.. That doesn't mean we cannot overcome the energy crisis, I do believe technology is reaching a point where we will be able to meet our energy needs in a sustainable way.


Everything’s impossible until someone finds a way to do it.


I love your view of the world and communication. Arguments about perception and opinion are our biggest hindrance in my opinion.


You make an extremely valid point that I've always wanted to address, yet time and again, it's overlooked. It seems ridiculous to ignore these innovative and effective mechanisms, simply because they are not strictly perpetual motion. I wholeheartedly agree, it deflects from their true effectiveness and demands further research.


This is the best video to date regarding perpetual motion .
The sound waves coming out of all the critic’s mouths on any self moving thing attempt are perpetual forces back to the Stone Age.


I invented and built a perpetual motion machine. It ran for a few months and it got broken as I always move on to other projects and don't really have any interest in helping other people.
It is scalable doesnt need light, heat, a vacuum, inertia or winding.
Its an overbalance machine, but not with any liquids being poured or balls rolling.
I did it... good day to you all.🎉


The Searl Effect Generator should have been number one on your list of proven devices that are decades old and highly capable.


I completely agree! I loved this video, keep it up!


A magnet moving over a coil of wire ( copper, aluminum, silver, or gold ) will create a small current. This current could be captured by a battery and then be used to energize an electro magnet for a little boost in power.


Thank you. You've presented the most rational assessment on this topic that I've ever seen. Great job!


What end did your SMOT devices from 2020 take? I built some of my own a few years ago, having a steel ball going up a ramp and falling back down, but never "closed the loop" so I thought it would not be possible to close it but you seemed to have succeeded in moving the sphere along a path while having it end at a position with position with the same height as the one it started out from. I never managed that. Did you not continue updating it?

If I am not confused it was only a matter of getting more repetitions of magnetic systems along a much longer path, so that, with a minute incremental curve to one side, you could make a large circuit that was successful in closing.


I'm so glad you mentioned this jargon that diminishes "Really Efficient Design's." ~we live in a Universe surrounded by the Natural world. So why is it a bad thing to discover ways to HARNESS OUR SURROUNDINGS with efficient creations. So what it doesn't "create its own closed energy, or last forever, literally." ~i feel like people have been really missing the point.
