Why We Want a Perpetual Motion Machine, But Still Can’t Get It

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A machine that can run for eternity is exactly what we need...if only it could exist. A perpetual motion machine is impossible, here's why.

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An Analysis of A Perpetual Motion Machine
"Like most perpetual motion machines, the explanation can be a little complicated. Now let me show a couple of reasons why this method doesn't work. First, there is a problem with the claim that the rod doesn't push as hard on the top arm (c). Why? Because those two pieces don't even touch. Here is a screen shot during the rotational motion"

Science Explained: The Physics of Perpetual Motion Machines
"If you aren’t aware, the Big Freeze is the theoretical end of, well, everything. It is the point at which the universe has expanded so much that it reaches a state of zero thermodynamic free energy. In other words, it is the point at which the cosmos, as a whole, will be unable to sustain motion. All of spacetime will be at absolute zero (the coldest known temperature, where all movement stops)"

The Shifting-Mass Overbalanced Wheel. Why it isn't perpetual motion.
"From the 8th century to the present time inventors have sought to achieve perpetual motion by use of wheels with shifting weights. None have worked, but that doesn't stop people from using the same idea again and again, altering mechanical details, often with incredibly complex designs. I call this "reinventing the square wheel"."


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Рекомендации по теме

Real Reason Why we want a Perpetual Motion Machine: Cool thing to keep on the desk.


4:05 The Patent Office gets too many applications for these?
People who try to invent perpetual motion machines... they never stop.


"...are as fake as my girlfriend's laughs at my jokes"

I can see why.


Homer Simpson: This perpetual motion machine she made today is a joke. It just keeps going faster and faster.
Lisa, get in here. In this house we obey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!


"The first law of thermodynamics is you don't talk about Lmaoo @2:45


"Fake as my girlfriend laughing at my jokes"
oh, I see what it is..

This is unrealistic, it is physically impossible to get a girlfriend.


Don't say anything about his ears

*he will hear you*


I used the overbalanced wheel wheel as my science project in 3rd grade. The point was to prove it dosen't work.
I think what gets missed though is that, even though these designs aren't perpetual, some of them were fairly efficient in being able to continually produce energy over the short time or were able to keep producing energy if given a little kick every now and then. Tech that was laughed out of existance or exposed as fraudulent perpetual motion may have been, in some cases, good mechanical batteries. However, with the focus and claims being on perpetual motion, other imagnative an potentially useful applications of the technology were missed. Although maybe not as efficient (or are they?) as current battery technology, building one may be more within the means of someone in need, and a given contraption may prove good enough to provide suficient energy to get by until the sun comes up or the winds blow or the rivers flood or you hand crank it to reset the thing. That's worth taking another look at.


*_We want perpetual machines but can't get it well (because of)_*

*P H Y S I C S*


isn't the universe itself something from nothing?
seems like all we need to do is make another big bang somewhere?


Put Vans on a cat's back, problem solved


Input: weight
Output: string

1200% efficient


you can't completely shut out the idea, there are still a few opportunities like what you said something out of nothing goes to the concept of zero point energy, and we don't know everything so it is still a possibility


you forgot about taping a piece of toast with butter and a cat together


I understand why people being cheated by fake videos, because not everyone study science.


We have to be more innovative with energy. For example, make a perpetual motion machine that will run for 100+ years using magnets and replacing the magnets when they no longer work.


Even assuming there was ZERO friction machine, wouldn't EM radiation alter it's movement bc it carries some level of mass (even though it's a particle)?


Thanks seeker. Nicely explained but would have been nice to include YouTube examples that are pretty convincing; they don't necessarily claim to be fully perpetual but certainly show energy producing potential... please?


As a conceptual triumph, a _truly_ perpetual motion device is a fine dream which to inspire invention via trial and error. As a *standard* for possible sources of renewable energy, it’s a useless-ass “Who’s is Bigger” contest.

I say Close Enough is Good Enough!
Throw money at it, mass produce it, get it out there and produce some damn energy already!


You don't need perpetual motion machine if you have a device that can pull in zero point energy .
