GoPro Hero 10 vs Hero 3+ | What Changed in EIGHT Years?

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GoPro Hero series has come a long way. With the Hero 10 Black coming out for the holiday season, it is the perfect time to compare it to... a Hero 3 Plus. Obviously the 10 Black is better than the 3+ in every way from frame rate to resolution. It has cleaner picture, higher resolution, more dynamic range, but more importantly, it comes with great stabilization, and is way-way easier to use.

But considered that the Hero 3+ is almost a decade old, I have to give GoPro credits of how usable it is in 2021. If you just need a cheap action cam that you can toss around or beat it up or even potentially losing it, the Hero 3+ might be a great affordable choice for you because it's about a tenth of the price of a new Hero 10 on the used market now.

Thanks Jason and Jerry for helping with filming and testing.



0:00 Intro
1:33 Image Quality
4:20 Stabilization
6:07 Usability & User Interface
7:43 Conclusion
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Just got the hero 3+ with a ton of different mounts and straps and a 64gb sd card for $38 used! All I need is for it shoot 1080p 60fps, so for the price its nice having a still very solid camera, can shoot anywhere, very compact and rugged by design. I got a good deal on it, but I still see old gopros going for way to much imo. I got lucky and the listing said it was a gopro hero 3 but the pictures showed it was actually a 3+ which is a fairly large upgrade, and it came included with every mount you could ever need


I was a professional fotografer for a long time. Whenever I showed an impressive foto, back in the days, people were asking: Oh; what camera and which lens did you use? I mentioned a brand, and they concluded it would be worth to buy that. But the best fotos in this world are done with unknown cameras!


I was at a flea market and saw a GoPro Hero 3+ with all sorts of accessories. It was sold for €50 (I'm in Germany). I took her with me and don't regret anything. I think the quality of the videos is sufficient. This is my first action cam. Included was a bag, many other parts and also the original screen. That really is a difference. The software may seem outdated, but it is still quite user-friendly. This is of great use for my Rc hobby. I enjoyed your video :)


I own Hero 7 and the stabilization capability is already really awesome comparing with its previous generations. Went on a trip without the need of using gimbal or any form or stabilizing tool. Not to mention that Hero 10 enhanced it even more! Great comparison!


Gopro for "standard" users still goooodddd🥰 I have a Gopro 3+ Silver in perfect condition and I bought new original covers + another battery + charger 2 batteries + touch screen and other accessories🤫 Can be used as PC camera
and is 100 times better, sharper than original PC cameras👍


Still have a gopro hero 3 black edition... Will be taking it for my bike trio soon. I'm sure ot will do the job! Nice video though 👌🏻


Thank you Albert for such a detailed and informative comparison!


Very good video! All of my youtube videos up untill now have been shot with a hero 4 silver & black. They're great and today pretty affordable for what you get, but since I film by the Ocean alot I think it's becoming more essential that I have a completely water resistant gopro, especially since an octopus opened my waterproof case and flooded my last hero 4... so I'm upgrading


Great comparison video!!! I have a 3+ and was considering a 10 this has convinced me that I would upgrade to the 10.


Great video.
I have the 3+ BE and finally upgraded to the MAX today.


The comparison of image quality proves, that you can’t change physics. If the sensor size does not change, IQ won’t change either. But if you change sensor size the optics have to be changed accordingly, what would result in a bigger camera size too.
Of course image stabilization improves without drastically increased size.


The reason am interested in this comparison is because i just bought the the Roland WEARpro mic (Discontinued) it records 3D sound onto the Hero3+ With the Mini USB . The latest GoPro is USB c so not sure. To be honest apart from stability the hero 3 looks great. I have the 7 and now 10. But its a real hassle to record what i want with them the Media mod i bought doesn’t help. On the 10 meaning


I've found out what I needed to here thank you so much 🤛


Хоть и пишу этот коммент на русском, но думаю это лучший видос и сравнение которое я видел 👍 Жаль что не было сравнения на мотоцикле так как мне это очень важно)


GoPro is overdue for a lowlight upgrade. The issues they present in low light conditions are almost identical considering the age gap. Still a problem in the 11.


Go pay your friend back, He will say you don't have to. But you do!


And the question is - if the 10-th is broken and the 3-rd is broken - which is easier to repair?)


Jeez. I just realized I've been using the hero 3 plus black edition for 10 years

Edit. I even got into a bad crash 5 years ago and it sat out in the Texas summer sun for 2 weeks before I found it


I also have the GoPro 3+ ,it was wonderful that Time


3+ was my last purchased action cam now in 2024 im diggin the lower priced 10's vs. The 12.
