Helldivers 2 – I Tested EVERY New Item in the New Chemical Agents Warbond

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I've tested everything that came out on today's "Chemical Agents" Warbond, so let's talk about it


0:00 Intro
0:18 About The Warbond
0:42 How Gas Works (Important)
3:14 Gas Grenade
3:59 Sterilizer
6:45 Guard Dog "Dog Breath"
7:57 Stim Pistol
8:45 Armor Sets
9:27 Overall Thoughts (Conclusion)

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Making your allies think you're griefing them while using the stim pistol is totally in full Helldivers fashion and I love it.


3:06 that guy killed himself by shooting your shield lol


We making the Geneva convention a geneva suggestion


They could change this weapon a tad instead perhaps make it reduce/"melt"enemy armor so they become vulnerable to lesser weapons. Like making a hulk possibly vulnerable to medium or even light armor pen weapons if sprayed long enough.

Could still be supporty while not overly killy.


A buff that would make the sterilizer much better would be making it create gas clouds that linger for a long period of time. Longer than flames


I really love the uniqueness of this warbond, feels like a very good support warbond and im all for that diversity


"Dont use the armour unless your running into gas or your teammates have it" he says to drip divers


That chemical thrower and flamethrower together would be vicious


Very happy to see more uploads from you man.


YOU UNLOCKED EVERYTHING? Man, you must have missed HD2 a lot lol.


I haven’t unlocked the sterilizer yet, but that is exactly what I thought it would be like. I have no idea why they didn’t make it a gas grenade launcher so you could have some range.


ngl while everyone is rocking with the thermite, i'm having extreme fun with the fart bomb aka gas grenade. It is like a stun grenade with DOT. I can use it to crowd control while burning them with my torcher...plus i can bully enemies especially chargers with the sterilizer+torcher swaping combo
And also the Orbital Napalm and Orbital Gas on breaches just adding the 'Icing on the Cake'

im enjoying too much with this warbond as a war criminal 💀


Gas build is actually super fun, it just requires different approach than other builds and the result is a very unique and unusual gameplay. You need to consider gas clouds as your “safe zones” and use it to infiltrate enemies and destroy them from the inside of their groups. Let the enemies surround you, throw either gas grenade or orbital gas under your feet, reposition yourself a little bit from the middle of action to a safer spot of the cloud and enjoy cooking them all with the flamethrower while they are going crazy and killing each other. If you time gas grenade-orbital gas-gas grenade combo you can actually handle multiple bug breaches at once and give yourself a pretty big window to cook all of medium and heavy enemies while the small ones are just dying from the gas.
The downside of this is that you will always stand in the way of your teammates shots and stratagems as you really want to get inside the enemy crowd to make it work, so this is more like a “one man army” strategy than something team based. But I really suggest trying it as it gives completely unique emotions.


The sterilizer does have a long mag and becomes a lot better with Peak Physique armour + Eruptor. Quickly spray some gas to group up enemies and blast away. Not the best for solo play, but at least it's usable.


bro gas+flame=explosion physics would be


I recommend trying it on bots, its absolutely insane the way they lock up and how kuch damage they take


I've been enjoying running the gas grenades along with the flame thrower. That's a pretty effective combo on bugs. I'm not a fan of the others. The sprayer doesn't have an effect that lingers long enough and does almost no damage and the guard dog focuses one enemy and follows it rather than spreading the gas so it's not great on crowds. It can bully a lone charger though.


It would be cool if gas and fire had a combination, for example, that if you mixed it both it explodes like in the finals


I think the sterilizer’s gas should get a buff where the gas either lingers around longer or the gas effects last longer. Some kind of compensation since it’s the only gas option that requires you to get up close to the enemy.


I’d like to mention something about the sterilizer: It is NOT meant for dps. It is meant for crowd control and DAMAGE OVER TIME. If you take the sterilizer with the thought process of “Gas flamethrower” you’re going to be disappointed. You want to change targets as soon as the gas status is applied to an enemy and keep applying it to spread as much confusion and damage over time as possible.

Dog Breath is good for keeping the DoT and confusion on enemies automatically, but again: NOT A DAMAGE STRATAGEM.

And the Stim pistol is designed to be a support tool exclusively. However, because of griefers, people are conditioned to kill whoever shoots at them. My advice? TELL THEM IT IS A STIM PISTOL BEFORE YOU SHOOT! Is it really that hard to type “stim gun”?

This entire warbond is very support-focused. Which I think is good. We don’t really have many options to help other players outside of the backpacks for resupply or reload and the occasional stim share. I like the warbond.
