Is This What The Bible Says About Homosexuality?

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The story of Sodom and Gomorrah emphasizing hospitality is quite similar to the Greek emphasis on sacred hospitality.


It's so good to see if someone that is actually learned in the subject speaks so well about it. I often try to save these things but have trouble finding the words to make it easily understandable for people thank you for this.


Another excellent explainer in the can. These creators who conflate and distort Scripture remind me of a spelling bee joke I like to use here & there. It goes like this.

You are in the final round of a spelling bee and if you can spell the word “fascinate” and then use it in a complete sentence, you win. So, you say “F-A-S-C-I-N-A-T-E, fascinate.” But when you go to use it in a sentence, you say, “My sweater has nine buttons but I can only fasten eight.”

Sounds right, but it is all kinds of wrong. There seems to be a bizarre conflation of the terms homosexuality, sodomy, and pedophilia. They are fundamentally different things, but I find that folks who think they are the same thing cannot tolerate a dictionary or the history behind the terms.


I always love how people like this "pastor" can obsess over homosexuality, yet NEVER talk about (say) Matthew 25:32-46 and our obligation to the poor, the sick, and the marginalized, when Christ (who never addressed the issue of homosexuality) considered concern for The Least of These so important that He declared that anyone who did not make that a priority were NOT doing for Him, and would go to their "eternal punishment". And yet people like this guy support politicians who consistently vote against bills that would benefit the poor and needy, and actively seek to cut social programs that are essential to them. Not to mention that a number of those politicians are adulterers, idolators, racists, and pathological liars, and "good Christians" like this totally ignore THOSE sins, and do not condemn THEM.


I'm a homosexual christian, and trust only in my saviour Jesus Christ to redeem me from this decayed body of sin, which power was defeated by Him on the cross (Romans) and death, He defeated via his resurrection (also Romans). Seeing your explanatory of the real problems addressed on the scriptures refreshes my mind, because the church should really stop immediately to seek to destroy the faith of others. Sometimes it sadens my heart to tears that the community who should embrace those who are true believers with the same love that Jesus displayed on the cross, instead ejects them out and put them in a bond of either despair or to seeking false teachers that will embrace them with even more deception. Thank you for the clarity in your explanation! And thanks God for the Holy Spirit that gives discernment and helps those who belong to Him.


Thank you for clarifying the meaning of these passages, Dan


Thank you for your breakdown of those verses Dan! It's sure good to hear a different perspective on this area. I just feel so confused on the whole issue, especially when it comes to reconciling certain religious beliefs with a contemporary understanding of sexuality. I don't know what to make of the testimonies of people who claim that they have been ‘delivered’ from homosexuality? I’ve stumbled across testimonies of people who say that after repenting from their former ‘lifestyles’ and accepting Jesus, they have been delivered from same-sex attraction. These stories don’t seem to resemble what we would associate with ‘conversion therapy’ in a traditional sense, but rather an experience that involves some purported supernatural intervention. Some even describe being released from ‘demonic oppression’ and will sometimes talk about various physiological changes in the body as part of their experience.
I genuinely don’t know what to make of any of this.
It’s absolutely clear that a lot of people have experienced their lives improving after finally coming to terms with their sexuality - no longer repressing an important part of who they are. I don’t deny this.
But in some evangelical communities on YouTube, you will similarly scroll through the comments and see tons of people saying that their lives are radically better after turning away from homosexuality and accepting Jesus.
I genuinely don’t know what to make of this discrepancy between people who find liberation and elation when embracing their sexuality, and those who find the same so called ‘freedom’ rejecting it. What do you make of this?

Quick disclaimer, I don’t mean to suggest that I understand or support any of this. I am genuinely curious as to how we might interpret such anecdotes. I don’t want to rely solely on explanations from evangelical echo-chambers where everyone views homosexuality as sin. I also don't want to deny anyone's experience - whether that be embracing their sexuality or supposedly turning away from it. Your honest thoughts on this would be most helpful


Apologist: God said...
Thinker: No, no, stop right there. Man said that god said.


Wow....first sentence of this guy and he's already off to a bad start :/ good work as always, Dan ❤


It just seems so very important to them. Why don't they spend that energy on something really important? Like the poor, the needy, the abused, the starving, the homeless. Perhaps they are the Sodomites.


Please keep them coming Dan! There is so much ignorance in Christianity today and this type of discourse is our only hope of ever freeing mankind from this destructive belief system.


Thank you for this video!
Light and truth forever.


Thanks for this. Really appreciate all the videos you do on homosexuality in the bible, because it is so widely misunderstood.


5:37 - a tip from someone who has converted social conservatives: "against nature" almost NEVER means it "doesn't occur" in nature. People use it to describe the _telos_ of nature: how things are "meant" to function. Disagreement is thus about what the "function" is, and what will thus invite catastrophe by deviating too far from the correct path. Moral intuition and folk wisdom (as in Greek, Jewish, Taoist, and Buddhist thought) often holds that Nature is built on a cosmic template, that "Order" has a certain structure, and that moral life is living in accordance with that intended order. An extreme example: Interspecies sex also exists "in nature, " yet most would still say it's "against nature" for moral beings nonetheless.


Another point is that Lot's objection was not to the sex, it was that the men (he didn't know yet they were angels) were under his protection. We clearly see what the concern was. And wasn't.


I mostly agree with you, but feel it is important to distinguish between very different uses of the word "nature." When speaking of a crime against nature people are relying on an older sense from ancient Greek (especially Stoic) philosophy, where Nature did not have to do with the natural environmental animal world but with a teleological understanding of the nature of man as a rational being.


On this point, myself and others disagree.
While Lev 18 addresses impure acts, a close reading of the Hebrew indicates a non-conesntual relationship in 18:18.

It is not that one man shall not lay with another; Rather, a man shall not lay within the bed of another man.


You are one of the best latest discoveries in Youtube (yes, Im a millenial who doesnt use TikTok hahahah)


So, based on 4:00-5:20 it sounds, to me, as a queer person that per the laws of Leviticus.. there's not much wiggle room here. I've typically seen progressive Christians (including myself) argue this is referring to incest, cultic prostitution or rape...but that doesn't sound like what it's referring to. I'm glad I see the Bible neither as inerrant or inspired, because this verse js very much a stumbling block to me.


@maklelan As a gay man I am constantly thrilled by your explanations. If all of this is the case then the passages before Ezekiel 16:1-49 are admonitions against Jerusalem for becoming like a prostitute even as God had helped Jerusalem. All of the language must then be about how Jerusalem acted with their neighbors.
If I’m correct are the admonitions about actual child sacrifices Ezekiel 16:20 ? OR about economic exploitation?
